Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

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<span class="515450011-29112001">**Quaestor's Announcements

(Krath Priest Enahropes Entar)

*** Member News *

  • Arrivals/Departures

NOV Karan Dus entered the house, Chaos Angels phyle.</span>

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  • Medals/Promotions


  • House News *

The Clan Arcona competition cannot begin until we get a full team! We have five so far, me and four Krath, but the last five must be Sith or Obelisk members. I have contacted them once and received no reply but I will try again. If you see a Sith or Obelisk online get them to join our team! :P

I finish school in a week! On the 7th of December is my last day for year nine. So until then I may seem a bit quiet, gotta do all my exams and assesment items for the year to actually pass year nine and get into ten :P. For the holidays I will be online a lot, hopefully, and can get to super active duty.

For those of you who aren't in my team, or anyone in the house for that matter, there is a run-on on the Krath message board for to to post to. There is also a new Brotherhood competition, "Design A Bad Guy" which anyone can enter. The URL is: (http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/badguy/).

A phlye matter was brought to my attention... yes the Chaos Angels is small but all members will go to it for now... I may have to redivise the Phyle system though...

I have a bad headache and have got a speech to prepare for English so that's it for this week. :P

KP Enahropes Entar (Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona,


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