Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Heya everyone. What’s up? I hope everything is going fine fine fine for all of you…


  • HAD is still in first in the MML. I think its gonna pretty much stay that way, but it’d be nice if you all at least helped out in the last one or two scenarios (if you haven’t already). E-mail Sabe with your ideas.

  • Cooch has become our PCON!!! So right now Sabe is acting as QUA and applications for QUA are being taken.

  • DG needs a new motto. Think of one or I’ll make Sunrider do it. Then you’ll have to hear him bitch and moan even more. Heheh…if enough of you do, maybe we can vote on it.

XO's Corner

Greetings members of Dragon Guard, I won't go on like I did last week so just a few things.

This week I realized that postin' on a MB was actually not as bad as it seems so I suggest you all should try it.

And last thing, we Krath have the biggest influence on CSP's IRC channel, but what would be even better is if we could get more of HAD's members on IRC (Internet Relay Channels) if any of you need to know how to get on IRC, email me and i'll be more then willin' to tell ya.

'Nuff said for NOW

PRT Sunrider (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae


  • Krath Monthly Topic for November – “The Initiation” – you have a month to get it to Mai and Ciara!

  • Check out all our MBs for run-ons and fun posting…just don’t get out of control. I’ve noticed a few of ya posting lately. Good job, keep it up and those of you that don’t even LOOK at the MB, follow in the foot steps of your fellow DGers.

  • MML – read the newest scenario and e-mail Sabe with ideas ASAP!

  • If you’re any good at html or building websites, let me know!!! I keep trying to improve ours, but it never works!

  • DG…motto…think…make it cool….

Am I DONE?!? I’ve never talked so little in my life…ok, you guys must’ve lucked out this week.

~ Cym

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