<title>Hyperion Flight Report</title>
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*<BOW> *
<font size="5">News</font>
Not much news this week again, several comps started - details in Comps running section. We lost another member - GRD Razor, he's too busy in RL at the moment, guess he can't spend enough time for EH.
Well, i hope he'll be back someday, but now we need a new Flight Leader again.
I chose a pilot for this position - Pellaeon get's it, for extreme activity and for flying all the time :) Congrats Pell!!!
Finally Hyperion comp is finished and our big man is Roasty! DC for you, my friend :)
Final scores (TIE laserless):
Astarosta - 68998
John Doe - 67383
Powerslave - 57685
Chaos Angel - ???
Chaos sent me a file for FT60, but i never get it :( And Chaos erazed his tfr, too bad.
Thanks everyone who was flying for it! Oh, yes, everyone also gets a point for Jedi Trials, i hope Pred wouldn't mind :p
Okay, new comp, if i can call it so :p Send me nice/funny pics (no porn!!! :p), SW related prefared, and it will count as graphic submission :) Just don't send too much pics please, and no bmp's, save them as jpg if you can :)
<font size="5">Hyperion pilot of the week </font>
It was really hot (but silent :p) battle between Power and Pell this week - our mighty flight leaders fougt in deadly activity race :))) Pellaeon has shown very impressive flying abilities - over 20 missions for a week! Very impressive Pell!!! But Power decided to occupy this title for some time :p More then 30 missions, incredible! When i said keep it up - i didn't mean literally! :) (joke) So, Power is getting closer to a new shiny DC and a podium of pilot of the month (yes, there is one).
<font size="5">Orders</font>
-Create a battle for Rexal's Rescue comp (i added comps section - read about it there).
-Go here http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/ and check it - new comp from Tiger (sorry still
short on internet connection, didn't see it). Then fly and send files to Tiger (cc me and Pred).
-Volunteer for Hyperion page updates! Do your commander's work :)
-Recruit! Hyperion need more people!
-Be active!!!
<font size="5">Sith points</font>
Here's what you can do:
Graphics: images, banners, animation, made "by scratch"= 6
Fiction: Stories, plotlines for missions, etc by the page = 5
Web Page design: "From Scratch" = 20
"Weekly Update" = 10
IWATS Courses all Courses= 15
Custom Made battles/Mission = 30 per mission
Each win at Archanis Training = 5
Pilot File Submissions: These will be 2 points per mission for non-Dark
Brotherhood battles and 4 for DB battles.
Winning comps with another squadron = 40
New member recruited = 15
<font size="5">Comps running at the moment</font>
Members of Archanis - It is here yes thats right its time for you folks to go at each other in melee, and play against each other in SP.
Archanis Combat Consortium is here and rdy to go the URL is here - http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/
Go there read the rules, sign up an play for the medals.
Here's how it works - We run the melee portions for two months at a time. each week i will award CoF's for every win. At the end of the two month period. The top three winners of each ladder will get.
1st place- SC
2nd place- WR
3rd place- DC
SP play is similar except for the fact that we will run this for one month at a time. The medals Stated above will be awarded for the top three winners
each time.
Thats it the game rules are there at the site. All Pilot files must be sent to me directly you may then CC pred, and if it applies you may CC your battleteam CMDR for proper credit in their weekly reports.
If you do not send these files directly to me then they will be ignored until you can send them to me. The reason for this is simple. There are as far as i know only two people that have access to site admin for pilot files. The creator of the site, and myself. So now you see why you must send them to me :P
have fun folks and show me just how active you can be!!
Rexal's Rescue Part II " The Plan".
Greetings brothers and sisters,
the first portion of my RR has been finished. I can just complain a lack of paricipiants. Anyway I like challenges and I want to present to you the second portion of RR. This will be more ambitious than the first, infact it concerns a double challenge for both orders of Sith and Krath.
Let me explain it.
This portion needs a team of two members a Krath and a Sith.
Challengers must do different things concerning their respective orders activity.
Sith - must create a battle (XWA- XvT, 4 missions) concerning: friendship between him/her and the Krath; their decision to rescue me and another Krath memeber of the DB from Rebel's hands;
the final battle.
Krath - do a fiction concerning the battle and a good graphic job : a picture of both sith and Krath co-workers.
Me and another member of the DB will test battles and judge graphics and fictions.
Best teams will be awarded with WC (Sith) and BZ(Krath)
Teams must be composed by a Krath and a Sith only.
<font size="5">Leaves/Joins/Transfers</font>
Razor to rogue
<font size="5">Awards</font>
John Doe - Dark Cross (Winning three rounds of the weekly comp)
Chaos Angel - Dark Cross (Mission creation for the history of Archanis Project)
ok, here's the question, should i congratulate myself or not? :)
Congrats Chaos!
<font size="5">Activity Reports</font>
JH John Doe
Flew TIE Battle 79 (5 missions)
Flew TIE Free 60 (67383 LL score)
JH Chaos Angel
Flew Free Tie 60
GRD Astarosta
Flew Free TIE 60
GRD Powerslave
Flew TIE TC 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (darn lot of missions total, well 25 to be exact :p )
Flew Free TIE 60 (57685 LL score)
Flew TIE DB 14 (6 missions)
SW Smitroch
Flew Free XvT 19
Got Grant of Arms
GRD Pellaeon
Flew TIE TC 160 (5 missions)
Flew TIE Free 81, 82, 84
flew XvT Battle 20 (4 missions)
flew XWA battles 1 and 2 (9 missions)
As always - if i missed somebody in activities list - terrible sorry, mail me, so i'll track your points for QUA Escort and Trials.
<font size="5">Quaestor Escort points</font>
JH John Doe
QUA Escort
this week:12
this week:1
JH Chaos Angel
QUA Escort
this week:2
this week:1
GRD Astarosta
QUA Escort
this week:2
this week:1
GRD Powerslave
QUA Escort
this week:76
this week:1
SW Smitrock
QUA Escort
this week:2
this week:1
GRD Pellaeon
QUA Escort
this week:42
Hyperion page: http://hyp.i8.com
Messageboard: http://pub69.ezboard.com/fhyperionfrm1
Online report list: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/reportlist.asp?Unit=55&Pos=44
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