Sending this report a bit early as I will be on leave starting tomorrow
for about a week. I may have internet access enough to read mail, but I don't
expect to have alot of time to do much. And of course, I'll leave our
Proconsul Proton in command.
On the subject of Chronicles of the Mist, as you've heard . . . much
dissapointment there. There is actually one day left if the battleteams wish
to submit their event, and finally, we'll have a 'grand finale' to finish
this off. The final part of Chronicles of the Mist will be roleplayed on a
message board I've set up specifically for this purpose (you'll find that
link is the "F" on the website). Every member of Tarentum is encouraged to
participate. In the beginning, Gladius' playing field will be Yridia IX,
Tridens' the Itaana Asteroid Belt, and Cestus' the training grounds of Koros.
Members will be paired to compete against one another with the Krath using
only their dark side powers(plus one), the Sith of course in the air
dogfighting, if you will. . . and Sith may use one dark side power as well if
they can work it in. Obelisk will obviously be engaging one another in direct
combat, with their sabres and one dark side power to arm them. After each
House has one or two decided victors, the competition will move to
challenges. Any member may challenge another member of any house to dual on
whatever playing field they wish. This competition will begin January 5th,
after the holidays so brush up on your writing and roleplaying skills. Full
instructions will be released closer to time.
The one dark side power I kept referring to? Well, In the mean time,
members have from now until January 4th, to come up with one extra dark side
power that will be approved and specifically for your character in the
roleplay. Keep in mind your rank - Acolyte's with chain lightning obviously
isn't going to fly. ;) But be creative here, your entries should include the
name of this power, how it is used (ie.. do you just focus and it happens, do
you whisper some arcane incantation, etc), the effect it has, and how your
character obtained this power outside the normal range of skills allotted his
rank in the Dark Brotherhood. If you do not submit a request for your power
in the time provided, you may participate in the roleplay competition to
follow, but you will be at a disadvantage as I will not allow you to choose
an extra skill once the deadline is past. Send your entries to:
[Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and your respective Quaestors and
Aediles. And yes - all summit leaders are allowed and expected to participate
as well. :)
And on the note of competitions, it seems the DGM would really like to see
people get in the habit of approving competitions via his form.
(http://www.imperialacademy.org/dgm/comps.asp) So house leaders make sure you
add all competitions currently running and those to come to that site. Don't
want it to look like Tarentum isn't busy at all, do we? ;p
And on a sidenote of transfers - let it be known that Tarentum requires that
if you are going to transfer out of the clan, especially if it is to another
clan, that you first email your summit leaders and give at least some
explanation as to why you feel you need to transfer. This is simply so that
if there is a problem, we will be made known of it and have the chance to
correct it to better the Houses and Clan.
On to reports. . .
House Tridens of Clan Tarentum
Greetings House Tridens,
I am very disappointed in the lack of activity shown for the Chronicles of
the Mist! Our CON went to a lot of trouble to put this together, and so far
I have seen only one entry for any of the last events from this House. This
House should be deeply ashamed of itself, and each member should take a long
hard look into what they expect to accomplish while a member of the DB. The
HM makes a very valid point in his letters to those that graduate from the
SA when he points out that where your journey in the Dark Side takes you is
entirely up to you. The majority of those that join the DB generally do so
for the purpose of elevating themselves to a higher level in power and
strength with the Dark Side. However, this journey can only be made through
participation. While I am QUA of House Tridens I will never promote or
elevate someone just because they have been around for an extended period of
time. Those that gain promotions, awards, and positions will do so because
they earned their way into these.
New pilots
Medals Awarded
No new elevations this week.
Name Changes
PRT Rogue has applied for, and has been granted, a name change to Kenath
HammerHead Squadron
No report from HammerHead CMDR/PRT Murkrow Defender this week. Dont let
this happen again!
