Another week another report. This week has been fairly productive with lots of plans for in-house/in-battleteam competitions which hopefully will run smoothly along side the Clan Competition which so far is going well. Remember Event II deadline this Friday!
I had planned to have the results of Event I out in this report but there were a few small delays with the Sith results due to some misplaced files and the stubbornness of a certain isp. But rest assured all the results will be released as soon as possible, hopefully within the next day or so.
As far as the Houses go.. if anyone was wondering what happened to the recently appointed Quaestor of Cestus, he had some computer troubles but is now up and running again.
Also, we bid farewell to Krath Priest Aari Nikus who has submitted her resignation from the position of Gladius Quaestor. She'll be greatly missed among the insanity that is Gladius. ;)
And Tridens is doing well, I'm rather pleased with the communication, participation and just overall activity coming from the house right now, keep it up. :)
House Tridens of Clan Tarentum
Greetings House Tridens,
Medals Awarded
Lets kick off this weeks report with some exciting news! The medals for the
previous House Comp have finally been awarded. Here are the recipients:
SW Wil Striker (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum Dark Cross for placing 1st
in the XvT Division!
PRT Koyi Komad (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum Dark Cross for placing 1st in
the TIE Division!
PRT Ace Hobbes (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum Dark Cross for placing 1st in
the XWA Division!
PRT Murkrow Defender (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum Dark Cross for placing 2nd
in the XWA Division!
PRT Vortoq (Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum Dark Cross for placing 2nd in the
TIE Division!
Congratulations to all of these Sith brethren for their Medals!!
New Pilots
This week we have a new pilot in our ranks! Welcome the following:
SBM Jondaar Domi
DJK Coraan Horn
Welcome to House Tridens!! All new pilots must notify the House QUA and AED
of which Battle Team they wish to serve in as soon as possible. If I missed
anyone it is only an oversight due to not being notified of any other new
pilot arrivals. CMDRs be sure and notify me if you are aware of any new
Hammerhead Squadron
PRT Murkrow Defender reporting for Hammerhead battle team11/08/01
*PRT MD sets up his new office and processes a few battle files. Mojo his
head monkey jumps down to him and hands him a tiny beer bottle. "Man, Mojo,
you read my mind" MD drinks and checks a few more files. As he sorts through
the pile of work, a group of Faces squirrels jump Mojo. *MD does a spit
take*and calls for reinforcements. A group of T/Ds flys in and obliterates
the rodent vermin. A siren goes off"Simulation terminated, Simulation
terminated". "Good work boys, now just improve your saber skills like Mojo
so you can cut holes in peoples pants and your training will be complete."
:P "Now off to the booze hole"
Squadron comps and News:
This is my first report so tell me what you think and dont be mad if I mess
it up. :P
Since I know many of you are swamped with flying comps in the TC and DB I am
going to hold off the Flying comps till the end of the month.
Squadron web page is online! Go to www.hammerhead.clickhere2.net to see the
page, it isn't quite completed but I will be updating is ASAP.
Clan Comp is going on. Our part is TIE-DB #14 done and in to me, Striker,
the Con and Procon. Deadline is tomorrow (the 9th) so FLY THE BATTLE NOW!
I am accepting applications for the FL3 position to replace Harconan.
If you have any suggestions for the battle team nick/moto send them in to me
by Sunday at witch point I will be choosing the winner. I seem to remember
starting another comp but can't remember the details. :P I'll extend it to
next week when I can remember what it was if I did start one. :P
MDs wise words of the week: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO SOMETHING!
Activity Reports:
PRT Murkrow Defender(CMDR):
Flew TIE-DB 14 for Clan Comp
Set up Home page for Hammerhead squadron.
Setting up a Battleteam MB
Sorting out Squadron issues like FL positions, who every one is and so on...
