Hell's Gatekeepers Annoucements
(Jedi Hunter Paladorion)
Hells Gatekeepers phyle
Motto: Hatred is the quill that pierces the soul.
Tetrarch: JH Paladorion
Members: 10
I've started a phyle competition last week, you can make a new quote for our phyle and send it in, the winnere receives a Dark Cross. I'm a little bit disappointed: I only got 2 submissions, thanks Quan and Teachdaire! (Don't forget that it's a quote for our Phyle, not for one person so don't send in your personal quote)
I've joined Enahropes team for the clan competition. I would like to see everyone join a team (Enahropes one is full, try another one)
We've got the website nearly finished. I am adding links and users. If you want an account, e-mail me your full name, your DB addy and your password.
My runon is a little bit dieing with only Teachdaire and Kahn posting, so go to the MB and post post post!!!!
Remember to finish your Krath Monthly Topic story and send it in.
JH Paladorion (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona,
Oriens Obscurum's Companion Class Enovy
<prophet of qel-droma>
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