Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

PRT Murkrow Defneder reporting for Hammerhead Battleteam for the week of 12/11/01

Sorry this is late but since the squadron was a bit disorganised and I was busy, I didn't get around to doing it last night:< Now , on to the report

*MD was sitting at his desk as he gets a mesage that Corsair is on the prowel again. He sounds the monkey scramble alarm and imediatly an army of monkeys backed by small fighters and headed by MD burst into the hall to meat teh forces of Corsair. A lone pilot(the new guy, DJK Corran Horn) jumps into the hall way, still not used to the diference between the actual squadron siren and MDs monkey sirens. As the armys start to fire on each other the poor pilot is caught in teh deadly crossfire.

 After a few minutes the battle is over and MD walks over to the pilot, crouching on the floor covered in silly strink and other pranking weapons. "Well for making you go through that I am promoting you to FL of flight 3. Congratulations pilot"* FL 3 apointment storry(unofficial version:P)  


Ok, I have apointed PRT Face Loran and DJK Corran Horn as FLs so every one, check what flight you are in and REPORT TO THEM!

Because of alot of admin and stuff that I am having to get used to on top of my nowmal high level of flying, I have not been able to update the wing web page yet but I will have it updated next week or you can prank me silly:P

QUA Striker is on emergancy leave so send pilot files to me, Sickman and Proton.

We have 2 new member, so every please welcome DJK Corran Horn and SBM Jondaar Domi. Drinks are on them:P

Activity Reports

None this week cause YOU FORGOT TO REPORT! Don't make me remind you again!

MD's wise words of the week: "If you don't report, I get angry. If I get angry, you get pranked. If you get pranked... well let just say you will be taking 10 showers a day for a few days to get the smell out of your hair:P"


As you all know the clan comp is in round 2 so fly TIE-TC #128 and when I find out who you send it to now that Striker is away I will tell you.

Me and Sicky are brewing up an interbattle team comp so get ready to beat Sub-Zero:P Details will be made available in teh next week or 2

The motto comp is over and I am pleased to anounce the winner is ACO Rogue. The banner comp is still running for the next week.


Since no one reported I want all of this weeks activity in next weeks reports and I will give points for the new points system next week.

Thats All I have for this week so get flying, comunicating or anything, just please try to stay away from drunken lightsaber duels and sleeping in till supper:P

FL/LCM Murkrow Defender/Sadhe 2-1/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign


PRT" " "(Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum

DC {SA: Core--}

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