Hells Gatekeepers phyle
Motto: The way to hell might look clear, but at the gate we'll see your fear
Tetrarch: JH Paladorion
Members: 11
The quote competition is over. Quan, CyberGuy, Breadian and Teachdaire: thanks for submitting. Breadian has won (for the quote, see above) and I hope he receives his DC ASAP
Since no one is posting on the runon anymore, I suppose it'll be closed. Kahn, are you copy, pasting it for the archives?
For another runon: go to the krath MB: http://mb.ehnet.org/mb.php?action=topics&forum_id=11&days=5
The Arcona competition: I'm still waiting for our team to start but if you aren't in a team yet, join one!
Lots of things to do: go and design a bad guy ; http://www.imperialacademy.org/dgm/comps.asp
Write a story for the lower or upper decks competition, for details; www.krath.org
Write a story for the monthly topic, for details: www.krath.org
That's all.....
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