Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


House Summit

_**Quaestor: Sabé ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Aedile: Cymbre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Oathmaster: Timbal ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

**Tetrarch, Drynwyn's Flame: Corde ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tetrarch, Dragon Guard: Karva ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

**Envoy: Anga ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Another week gone by... The Dragon Guard AWOL check has ended and I will be setting up a House one as well soon to clear out some of the bouncing email addresses. Check the section below for activities, there are a _ton _to choose from. You don't have to do 'em all obviously, but keep yourselves busy and it'll be fun and rewarding for all.

Now, congratulations in order. Drinks are on Corde Aghasett and Karva Dronaal, our new Tetrarchs for Drynwyn's Flame and Dragon Guard, respectively! I am confident you guys will make us proud.

**For the new Tetrarchs:

_*Remember to send your reports to your Phyle and cc Cymbre and me. Reports are due each week by the end of the day Thursdays (Pacific).

_ - Corde, the only eGroup I am aware of for the DF is owned by Cooch, and has the wrong spelling of the name (sheesh, you guys are _elite? _g). Please either contact him and work out transfer of ownership, and change the name so's it's proper already, or just set up a new one with the right name, however you'd like to handle it.

 - Karva, I have given up ownership of the DG eGroup, "dragonguardphyle" - please go through first thing and remove the recently AWOLed members, make sure everyone who should be on there is, etc.

That's all this week!

Respectfully submitted,

**Archpriestess Sabé Dracaena

**Quaestor, Acclivis Draco and Magistrate to the Herald


_"That which does not kill me...

    had better be able to run away damn fast"



** (*Remember to cc the House Summit on anything you submit to outside activities!)

_**Clan Caption Contest

**This is an easy, fun way to participate. Send in up to three captions for the image below to PCON Cuchulain ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

<x-tab>        </x-tab>Caption.jpg

**Upper/Lower Decks Competition

**This one looks interesting - the topics are structured to complement the Master-Student program started right here in HAD! That's right, we started a trend didn't we... Visit http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath/article.php?sid=40&mode=&order=0 for details. The competition will end at midnight Eastern time at the end of the month.

**Krath Monthly Competition

**New one for December, with the topic "Beneath the Shadows." Write anything this topic means to you, and send it to KHP Mairin Astoris ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) also by the end of the month. Check out http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath/article.php?sid=39&mode=&order=0 for more info.

**Krath Run-On

**Check out the Krath Message Board and post for HAD. The link is http://www.ehnet.org/mb/mb.php?action=view&forum_id=11&topic_id=51&page=1&sort=ASC

**Design a Bad Guy

**DGM Astatine has started this comp in order to design new enemies for the EH which can be used in future competitions. Both fiction and graphics are welcome, check out the site for more info. http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/badguy

**Message Board/Run-Ons

**Check http://pub47.ezboard.com/bkarvadronaal for other news, discussion, run-ons, etc.

**Dark Voice

**Send your submissions of writing, graphics, etc. to Cirith ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by the 15th of each month to have your work published in the DB newsletter. Also contact Cirith if you are interested in becoming a regular contributor.

**Master/Student Program

**KE Karva Dronaal / GRD Loor

KAP Cuchulain / JH Alisande Sayeesa

KP Saitou / PRT Dengar March

DJK Timbal / GRD Anga Salinas

If you want a master or can take a student, please email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and I will try to get you set up. We are especially in need of more Masters, anyone ranked DJK or above who would be willing please let me know. As my own student has just joined the ranks of the Equites himself, I am also free to take on another student, so email if interested.


Aedile's Report

_** Greetings!  I’d like to congratulate Corde and Karva for becoming our new Tetrarchs…I know they’ll be awesome.

We’ve got tons of comps. going on right now…plenty of options for us Krathies! 

Mai has her monthly topic “Beneath the Shadows”.  You can read more at http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath/article.php?sid=39&mode=&order=0 , but to sum it up, it’s gotta be at least one page and in 12pt. Font (no double spacing) – due December 30th.

Upper/Lower Decks Competition – this is great for all the Master/Student pairs – Upper Decks is DJK and above, Lower is JH and below.  You can read the rest of the info at http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath/article.php?sid=40&mode=&order=0 .

There’s also the CSP caption contest (which a Krathie must win!!! Let’s not let those Obies and Sithies come up with better captions)!  Come up with three captions and send them directly to Cooch.

Don’t forget both the Krath & HAD message boards (and you’re Phyle’s message board).  Don’t go insane on them, but keep them alive.

On a totally unrelated note, I’ll be out of town this weekend until late Monday night – so I’m not sure how much (IF ANY) Internet access I’ll have.  I’ll try to see what I can do, but if you don’t see me on IRC or get an e-mail replied to quickly, that’s why. Sorry!

 **_~ Cym


Oathmaster's Report

_ <bow>

Greetings, Tetrarchs, Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco, and Consul and Proconsul of Clan Scholae Palatinae;

This is this week's OM report:

<x-tab>        </x-tab>1) Que lo que, mi gente! Quite a few things have happened to this week, on to the show!

<x-tab>        </x-tab>2) First, Medals! Our QUA, KAP Sabé, was awarded the Steel Cross, due to her stellar work in the MML thingy! Congrats!

<x-tab>        </x-tab>3) Second, promos! A bunch o' them!!! Here are our newly promoted Jedi:

<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>GRD Loor

<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>DJK Corde Aghasett

<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>JH Alisande Sayeesa

<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>GRD Anga Salinas

<x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>PRT Dengar March

<x-tab>        </x-tab>4) The exhausting MSC is over! Scores to follow soon, but it must be a close thing....

<x-tab>        </x-tab>5) Cym is coming to New York City to visit me!!! Yay!!!! I'd be soooo highly offended if she doesn't let me buy her a cup of coffee... ;)

<x-tab>        </x-tab>6) Random Quote of the Week: "The self-importance of a superior is inversely proportional to his position in the hierarchy (as is his deviousness and mischievousness)."

That is all for now!

For the glory of the Empire,

DJK Timbal (Krath)/OM/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae, SC/DC/(BNP)

"He who laughs last, laughs best. I usually laugh last, scum." - Personal Motto


Drynwyn's Flame Report


Congrats to new Tetrarch, DJK Corde Aghasett. We'll have a report next week, won't we =)


Dragon Guard Report


Another newly-minted (again) Tetrarch, KE Karva Dronaal... he's done it all, and DG is lucky to have him. We'll have Phyle reports soon...



Acclivis Draco Homepage: http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/

Acclivis Draco Message Board: http://pub47.ezboard.com/fkarvadronaalfrm6

Scholae Palatinae Resource Page: http://members.aol.com/lbmaverick/cspresource.html

Scholae Palatinae Message Board: http://pub47.ezboard.com/bkarvadronaal

Krath Homepage: http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath

Dark Brotherhood Page: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

If you have other links you think should be included here, email [Log in to view e-mail addresses].


<x-tab>       </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab><x-tab>       </x-tab><x-tab>        </x-tab>*


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