DJK ShadowHawk was the first to arrive in the Archanis Council chambers. She still felt a twinge of discomfort, having served as Aedile and choosing to pursue, instead, the duties aboard the Avenger. She knew it was the best choice for her, but felt, vaguely that she had let her House down. A meeting had been called by the current holder of the position, SW Predator. He had always gotten along well with ShadowHawk, so there was no stress there. Why the Council chamber? The Aedile office was roomy enough for a quick conference between the two. Time would tell.
SBM William Flechette, known as Flech, arrived next. He and ShadowHawk chatted briefly about the time they had both been battle team leaders, and remembered the cameraderie and challenges they'd experienced. He carried a datapad with him, doing a bit of last-minute work on the Clan newsletter before the meeting.
Flech was just choosing a place to sit, when Demos wandered in. JH Charles "Demosthenes" Spencer's current position was rollmaster of the House, and serving as Wing Commander of Wing XIX on the Avenger. He bowed upon seeing ShadowHawk (who sometimes wondered if he didn't carry tradition a little too far, sometimes) and greeted Flech with more reserve.
Smitty and Tiger came in the door together. The pair had been together since they first served the Empire in Crusader squadron in the TIE Corps. They had many memories in common, and had sometimes competed for the same position. In some ways, they were closer than twin brothers. SW Smitrock and SBM Jeff "Tiger" Loruss both were formidable pilots, but willing to teach students willing to learn. ShadowHawk was not surprised to see the Quastor of the House at a meeting the Aedile had called.
JH John Doe , the leader of Hyperion squadron sauntered in next, and glanced around for Predator. His youth hadn't prevented him from boldly taking a leadership position when it was offered.
DJK Rexal Qel arrived almost on John Doe's heels. Rex commanded ShadowMorph, and served on the Avenger as well.
SW Predator smiled upon entering the room. He spoke the moment everyone's attention was focussed on him.
"Why are we here? That is what you're wondering." Heads nodded in agreement. "The people here have given much of themselves to the House in the past, and know our members best. We will dedicate ourselves to the well-being of our Brothers, and strenghtening them in the ways of the Dark side. Any ideas, suggestions, improvements, and concerns can be solved here. Are we agreed?"
A chorus of yeses answered him, and the Darkness seemed to intensify in the room for a moment.
Tiger arose and spoke for all of them. "We are dedicated to this House and Clan, and want nothing less than excellence. We are willing to give our all for the House. Now, if there's nothing more to discuss here, let's get to work!"
The meeting adjourned with far less ceremony than it had begun.
Um just to let you all know Shadowhawk is lying the Aediles office is basical a box and a small box at that :P (Pred starts the campain to get him a bigger office)
Archanis Aedile Report
As stated in last weeks report this will be the last time I report on a wensday as this report is moving to Sundays!
The main news this week is the end of my battles : ( but the Pred's offical launch of the A C C!
This comp is great and could turn into one of the best parts of Archanis but it will only do thing with your support. Now in the ATF this comp has not quite been what we hoped for with medals not being awarded because NO One submitted for parts of it. Now we have already had this problem with my weekly battles and we have over come it so I do not want to see ANY medals not getting awarded if you can do it for me you can do it for Tiger!
Saying that I will keep a tab on the comp and try and have an update battle number so you can check on my report as well.
Please note all files gets sent to TIGER and you cc. your battleteam CMDR. I am a powerful Jedi so if I want to know what you are doing I will just suck the information out of your head (or ask your team CMDR and Tiger :P) remember Tiger is very busy as he is also running a the ATF so to make it easier for him remeber to include the following.....
ACC in the Title of the mail
your FULL idline
what platform it was on
the number of the battle.
This will keep Tiger happy and make it easier for him to run this.
Second big news is WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW PEOPLE!!!!!!
There is a certain new member who is mailing me alot and this great to see!
We are glad to have you all aboard!
Leaves / Joins
Welcome to NOV Kaan
Welcome to NOV Flacon
Welcome to NOV Coranel Both
Welcome to NOV Selth
ShadowHawk to SW
Rexal Qel to SW
IronHawk to SW
Kaan to ACO and then PRT
Falcon to ACO
Final Comp news
Before I give you the final results I just want to thank the whole house for supporting this comp as a leader their really is nothing better then to see people enjoying something you are running so thank you all you made this worthwhile.
Also as a little extra thing I have went through all the old one listing (all the ones I could get i.e all my reports not when Tiger ran it) so I will also be annoucing the three people who have won the most in all the platforms these people are hereby awarded the title Aedile's Escort Guard and I will try and get you something shiney as well.
Firstly the winners off last weeks were :-
TIE : Pell
XvT :Smit
XWA :Rex
And the overal winners were :-
TIE: John Doe
XvT: Joint Smit/Ironhawk
Remember we now doing the ACC instead of this
This month's battles are :-
XvT:TC- XvT 2
Rexal's Rescue Part II " The Plan".
Greetings brothers and sisters,
the first portion of my RR has been finished. I can just complain a lack of paricipiants. Anyway I like challenges and I want to present to you the second portion of RR. This will be more ambitious than the first, infact it concerns a double challenge for both orders of Sith and Krath.
Let me explain it.
This portion needs a team of two members a Krath and a Sith.
Challengers must do different things concerning their respective orders activity.
Sith- must create a battle (XWA- XvT, 4 missions) concerning: friendship between him/her and the Krath; their decision to rescue me and another Krath memeber of the DB from Rebel's hands; the final battle.
Krath- do a fiction concerning the battle and a good graphic job : a picture of both sith and Krath co-workers.
Me and another member of the DB will test battles and judge graphics and fictions.
Best teams will be awarded with WC (Sith) and BZ(Krath)
Teams must be composed by a Krath and a Sith only.
Competition time 2 months from December 5th to February 4th. This is an inter- house competition!. To all CMDR please include the text of this comp in your reports during these months
Aedile's thought of the day
It is rare that I have a week this good both in RL and in the EH there seems to be a real hope for the future and more then that people are working to bring it about!
I need some HTML'ers for some work so if you got da skills and you are willing to work to deadlines then mail me, rewards supplied for work as the norm :)
SW Predator / Aedile of Archanis and Lord High Fish
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