Sub-Zero Squadron Report #6
Sub-Zero Website: http://www.subzero.clickhere2.net/
Sub-Zero Messageboard: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=33&v=2&s=0
Sub Zero Motto: Resistance only delays your inevitable Destiny
It seems that Sicky has made a bit of a bloop, with the new merit mark
system going i`ve counted all battles submitted to me by you all, when in
fact i should only count DB battles or battles that are used in comps
(non-DB ones)So i`ve reclaculated all your merit marks, i apologise for the
major mess-up, feel free to vent your anger at me:(
Good News is everyone has reported in for the rogue check:)
Now fly those comp battles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Important that you all read the chronicles update, scroll down and have
alook at the update:)
Comp#1 fly XvT-DB Battle #6 - Operation: Razor Ice
Comp#2 fly TIE-DB Battle #12 - Operation Darkstar
Comp#3 write JH SickMan a story:)
Deadline for all 3 comps is January 7th 2002
Merit Marks.
The new merit system is now in place the details are:
Points are awarded for all types of activity, such as flying, graphics,
mission design and fiction:
· All pilot files submitted by a pilot will receive a point for each mission
completed in the battle. So if you complete a 6-mission battle, then you
will receive 6 merit points.
· For competitions there will be a set amount of points given to each pilot
that participates, along with the points for the number of completed
missions, entries, etc. for that competition.
Medals aware awarded after a set number of points has been amassed:
Dark Cross (DC) - 60 Merit points
War Cross (WC) - 150 Merit points
Steel Cross (SC) - 300 Merit points
I have put the merit marks in your activity reports, please contact me if
you think they are wrong, theses merit marks are calculated from when i took
command of Sub-Zero.
Medals & Elevations
Chronicles of the Mist
Remember to check out:
Event IV: Sub-Zero Battleteam members will take the below excerpt from
Tarentum's history and build a TIE, XvT, or XWA mission revolving around
that. If the battleteam chooses, they may build an entire battle. Keep in
mind this should be a cooperative effort within your Squadron.
Subject: Squadron Name - Mission Name
Due: December 22, 2001 11:59pm EST
SBM Shadow had had enough of the in-house fighting. He was a member of the
Order of the Sith, he was born to space, as were all the members of
Hammerhead who had followed him. Thus taking the House's Victory Class Star
Destroyer "Corsair" and all that would follow him, he set out to find a new
Home for House Gladius.
As they were preparing to leave the Yridia system, Aedile Silver Fox
informed Shadow that a small group of pirates were attacking an incoming
freighter. As Hammerhead Squadron was dispatched to
take care of the pirates a memory surfaced from years earlier of a large
band of pirates that had plagued the Yridia system for years. Tarentum had
tried for a long time to rid the system of the pirates, but they always
disappeared into the Itaana asteroid belt on the edge of the Yridia system.
Then Hammerhead was taken over by the legendary Dark Jedi, Dark Adept Rene
"Pappy" Le'Gar. On one sortie against the pirates Pappy used his eminence
dark side powers to allow him to follow one of the escaping pirates,
undetected, back to their base in the Itaana asteroid belt. Pappy later led
Hammerhead Squadron and the House Obelisk Brigade back to the pirate
hideout, it was a large asteroid, hidden in the middle of the belt.
The asteroid was well defended, but the forces of Tarentum prevailed. Most
of the pirates died, and those that were not killed, were taken for
questioning by the Dark Jedi, a destiny by some considered worse than death.
Tarentum had been lucky, that asteroid had been equipped with a very
powerful planetary shield and an ancient cloaking device. Both had been
inoperable at the time, parts were so scarce for these antiques, they were
always breaking down according to the pirates.
Activity Reports
Merit Marks are based on DB battles submitted to me or Comp non-DB battles
since i became CMDR of SZ
DJK Dax Corrin
Active on Email.
8 Merit Marks.
PRT Lorn Blahde
Active on Email.
4 Merit marks
Active on Email.
6 Merit Marks.
GRD Hev Randrowan
Active on Email.
0 Merit marks.
PRT Ace Hobbes
Active on Email.
0 merit marks.
PRT Vortoq
Active on email.
0 merit Marks.
PRT Koyi Komad
Active on Email.
21 Merit marks.
PRT Vonnegut
Active on email.
0 Merit Marks.
DJK Torres
Active on email.
0 Merit Marks.
ACO Corsair
Active on Email.
