HLK News #48, Dec 1st, 2001
A great week for Ludo Kressh, we've had high activity, new members, awards going out, soon a few promotions will be approved, new comps and overall I havn't been more impressed for weeks. But we have had some clan problems, our Consul has resigned, currently PCON Daihok is in charge. My thanks go to Kale for his dedicated service to the clan, hes been in leadership here for longer than me, having started out as our Aedile over two years ago and serving as Rollmaster at the same time...then being promoted to ProConsul over a year ago and Consul a few months back. His work towards the Clan has been great and despite the differences a few have had with him recently he will be missed, hes done a lot for the clan and especially Ludo Kressh and as of such will be remembered. The Houses congratulations go to the ex-Consul on his new Grand Cross :)
As usual the totals are attached.
Orbs of Power continues, the details again:
The Orbs of Power
Set up:
a multi-order run on.
Sith- Mission design(to recover the Sith Orb)
Sith-multi/player ladder
Sith- Single player/screen shots
Graphics. Create a graphic that goes along the story line.
Trivia - multiple order
Some promotions are going to be recced this weekend, congrats in advance to those recieving elevations :)
Yes your good ol' Quaestor finally earnt himself a nice big chunky award :P
I'd like to thank everybody for their dedication to the House this past year, its just three weeks off my anniversary as Quaestor for this House and despite the problems in the past year we've excelled continuously. The house has risen far and defeated every opponent thats come against it, we crushed Oriens soon after the House got stable again after the resigantion of Quaestor Manesh, following which we took a swift assault at Archanis and defeated them, next we got mashed by Satal Keto but our vengeance came ever so more deadily in the Right of Supremecy when we crushed them beneath our heel. Who will be next to take on the mighty Ludo Kressh spirit? Who knows...all I can say is death comes to all who oppose us!!!!!
The Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master are currently accepting applications for Consul, from what i've gathered today PCON Daihok isn't applying and I don't think much of the House summit are either so if you're good, veteran, and you're name isn't Fred feel free to apply! :P
Its that time of the month again, congratulations to the winners:
Dark Cross goes to Abel Malik
30 Promotion Points go to Darkmage
20 Promotion Points go to Carl Lost
Doom Falcon is coming up with some nice new compies for us :)
House Ludo Kressh may have its own Flying Comp in #naga_sadow on a Saturday at 2-4 EST, (thats 7-9 GMT) starting soon, once its passed the Sith Summits it'll be all go :) It should be for XvT, XWA and JK, SW:BG is also a possibility being considered.
Also Doom is thinking of setting up a comp similar to Crims but for MP....any views feel free to send to Doom.
Squadron Update
Well Ruby FM-4 is open as I said earlier this week so I'm leaving its appointment up to the House, sort out some stuff between yourselves and we'll see who wins the position :)
[As a note incase nobody started anything yet: Basically to challenge for an open spot you challenge the HOUSE not an individual, same process just done over the egroup].
Sapphire and Diamond are strangly falling behind Emerald a little this week as Emerald fires off a load of new comp ideas from its new CMDR, great work and congrats to Doom! :)
House Competitions
Currently Running
Orbs of Power
CrimsonAngel's Flying Competition
Ruby FM-4 Challenges
Doom Falcon's Flying Competition - Comming Soon!
House Ludo Kressh Competition - Comming Soon!
Concluded Competitions
None this week.
Thats all for this week, once again thanks to everybody who helped me win my new award and keep up the fantastic work everybody!!!!!!! :)
Vice Admiral, Sith Battlelord Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
CA:LO/VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign [Legionnaire]
GS/SS/BSx8/PCx5/ISMx17/MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-5gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E
SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
{IWTA-SCC-SGK} [Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]
"The Consul's Eyes"
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