Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<head> <title>Auctoritas Report for 12/5/2001</title> </head> ..::BOW::..

Hello I am Vulken Halbred. I am a old memeber from, Alvaak, I have been around since before it had houses. I srarted off in Arcona then came to Alvaak. Then I left Alvasak for Taldryan. I then came back and I got Aedile.

I have lots of ideas for this house becuase it is lots of potential. I would like to set up a master-apprentice program. If you wqant to be a master or apprentice email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I also want to start a training night when I find out what time everyone can be on.

I want you all to know I will always have my door open and I will do anything to anwser quuestions and such. I also want competition I ideas from you all.

DJK Vulken Halbred (Obelisk)/AED/Auctoritas of Alvaak

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