4 Merit Marks.
JH SickMan (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of Tarentum
WC/COL Sickman/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
BS/PCx3/ISMx4/MoI/IS-2BW/LoC-PSx26/CoLx2/CoB/OV-3E [KNGT]
Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters
DB News
SHW Site Posted SBL Yacko
long string of curses
Okay, anyways... after about 3 hours of battling with my webhost to get the
site online, and working... I did it.
It's not completed as of yet, but the skeletal work is done, so you can go
look. It does currently have a listing of all Sith Oriented/Hosted
Multiplayer Nights, so you can look at those.
And now, I need a vacation.
So, enjoy the site people: http://www.imperialacademy.org/shw
SHW Announces Upcoming Comps SW Wil Striker
The SHW has been in constant communication with the Clan and House Summit
Leaders within the Sith Order to setup a series of competitions. The overall
point is to show that the Sith are every bit as active as the Krath and
Obelisk are. In truth we all know that the Sith have always been more active
than the other Orders, but sometimes it becomes necessary for us to make
some noise to remind everyone else that we are still alive and slaying those
that are our enemies. ;)
Keep reading the weekly reports, updates, and MBs for more information as
this project develops!
House News
House Tridens Rogue Check
The House-wide Rogue Check is now over. Although I have not yet received any
reports regarding the responses from the HammerHead team, I have been
informed that the Sub-Zero team had a 100% response! Great job SZ!! In the
meantime I will be expecting a report to be sent to the QUA and AED from HH
ASAP, or else a certain PRT will be on the receiving end of a certain Sith
Warriors anger. K
Clan Tarentum Competition Chronicles of the Mist
As I mentioned earlier the participation factor for the last few events in
the COTM have been a disaster in Tridens. This is unacceptable, and I will
try my best not to vent my frustration and anger out on the entire House
after the CON finishes grilling me on the nearest bonfire. However let
notice be served now that in the future there will be little tolerance for
those in the Battle Teams that do not take time to participate in any
Competitions or Events that are held.
Clan Project
Currently the Clan and House Summit Leaders are working on some ideas and
details for a Clan-wide project that will involve all three Houses directly!
This is a great undertaking, and one that each House QUA has embraced with
great anticipation since it will be the first time, at least in a very long
time anyway, that an entire Clan has worked together for the betterment of
the entire Clan! More details will be forthcoming in the future.
Merit Points
Remember Tridens, you can earn points for activity, participation in
competitions and events, as well as for promotions! So lets get busy and see
who will have the gloating rights for having the most points and subsequent
awards!! Here is how the points for medals break down:
DC - 60 Merit pts
WC - 150 Merit pts
SC - 300 Merit pts
So lets get to those fighters and computer consoles and get active.
Remember, activity isnt only flying, it is also participating through
fiction, graphics, mission design, etc.!
House Tridens Message Board Run-on Storyline
I mentioned last week that SBL Nightflyer began a Run-on story on the House
Tridens Message Board. Apparently nobody heeded my words about participating
in this story and helping it develop. Just in case everyone, except MD of
course, has forgotten where our MB is, here is the addy to ensure everyone
has it this time: http://pub31.ezboard.com/ftarentummessageboardfrm2
Pilot Files
A reminder, especially to you newer Sith brethren. All pilot files for any
Competition/Event/Activity must be sent to your CMDR/AED/QUA, and if a Clan
Comp to the Con/Procon as well.
House Banner Needed
For those of you in House Tridens that happen to be graphically inclined,
and/or would like the opportunity to pickup an easy Dark Cross please
contact me ASAP. We are in desperate need of an official House Banner to be
used on our House Tridens domain website and Message Board.
House Tridens Domain Website
The Tridens website is still in the process of being revamped and updated as
we speak. Unfortunately my RL work schedule has been hectic these past two
weeks and I have had little time to work on the major portions that still
need to be redone. Im hoping that I will be able to accomplish this task in
the next week as I finish off the last of my work before the holidays are
upon us. Ill send out an update once the site has been updated and is
uploaded to its new site addy.
In Darkness .
SW Wil_Striker (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum
"Death is only the beginning!"
House Gladius of Clan Tarentum
Greetings Gladius for another, yes another, fabulous rendition of the
Gladius Quaestor report, brought to you by the wonderful people of
Krathie-Os. Yeah, it's sugar-loaded, and has no nutritional value
whatsoever, but whoever said evil was good for you? Tell your parents to go
out and buy you a box today.
