Consul Report


Consul Report

hi all,

it has been a long time since a clan report was sent out. this doesn't mean we are dead here at CSK, but those who know me have an idea of how i work: i do all sorts of stuff but reports are the last on my list.

also pls consider that:

a.i didn't get a direct order to do them while oldie is away.

b.i couldn't foresee how long SBL Drako our Consul will be away.

so i think the time has come for me to start writing these. I'll be sending them from now on same day as today. incase you want them some other time before or after that tell me.

this will also be the last time that the clan report is sent to the 3 order leaders. I'll have the house summits send a copy directly to them when they send their reports out (i know that it's already done by some), no need(in my opinion) to have them get reports of the other orders. here again unless one of you guys states explicitly that he wants the report , then mail me.

ok now comes the AoC: i don't know what you guys are thinking of CSK at the moment . why? because apparently I'm not on your mailing list. maybe as a little PCON i don't count or I'm simply not worth it!

but with oldie out of reach you can NOT expect anything of me or representation of CSK, as i have no clue what so ever to what you are doing . so in case any of you discussed why there are no contributions from CSK or its lack of activity then pls wake up yourselves and give us the possibility to do something! (aka. put me on that list NOW! :P )

the current situation of the clan is as follows:

we have the maniac hyperactive krath house of aleema, they have good leaders in the house and more importantly they enjoy their writing.

the fact that they derive their fun not from a game platform but from their imagination makes them satal ketos strongest house at the moment , which is quite a change from the aleema i knew some time back.

galthain and kirleta, the sith and obelisk houses are at a disadvantage here. the games that they use as main platform are getting old, which means it's getting more and more difficult to recruit new members. and holding the ones already here.

in that respective galthain has it a bit easier (with it getting a complete summit at last with DJK arso getting AED and the continued great work of Ric) and with the vast amount of custom battles available from the TC battle center. though it would be really nice to have more DB specific missions/battles.

as TCC:XWA i had a db XWA battle go thorough my hand , while talking about it to striker about what sort of award the creator will get he said it will be the standard TC MoT-RH because the DB has no medals to award for the creation of DB missions or battles. so maybe something should be done about that.

back to the clan: kirleta is at the moment the house with most alarming situation. with it being a small house,comes to that there are no special db lvls for jk and the game itself is getting old it's getting exceedingly difficult to recruit people or to motivate the few remaining. unfortunately it isn't the summits fault, cause if it was it would have been easy to replace them. but it is not. they are starting a competition after the other and trying their best to recruit and getting the current members into shape . but somehow it's not working that good.

let's hope the release of JK2 will change that.

a few words before i let you have a look at the house reports though: don't expect that my reports will be this long in the future! i said most of what i wanted to say here anyway! :P

and of course a merry x-mas everyone! :)

on Sunday 23/12/01 by

[XX#%%%O%%%#XX]< {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
FM-TCC:XWA/CPT Gord Darkonian/Falcon 2-2/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

