Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hell's Gatekeepers Annoucements

(Jedi Hunter Paladorion)

Hells Gatekeepers phyle

Motto: Hatred is the quill that pierces the soul.

Tetrarch: JH Paladorion

Members: 10

  • I've started a phyle competition last week, you can make a new quote for our phyle and send it in, the winnere receives a Dark Cross. I'm a little bit disappointed: I only got 2 submissions, thanks Quan and Teachdaire! (Don't forget that it's a quote for our Phyle, not for one person so don't send in your personal quote)

  • I've joined Enahropes team for the clan competition. I would like to see everyone join a team (Enahropes one is full, try another one)

  • We've got the website nearly finished. I am adding links and users. If you want an account, e-mail me your full name, your DB addy and your password.

  • My runon is a little bit dieing with only Teachdaire and Kahn posting, so go to the MB and post post post!!!!

  • Remember to finish your Krath Monthly Topic story and send it in.

JH Paladorion (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona,


Oriens Obscurum's Companion Class Enovy

<prophet of qel-droma>


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