Posted on MB and mail list
ACO John Clark(FM):
Flew XvT-DB #1
Keeps in contact
ACO Face Loran(FL):
Flew TIE-DB #1
Cleared by me for promotion when House leaders clear him
Keeps in contact
Promoted to FL
ACO Sandor Clegane(FM):
Keeps in contact, didn't send in report
DJP/DP Kumba(FM):
Keeps in contact
Didnt send in report
Steps down from FL position
DA Harconnan(FM):
Steps down from FL position
Keeps in contact
ACO Rogue(FM):
Flew XvT-DB 2+3
Keeps in contact
Submitted Mottos for squadron comp
Working on battle for promotion to PRT
Well that is pretty much it for this week but be ready for a bunch of new
comps in the future and stay active on the mail list and MB if nothing else.
Until next time, fly straight and keep the blue side up.
FL/LCM Murkrow Defender/Sadhe 2-1/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
PRT" " "(Sith)/Tridens of Tarentum {SA: Core--}
Sub-Zero Squadron Report
Sub-Zero Squadron Report #1
Welcome fellow Sith,
Its been a good first week (and a bit) for myself here in Sub-Zero, i
gotten to know most of you and there has been some good activity. I have
heard from most of you but there are still some of you to answer my AWOL
We say farewell to PRT Murkrow Defender this past week as he has transferred
to hammerhead Squadron to be their new CMDR, congrats!
Also the result of Comp1, our Motto will now be "Resistance only delays
your inevitable Destiny"
I thought it sounded best from all the submissions, a shiny medal (not
decided upon yet) will be on it`s way to ACO Lorn Blahde
Remember there is still Comps 2 & 3 up for grabs, Comp2 is to fly TIE-DB
Battle #11 & comp3 is to fly XvT-DB Battle #2, deadline for both is November
Clan Tarentum Competition ? Chronicles of the Mist
The Clan Comp is now underway, and the first Event ends on Nov. 9th! Here is
where you can find all the details pertaining to the competition:
Sub-Zero Website = http://www.subzero.clickhere2.net/
Sub-Zero Messageboard = http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=33&v=2&s=0
That`s all for this week my fellow Sith:)
Activity Reports
DJK Var Zoraan
No Response
DJK Dax Corrin
Reported in for AWOL check, Active on email.
Flew XvT-DB#2, TIE-DB#11
ACO Lorn Blahde
Reported in for AWOL check, Active on email. Won Comp1.
No Response
GRD Hev Randrowan
Reported in for AWOL check, Active on email.
PRT Ace Hobbes
No Response
PRT Vortoq
No Response
PRT Vonnegut
No Response
PRT Koyi Komad
Reported in for AWOL check, Active on email.
Flew XvT-DB#2, TIE-DB#11, XvT-DB#1, XvT-DB#3, TIE-DB#1.
ACO Corsair
Reported in for AWOL check, Active on email.
JH SickMan (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of Tarentum
WC/COL Sickman/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
PCx3/ISMx4/MoI/IS-2BW/LoC-PSx26/CoLx2/CoB/OV-3E [GALL]
Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters
House News
Pilot Status and Responsibilities
One thing that needs to be made perfectly clear now is that all members of
House Tridens will be in one of the two open Battle Teams without exception.
The primary reason is that some months ago GM Chi Long sent out a directive
that all members in each House would be assigned to a team or would be
declared Rogue and removed from the roster. The primary reason for this was
to sort out the new graduates from the Shadow Academy that were just sitting
idle after being assigned to a House. The other reason was to get the teams
filled and more productive. Remember, we are all Sith, and we each chose
voluntarily to be a part of House Tridens. As Sith our main objective is to
defend the EH and the DB as pilots. This means that we participate in all
flying events, and then participate in any other events afterwards. I do not
want to have my CMDRs reporting back that certain pilots are taking it upon
themselves to announce they will not be active as pilots. Nor do I want to
hear that pilots are telling their CMDRs they dont wish to be assigned to
a team. If you dont wish to be assigned to a team, then that means you have
no wish to be in House Tridens, and your only course then is to either be
declared Rogue, or find a new House where they are more lax on their
activity and how they deal with their members. House Tridens is going to
become the greatest House in the entire DB! And as a Sith pilot you can
either be a part of this glorious evolution, or you can be a part of those
that eat away at the very hard work and activity that many others put into
the DB. The choice is yours.