SBM Gord Darkonian (Sith)/PCON/Satal Keto,

<div>SBL Ricardo reporting in for House Galthain on 12/20/01...</div> <div> </div> <div>DARK BROTHERHOOD NEWS: </div> <div> </div> <div>1) There is a competition running, "Design a bad guy". Basically the
idea is to design an enemy for the EH. The best will be selected for use
in future competitions. For details, go to</div> <div> </div> <div>2) There is a Holiday Order Leader Competition going on.. details at </div> <div> </div> <div>3) This & Every Saturday, 2-4pm EST, in #Naga_Sadow, there will be Dark Brotherhood Multiplayer competitions!
Attend for some XvT, XWA or JK competition, and represent House Galthain!</div> <div> </div> <div>
3) View Dark Brotherhood News at</div> <div> </div> <div>CLAN NEWS:</div> <div> </div> <div>1) Remember the competition going on to design competitions for Clan Satal Keto.. You are to come up with a plan for all 3 houses of CSK and e-mail it to PCON Darkonian and CON Drako. If your competition is used and is fun and able to generate 70%+ participation, you will be awarded either a Steel Cross or a promotion! </div> <div> </div> <div>2) Check out for Clan news and notes.</div> <div> </div> <div>HOUSE NEWS:</div> <div> </div> <div>1) Aedile Arso Slyth is on leave for a week. </div> <div> </div> <div>2) I am planning to begin a bi-weekly TIE Fighter competition for House Galthain.. You guys need some flying to keep you busy :) A Free mission will be assigned every two weeks; a Dark Cross will be awarded for winning three competitions, or something like that. </div> <div> </div> <div>3) I'd like to recognize House Galthain's two recently-promoted Commanders, Phalk Sturm and Dark Hawk. These guys were selected to command out of the blue and have done a very good job. Keep up the good work, guys!</div> <div> </div> <div>4) House Galthain is in need of a new Webmaster! Please, if you're interested, e-mail me.</div> <div> </div> <div>Remember:
*Acolytes can earn promotions to Protector by completing at least a 5 mission DB battle.
*A promotion from PRT-GRD can now be earned with the completion of at least 5 Dark Brotherhood battles. </div> <div> </div> <div>ROSTER CHANGES:</div> <div> </div> <div>NOV Shadow Blade has been moved to the Rogue List.
ACO Toran Dan has been promoted to Protector.
PRT Vessicant has been promoted to Guardian.

</div> <div> </div> <div>IMPORTANT URLS:
Clan Satal Keto:
House Galthain:
Domi's Disciples of Death: TBA
</div> <div>-SBL Ricardo/QUA/Galthain of CSK</div>


</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div><BOW>

KAP Troutrooper (yes, you read that right. KAP TT) reporting in for
House Aleema, 20 December 2001.

-"Lord of the Rings" was released yesterday.
-"Lord of the Rings" has been named Best Movie Ever by fans everywhere.
-"Lord of the Rings" makes Harry Potter look like "Earnest Goes to

-Order Leader Holiday Comp has been released. Check the details here:
-MAA Corran Force (he's the former SCL and Kirleta dude) is on leave
-Many DB members saw "Lord of the Rings" last night. I heard they liked
-SCL Grail is running a comp. Check for more details.
-SCL Grail also needs a Praetor once he realized his journey towards
the Dark Side would not be complete without one. Inquire if you have
phat ASP skillz.

-KHP Mairin is still running several comps:
1. Upper and Lower Division comps
2. Krath Monthly Topic
3. Krath MB comp
-It's a good idea to check (which redirects to for Krathie news and announcements.
-It's an even better idea to go see "Lord of the Rings" cause those
elves are damn hot!

-CON Oldie is still around...I think (Come back!)
-PCON Gord Darkonian was promoted to SW! <- that's SBM TT! (case you are actually reading this :P) G
-Clan summit says, "Go see LotR cause it ownz j00, f00'!"

-Kaiann has announced a new comp that incorporates all other comps
(read: you can double your awards). Details are below (the original
post is here:

How to participate:

On or before January 6, you shall present your Quaestor with as many
items of the list above as you can manage. To procure each item, you
will have to do a specific activity. As soon as you are done with that
activity, mail Kaiann (NOT the House list) with the claim. The item
then be credited to you. Multiple House members can procure the same


Aside from anything you will earn by taking part in the activities and
the promotion credit, the following awards will be given:

Everyone to bring 8 of the 12 items will get a Dark Cross
Everyone to bring all 12 items will get a Steel Cross

The first to bring any 8 items will receive a War Cross if there is
someone with 12 items, a Steel Cross if there is none.
The first to bring all 12 items will get... something really good.
I'll negotiate that with Mairin as soon as I know who (if anyone) it

In case nobody achieves at least 8 items, the person with the most
items filled will receive a Dark Cross. In case of ties, overall
submission quality will decide.

And if you do nothing ? Well, you have done nothing and will get
nothing. It would however be nice if those who have no time or means to
participate over the holidays would quickly inform me so that I won't
mark them down as laggards when it was just a lack of time.