Just a warning, this is a little longer than my usual House reports. Here
Recent additions to the House:
You all may or may not know, our House has grown by another Acolyte,
Planesdrifter by name. We're honored to have him among us. I extend him my
personal greetings, and those of the House. Email me if you need anything
Awards given:
Mystics TET DJK Telona Murrage was recently awarded a Dark Cross by KHP
Mairin Astoris for her joint 3rd placement in the monthly topic for
November. Good job Telona.
Recent Promotions:
Two of our Acolytes, Talon Draygo and Justinian Leviticus Maximus, were
elevated to the rank of Protector. Also, PRT Draygo has been given the
position of Roll Master for the House. Well done Protectors Draygo and
Rogue notices:
I sent out a Rogue check recently. The dealine is still a while away, but
make sure you check in. Yeah, it might seem tedious to reply to them, and it
might get even worse to have them monthly for some of us, but I wanna make
sure you're alright, but I also want to make sure you're active too. Special
note, if anyone knows and is in contact with Acolyte Asrin Karis, please get
in touch with me. None of my emails are able to reach the Acolyte, and I am
wondering about (his/her?) situation.
I was looking around the DB site, and I noticed some of our membership is
not currently working in one of our Phyles. I would encourage all of you to
join our Phyles. It's better to work in a team on things, it may help keep
you active, or it may even just help keep someone else active. Activity is
the heart of the Brotherhood. Also, I would likie to see our membership fill
our phyles because I have ideas, and have had ideas expressed to me, that
would allow competition between the phyles. Thought of the day: Phyles=good.
We want you (in a Phyle).
If you wish to join a Phyle, email myself or one of our Tetrarchs. If you
have a preference in Phyle membership, email that TET. If not, email any one
of us. We will be more than willing to let you know what you need to do, and
we'd love to help you join up. Also, for our younger Acolytes, keep in touch
with me. I have many ideas going through my mind, particularly to help our
newer members to increase in rank and maintain activity levels up.
And I'm going to press another issue. The Apprenticeship idea. I believe the
idea is a good one, and I would like to see all our older members pass on
what they have learned. Help our newer members learn their places and their
roles. Help keep them active, and in doing so, keep yourself active. In
particular, there are certain elder members of Gladius I might especially
like to see taking on a young apprentice.
Phyle Reports:
--Mystics of the Black Arts:
<no submissions from the mystics tet at this time>
--Wizards of the Crypt:
Greetings Wizards.. its another "one of those" from me.
First off.. Ive gotten about one or so emails from you guys since i asked
you guys to report in last week? Can anyone tell me why? Come on you cant be
THAT lazy or you'd be as big as Jabba the Hutt!! Send me an email dang it!!
Now! ...
Now thats out of the way.. on to more stuff.
The Position for AED is going to be selected rather soon. This weekend I
think? If you think you got the stuff, send in an app. What would it hurt?
Next up Comps.. The Chronicles of the Mist comp is over Sunday night at
11:59 PM EST! So get in your submissions before Ciara personally beats the
crap out of you! Trust me! I know!
There is a new part of the clan comp coming up.. that I will personally be
kicking some.. @$$ in. So get ready to get geared up for that.. <eg>
Emails.. I need more of them. I told you guys I want emails from you
week. Lets get with it shall we? Wake up people!!
Anyways, not much to report cause no one is doooing anything. Lets try to
change that in the next few weeks shall we? We can do it! :P
Report into me by next wed.. okay?? Good! Now.. go write something!
JH "Doc" Hades
Clan News:
Well, the Clan Comp Chronicles of the Mist is officially over at 11:59 pm on
the 15th (right?). I hope you've all submitted at least once. Let's give
Tridens and Cestus a run for their money to be most active of Tarentum's
Houses, shall we?