Clan Tarentum Competition Chronicles of the Mist
The Clan Comp is now underway, and the first Event ends on Nov. 9th! Here is
where you can find all the details pertaining to the competition:
I expect everyone in House Tridens to make every effort to participate to
their absolute fullest in this competition! Lets show the rest of the Clan
what House Tridens is capable of!! Make your QUA, AED, and CMDRs proud!
Here is the list of pilot files that I have received from House Tridens
pilots for the first Event:
PRT Murkrow Defender
DJK Torres
SW Wil Striker
DJK Dax Corrin
PRT Koyi Komad
PRT Vortoq
I must point out that I am very disappointed in the lack of participation
from the rest of House Tridens that did not submit a pilot file. I expect to
see better participation in the future.
Merit Points
When JH Sickman and I served in House Galthain, we had a system for awarding
a merit point for each mission completed during normal activity. We also
awarded additional points for participation in Competitions and Events. The
purpose of the merit points was to allow pilots to show how much activity
they have had, but also to cash in those points for medals! We are going to
institute this policy in House Tridens and see if we cant entice some
awesome activity from our pilots and in so doing encourage future awards of
medals for that activity. Each CMDR will keep track of their pilots accrued
merit points through their weekly reports, this way everyone can see who has
earned what points, as well as what new points were earned that week. Here
is how the points for medals breaks down:
DC - 60 Merit pts
WC - 150 Merit pts
SC - 300 Merit pts
So lets get to those fighters and computer consoles and get active.
Remember, activity isnt only flying, it is also participating through
fiction, graphics, mission design, etc.!
House Tridens Message Board
Just a reminder for everyone in House Tridens regarding the House and Clan
Message Boards, these are in place for your use. The MDs can be a very
useful tool for learning more about your fellow brethren, as well as more
about your Team/House/Clan. Take advantage of their existence and use them.
Pilot Files
A reminder, especially to your newer Sith brethren. All pilot files for any
Competition/Event/Activity must be sent to your CMDR/AED/QUA, and if a Clan
Comp to the Con/Procon as well.
Thats about all for this week. I am looking forward to seeing House Tridens
prosper and grow. I know with our combined efforts and activity that we will
succeed, and soon the entire DB will be talking about how exciting it is to
serve in this glorious House!!
In Darkness....
SW Wil_Striker (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum
"Death is only the beginning!"
House Cestus of Clan Tarentum
Order of Business:
II - JK Training
III - Comps
IV - Promotions/Awards
V - Website
VI - Roster
If approved, the AED of Cestus will be DJK Ziguarath. He and I will be
taking applications for RM next.
II - JK Training
If you're wanting some extra JK training contact me via e-mail or on IRC,
and arrange a date and time. My Specialties are FF Sabers, and NF guns.
III - Comps
Chronicles of the Mist - JK event, Complete the level that's on the site, if
you haven't already, I've been told that it's relatively simple, so go
attempt it! :)
IV - Promotions/Awards
Ziguarath - Guardian -> Dark Jedi Knight(reacquiring old rank, from past DB
None yet
V - Website
I will begin work on the Cestus website this week hopefully, as well as get
some general information up about, comps and other info.
VI - Roster
House Cestus of Tarentum
Motto: The Army of Darkness is upon you...
Order: Obelisk
Quaestor: Battlemaster Zsinj [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]
Aedile: TBA
Rollmaster: TBA
Attached Battle Teams: Dark Hand
House Roster:
Battlemaster Samael [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Battlemaster Zsinj [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Ziguarath [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Onwai [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Myotis [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Phil 'Ice' Wallbridge [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
OBM Zsinj (Obelisk)/P:SCL/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum {SACORE}
House Gladius of Clan Tarentum
Greetings from the office of the QUA! The main things to address in this report..
*Announcements from the GM and DGM
Announcements - Grand Master
1) A good week has just ended. I have received plenty of feedback from the message board posts and from people who contacted me directly. I am now more informed about what the members want. Keep the comments coming!
2) I have chosen the new Sith High Warrior. It is none other than Sith Battlelord Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor. No one can dispute his considerable skills in all Sith matters. He is an excellent pilot and he served Clan Taldryan very well. Thanks to everyone who applied.
