Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Oriens Obscurum Report for 11.18.01

Dark Brotherhood News:

  1. Just a plug for the DB Newsletter, the Dark Voice. If you have any submissions for it, send them to HRLD Kaine.

  2. A big congratulations go to the new Sith High Warrior Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor...or Yacks to everyone else.

  3. There is a big competition in the works by the DJM, so look out for that

  4. The MAA will be on leave from Wednesday to Saturday, so if you're expecting to get a response in that time...you won't :P

Clan News:

  1. It seems with Clan feud with CSP will be delayed, and for who knows how long now. It may even be dropped all together. It should, since we have tried to get a feud going for a LONG TIME and now it's just ridiculous.

  2. Remember everyone, recruit for the Clan!!

House News:

  1. Two promotions this week. Firstly, Kell was promoted to Protector! Also, a huge congratulations to Reaper for being elevated to Sith BattleMaster!! This is the highest rank attainable by a regular member of the DB, and as such, is a testament to the hard work and dedication that Reaper has shown to this house and clan! Conrgats!

  2. The Sith Competition is still on. The missions you are to fly are FTIE-106, FXvT-11 and FXWA-17. The XvT and XWA missions were used in the ACE competition, so some of you should have already flown those. I have already received a few submissions, but the rest of you, submit!! All submissions go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and cc myself. Also, there is a ladder to go with this competition and can be found at http://www.imperialacademy.org/dbladder/news.asp

  3. I will be e-mailing the current members of Sentinel squadron to see where they want to go, so I can change the battle-teams around. Remember, if you're not in a battle-team, join one today!! :P

  4. Remember, recruit, recruit, recruit!

Pandragon Report

1) News:

  • None

2) Activity:

  • X: Still heavily occupied in RL: recruiting has slowed. Flew TC Mission

#106 and XWA Mission #17 for Sith Comp.

  • Reaper: Flew TC Mission #106, XvT Mission #11 and XWA Mission #17 for Sith


  • Kell: Flew TC Mission #106 and XvT Mission #11 for Sith Comp.

  • Nurel Sako Turr: Flew XvT Mission #11 and XWA Mission #17 for Sith Comp

3) Promotions/Medals:

  • None.

4) Deleted for public report

5) Roster:

Flight 1:

1 PRT X [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1266

2 ACO Kayjahal [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1301


4 ACO Tarkinan [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1318

Flight 2:

1 SW Reaper [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #36

2 ACO Kell [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1044

3 ACO Akhil Thantos [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1047


Flight 3:

1 PRT Nurel Sako Turr [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1095




6) Final considerations:

  • Everybody should help recruiting someone.

  • I'd like to organize a comp against some other squadron, but my RL will

keep me TOTALLY busy for at least another week, so if some of you can find a

suitable Squadron to compete against (or if some who reads this report would

like to compete against us), I'll write a mail to their CMDR.

End of Report.

Respecfully submitted,

Commander "X" of Pandragon Squadron

Ace of Oriens Obscurum

Rollmaster of Clan Arcona

PRT X (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona, SC

DB PIN #1266

Black Watch Report

No report submitted

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/LC Halcyon/Yod/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign


"200 Club"

SW Halcyon(Sith)/QUA/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

SC/WR-RM w/2/DC-KC-O-C-D/(GN)/(SN)/(BNAg)/(LSS)/(CF)

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