HLK News #51b, Dec 17th, 2001
Well another week draws to an end and the second report for this week is issued, quite a lots happened since I had to write the report in advance earlier this week and so thats why you're getting #51b before the anniversary issue of #52!
Headline: Diamond Squadron Executive Officer
I'm moving this to the top for we need to get Diamond's Command stable, Bob has disappeared, maybe on some Christmas binge, maybe hes just playing dead, maybe he wants to fake his death and get a Medal of Honour through it...the possibilities are endless - remember its Bob :P
So to avoid what happened in the past when Bob ran off for a couple of months we require an XO immediately, it doesn't matter if you're not in Diamond - you can transfer. Essentially you'll be CMDR on the Rosters and everything, you'll do the work, get the credit yadda yadda but you'll have to step down when Bob returns. Rewards will go out if you do a good job during Bob's abscene especially if its for a long time so if you're interested apply to myself and Scithe. Preference will be given to current Diamond FLs.
King's of Tomorrow is finally upon us, the competition has started, the awards are immence and everybody should have a lot of free time since its the holiday season to do some work. This competition has had a LOT of work put into its development so I ask you all to try your hardest in it, if there are enough submissions and competition i may even up the awards a bit.
King's of Tomorrow Website (http://www24.brinkster.com/bobsquadron/kings/)
As usual the totals are attached, and they should be fully up to date!
Orbs of Power continues, the competition ends in a matter of days so if you want to submit you better do it quick:
The Orbs of Power
Set up:
a multi-order run on.
Sith- Mission design(to recover the Sith Orb)
Sith-multi/player ladder
Sith- Single player/screen shots
Graphics. Create a graphic that goes along the story line.
Trivia - multiple order
Well a load of promotion recommendations were made today, my congratulations go out in advance for when they are approved.
My congratulations go to Jedi Hunter Boris on earning himself the position of CMDR of Emerald Squadron. Boris has proven himself in many positions in other subgroups and I'm sure he'll do a great job. Boris also has shown exceptional commitment throughout the EH so hopefully he'll be CMDR for a nice long time in order to stablise the squadron :)
J'Rai is putting together a monthly Newsletter for the clan, he will be accepting submissions from anybody and everybody in any of the following catagories:
Clan Related Graphics
DB Related Grphics
Or anything else really that you think can be stuck in the newsletter, for further details contact J'Rai ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
As taken from an email from the Sith High Warrior:
For each event, please send the email consisting of
the corrosponding Title for the event.
For example: for a submission to the Caption
contest, the email title would be "CAPTION CONTEST"
Etc etc etc. For the Sithy Claus (you'll understand
when you read the following page) simply put "SITHY
CLAUS" as your email subject.
The Competition URL is the following:
As for awards...
SC for first place
WR/BZ for second place
DC for third place
A Nice smile for anyone else.
Battlelord Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor,
Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood
Flight Member of the Grand Master's Escort Squadron, Tau
Squadron Update
Diamond Squadron
As I already said, we need an XO, Diamond is currently really vulnerable to the pull of holiday inactiveness so please get your submissions in ASAP, until then if one of the FLs could start doing reports i'd be very thankful.
Sapphire Squadron
Sapphire is still strong as always, the holiday season is showing its presence though as the egroup has been a little slow but activity remains good.
Emerald Squadron
Emerald has just got its new CMDR so not a lots happening, good luck and congrats to JH Boris again!
Ruby Squadron
Nice to see some challenges this past month, remember - its an easy way to gain points and it demonstrates self-ability as you run the competitions yourself so if you want to challenge somebody feel free - its internal and outside of my hands as you do it between yourselves so don't feel as if anythings holding you back :)
House Competitions
Currently Running
King's of Tomorrow
Orbs of Power
CrimsonAngel's Flying Competition
House Ludo Kressh Competition
Doom Falcon's Flying Competition - Comming Soon!
Concluded Competitions
None this week
Thats all for this week, look out for some changes over the next couple of weeks as i've got two weeks of nothing but time for the EH...may even redo the report format :P And expect a BIG Christmas and Anniversary issue #52...you have been warned.
Vice Admiral, Sith Battlelord Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
CA:LO/VA Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign [Legionnaire]
GS/SS/BSx8/PCx5/ISMx17/MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-5gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E
SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
{IWTA-SCC-SGK} [Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]
"The Consul's Eyes"
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