3) Applications for the position of Commander of the Guard are still being taken until further notice. Send them to Astatine and myself.
4) The message board is still open for comments. Also don't hesitate to message me or Astatine directly.
Announcements - Deputy Grand Master
Congratulations to the new SHW appointee. The Canada-ification of the DC continues.
The admin side of the competitions and news code has been done. I just have to fix the client side code for the DGM site. It should be up on Monday.
I ran a little mini-comp thingy and the response was pretty good. I might do it again in the future.
There is a pretty big competition in the works currently. At the moment, I'm currently waiting on some stuff from other people. Look out for some cheap publicity regarding it soon.
*Announcements from the KHP
Greetings, brethren in the Dark Side...
-=[Dark Brotherhood News]=-
Not much interesting news this week really. Just a few selections:
SBL Keirdagh Cantor, PCON of Taldryan appointed SHW
MAA on leave Wednesday through Saturday for the Thanksgiving weekend
-=[Krath Office News]=-
I'm still working on these - it's taking a bit longer than I'd expected, but they will go up in early December.
-=[Competition News]=-
Murder Mystery League
Only one more week to go - scenarios are with whoever is running your House's entry for this competition. Results are as follows:
1: Acclivis Draco: 108.5 points
2: Galthain: 82 points
3: Aleema: 62.5 points
4: Gladius: 60.5 points
5: Marka Ragnos: 52.5 points
6: Dominatus: 40.5 points
7: Ektrosis: 35.5 points
8: KPN Gilkane: Withdrawn
Monthly Topic
The Title for the Monthly Topic for November 2001 is "Initiation". You might like to consider ritual, rites of passage, and initiation into the Brotherhood as possible starting points for your story.
So what are the rules?
1: All entries must be submitted as .doc or .txt format - there will be NO exceptions this time around!
2: All entries must be submitted to the judges ([Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by 11.59pm EST on 2nd December 2001. Anything received after that time will not be eligible for awards.
3: Awards will only be given out if more than ten entries are received
4: Entries must be 1.5 pages (minimum) long, 12 point Times New Roman font or equivalent. Double spacing is not permitted.
5: You MUST include your DB ID line and Dossier number when submitting.
6: Competition open to all members of the Brotherhood.
7: Have fun! :)
*Clan Competition!
Event II: Tarentum initiation or Dark Jedi Knighthood Rites. Members will create a fiction submission dealing with either an initiation into Tarentum, or the ceremony and rites that take place upon a member's elevation to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.
You may choose to write the story from your point of view as the initiate or Dark Jedi Knight (DJKs+can write from 'experience', below can write based on what they imagine in the future.) You may also choose to write about another character going through these rites.
The timeline is up to you. Stories may be written as if they were happening now, or you could write a story from the past - in which case try and keep the summit members of the time accurate.
Send submissions to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Use the topic: Gladius - Event II
Deadline: November 23, 2001 - 11:59pm EST
And don't forget to include your ID Lines!
Added Bonus As some of these submissions will deal with the topic of "Initiation", you may also be able to submit these as entries to the Krath Monthly Topic.
*New Ideas
The resident AED has some excellent new competition ideas, including some roleplay for the House and trivia!
I was thinking maybe I should start running weekly, or even bi-weekly mini House Comps, like we used to. Nothing elaborate, maybe something a bit harder when we have nothing going on, but something short and simple, that could be done in like, 5 minutes. A point system would be used, given points for stuff like originality, creativity, participation, etc. I'd think about giving a simple award every month, a better award every three months, and the "best" award given at the end of the year kinda thing.
And finally, due to time constraints I'd like announce my resignation from the Quaestor of Gladius and the Brotherhood as a whole, pretty much. You may consider it an indefinite leave of absence (sitting on the rogue roster). Sithie will, of course, be in charge until the Consul and Proconsul choose a replacement.
KP Aari Nikus(Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum
Darkness guide,
··· ···
C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l
KAP Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/M:KHP/CON/Tarentum,
..."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head"..
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