--Merit Points:
Remember Gladius, medals and promotions can be earned faster, by mere
participation. Merit points are given as you participate, and more activity
brings more points, which yields medals and promotions. Awards and
promotions according to point requirements as follows:
-Dark Cross -- 50 points
-War Cross -- 150 points
-Steel Cross -- 300 points
-Grand Cross -- 450 points (because Activity is the heart of the
Brotherhood philosophy)
- up to GRD -- 150 points
- JH to DJK -- 300 points
- above DJK -- 450 points
I have not yet assigned a minimum/maximum point limit yet, but points
be awarded for quality, length, and extra points may be awarded for special
considerations. Points can be earned for stories, poems, run-on
participation, pic submissions for fun comps, anything.
--Dark Voice Submissions:
When you submit to the Dark Voice, you can earn merit points for those
submissions as well. Make sure you CC those submissions to your AED/QUA so
that we know to award you for your activity above and beyond what you may
receive for submitting.
I think that's all I'll bug you with at this point guys. We rock, we know
it. Oh, that was bad. Used to be a cheer from my High School when I was
still there a couple years ago. Don't make me have to complete that rhyme
just to get a response from all of you, okay?
In servitude,
KP Sith Bloodfyre(Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum, (BN) {SA: CORE}
Happy Holidays fellows members of this proud House. I would like to extend
greetings to one and all in the spirit of this time of year. I hope the close
of this year and the beginning of the next brings us all happiness and health.
On another note Gladius, the dealine for submitting applications for the
position of Aedile has come and gone. I will not accept any more
applications, but I do wish to express my gratitude to those who did submit
or who showed interest in serving in that position. I was hoping to have a
decision rendered this night, but the choice from among those who did apply
is a great one, and which bears greater thought on the matter. I apologize
for any who had hoped to receive a final decision on this matter at this
time, but I assure you, the choice made will be the right one for our House,
and I will have a decision made within the week. That's right. Within 7 days
hence, our new AED will be chosen. I appreciate your support in this matter.
And in closing, again, to you and yours, a warm Season's Greetings from
myself and your House. And yes, I am going to stress activity! The rogue
check is going on, and yes, the deadline is January 4th. I hope that gives
everyone enough time to enjoy their time with family and loved ones, but
please, check in. Show your talent. Be active in the House, the Clan, and the
Brotherhood as a whole. And if you feel like you hate doing things solo, join
a phyle! Yes, we have two, count 'em two, wonderful phyles.
In servitude,
KP Sith Bloodfyre(Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum, (BN) {SA: CORE}
House Cestus of Clan Tarentum
Well this week Onwai was promoted to JH, congrats! I will be appointing him
RM soon(tommrow hopefully), and Ziguarath will be taking the position of SGT
of our one and only battle team as soon as I clear it. People, take advantage
of the JK training, I'm offering help with guns, sabers and force... contact
me and schedule a time, or talk to Ziguarath and he can help you some! We
need to get active in JK, so let's start people!
'tis all for this week
QUA, OBM Zsinj
Greetings all not much to mention this week so here are the main points.
Promotion : congratulations to JH Onwai for his recent promotion showing that
hard work pays off.
Training : as far as I am aware no one has contacted OBM Zsinj yet reference
training, I will assume its because of the holiday season.
I am also able to offer training on CTF as this is my fave JK platform so
cmon guys come and hassle Zsinj and myself.
Level Building/Skin Design : As you are all aware I am trying to develop my
skills on both, I have got a great skin design prog which is easy to use for
information on this mail me. I am sure Zsinj will agree as well as a new
banner and motto etc we need a house skin so contact me with info on the prog
and get designing the house skin.
Activity : At the moment we are fairly quiet as long as Zsinj agrees this is
what I would like to see happen, every time you send mail regarding the DB CC
Zsinj and myself no matter how trivial it is just so we can see how active
you are.
Recommendations : I would like to recommend that JH Onwai takes the position
of Rollmaster I am convinced he has what it takes and hes a very active
member. Also I have recommended JH Onwai takes my position with the envoys
as I have had to resign due to commitments as an Aedile. QUA let me know
what your views are on this.
Okay gents thats it for this week from me
DJK Ziguarath(Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum
And that's about it for this week. Dark Holidays to everyone. >:p Don't
forget to butcher a Christmas song! ..And all the other Holiday comps going
on. ;)
Darkness guide,
··· ···
C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l
KAP Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/M:KHP/CON/Tarentum,
..."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in
the head"..</eg></bows></no>
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