Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Word of the Moment: Tragus

Well, it's been a very fun week in Taldryan. Jac and I are rolling out with tons of new ideas everyday, coming soon to an adult bookstore near you.

Noteworthy Events:

We've got a new MAA! Shotgun, the longest running MAA I can remember, recently resigned, and was quickly replaced by none other than....CoFo! W00t!

SWM ISO SWF, talented with writing, high IRC time a plus.

KP Raistline Majere was recently removed from his position as AED of House Ektrosis, and as such Jac and Myself are currently accepting applications. High online time and idea well are a must.

Noteworthy Elevations include Dinaari's very own SwipeR being promoted to Jedi Hunter, DarkLighter hitting Guardian, Kaan to Protector, Ektrosis' Ahriman'sabaoth to Dark Jedi Knight tosses a handy lightsaber to Ahrim.

Incoming to Clan Taldryan, we have Protector Talek Dei, formerly of Clan Alvaak, and Fleet Admiral Zach, a former Headmaster, who's rank looks like...Master. lol.....It's good to see old blood return to the Brotherhood. I'd like us all to give a very warm Taldryanlike welcome to Talek Dei and Zach!

And on a sadder note, Krath Pontifex Arion of Ektrosis transferred OUT to CSK. We'll miss you Arion, but don't worry, Clan Taldryan Field Trip is headed to a small town near you.......very near you.

Proconsul's Corner:

Not much for me this week. From what I can make of my heavily flooded in-box, BadGuy comp is going nicely. Haven't heard much from Oct about his Taldryan First Rate comp, but I hope I will soon. :)

Jac and I...are working on lotsa pretty things. We've made the cutest OHC dress for Sharad, and it's form fitting lace. He looks soooo cute in it!

Take the Taldryan Meeting POLL!

More later....tired

Proconsul Sithspawn

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