Heyas. This report may be coming out a bit early, but I'm insecure and I don't know when I'll have access to the internet again (probably Saturday or Sunday, but maybe later.)
Anyways, this is my first report as Consul and I'm going to try and keep it somewhat short.
Clan News:
New Consul (=P)- KPN Voranyen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Please email me with anything that concerns CNS. I'm going to do my best to improve the Clan, but I need your help before I begin.
Orbs of Power- SBL Kale is still running this, and it'll continue until the end of the month. Please attempt to participate, since it's the only Clan-wide activity going on right now.
Website Updates- Astatine has done his audit of the House and Clan websites, and his results are here:
Essentially, all the sites are completely out of date and have broken links. I expect to have this fixed by mid-January, and absolutely no later, so find someone to handle your updates. Other than keeping things on time, I really could care less.
Obelisk Clones: If anyone in HMR or HLK has an interest in playing Jedi Knight, please make an Obelisk clone to help HPG out, no matter how good you are. We'll train you.
Black Guard: Daihok is assembling a team of 12 members who will be proficient in JK, piloting, and writing. You don't have to be good now, because your fellow members will help you become good. Expect more info from your QUAs.
Master/Student Program- A lot of Houses are using these now. Essentially, more experienced members will take on an apprentice and try and help them with the skills associated with their order, as well as get them promoted through the ranks more quickly. We'll be starting this in all Houses (it currently exists in HMR) in about a week.
House News:
Ludo Kressh:
-Diamond Squad needs an XO
-Emerald Squad needs a CMDR
-Boris is the new Envoy for HLK. Congrats :)<p>
Marka Ragnos:
-Night Death Phyle needs a Tetrarch<p>
Primus Goluud:
-New Aedile, OBM Khobai
Expect more on the Houses in their individual reports... I have more beer to drink right now ;P
Just kidding.
KPN Voranyen (Krath)/CON/Naga Sadow</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
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