Should a member qualify for several awards on this list, only the
highest honor applies. Of course you do get to keep all the loot you
along the way (and that should be at least an IWATS or SA course and a
DSS for #10 and 11 if you do the complete set).

How to achieve items:

  1. A Shard of the Crystal of Anger for the temple:
    Participate in Astatine's "Bad Guy" Competition

  2. "Heroes of the Empire" Wall calendar for office:
    Participate in the December Monthly Topic

  3. Deck coverings for Flight Deck D:
    Participate in Upper Decks / Lower Decks

  4. Aleema Theater company performance:
    Create six of your Aleema Story Roster Characters

  5. A Yuletide tree for the House, fully decorated
    Participate in at least two small events of the Christmas comp or in
    Sithy Claus.

  6. A copy of "Ancient Krath Poetry"
    Write a poem of at least 16 lines on "The Darkest Winter Night"

  7. Maintenance-free Durasteel chains for the drawbridge
    Write a story (1 page, 10 point, single-spaced) on "The Weakest Link"

  8. New silverware for mess hall
    Make 6 or more posts on the "The Mess" Run-On

  9. New wall hanging for the Great Hall
    Make a graphic, banner, website or flyer related to Aleema or your

  10. Complete set of IWATS literature for library
    Complete and pass an IWATS or SA course (except an SA:CORE module)

  11. Dark Voice subscription, deluxe edition
    Make a submission to the Dark Voice.

  12. A copy of the "The Hunt for Karian" holovid
    Make at least 3 posts of at least 300 words each or at least 5 posts of
    at least 200 words each to the Krath Messageboard run-on.

Important note: I will NOT go hunting after items you have stored in
your quarters. You MUST bring those items to me, i.e. send me a mail
to claim them including proof (CC of submission etc.) . Of course you
can claim several items in one mail.

Do NOT tell anyone in the House how far along you are. We wouldn't
want to de-motivate them by telling you already have 10 items and they
have only 2...

Special rules:

  • Any submissions made on #1, #2, #3 and #5 before the start of this
    competition are valid (as you would not be able to enter again). You
    still need to explicitly claim them again including a CC of your
  • The item to be submitted on #11 may not be previously published nor
    may it be used to fill any other part of the competition. The item must
    be of sufficient quality to be accepted for publication, if your item
    rejected for formal reasons (currently not accepting submissions, too
    many submissions in the last 2 months, whatever), I will judge its
    quality myself.
  • On item #10, you must notify me of having submitted the exam by Jan
  • You must then provide proof of passing by Jan 11, 2002. (This is
    to accomodate grading delays outside your control. I still recommend
    doing this part early to avoid any risk). For purposes of the
    date / time, the submission of the "exam taken" note will be used.

Final results will be given on Jan 12, 2002, or possibly a few days
earlier if no IWATS / SA exams remain to be graded.

There will be no updates with exact scores during this competition,
you will be totally in the dark as to who has how much until it's over.
I might however provide some aggregate information and teasing (e.g. "I
have already received 53 items and still not a single #9 among them".)

Remember the deadlines:
JANUARY 6, 11:59 pm EST for providing any notices except the proof of
passing of an IWATS / SA test
JANUARY 11, 11:59 pm EST for providing the proof of passing the IWATS /
SA test.

On January 3, every member will receive an account statement to certify
which items they have covered (so you can correct any lost
Please do not ask at any other time.

Tatsu and Angels of Death: Please remember that all activities done
within this competition count as a House competition entry and will
be at least worth the points afforded for that (if that's higher than
what the activity would normally be worth).

-We have made some off-season moves which will bolster our pitching
rotation as well as...oh sorry. I mean, PRT, Darknyte has
joined Aleema from Galthain, while NOV Snake joined, then transferred
to Galthain. Welcome, welcome, and goodbye.
-Did anyone understand what I just wrote?
-Elya has been working hard on the house archives. Keep it up!
-For the first time in a while, TT went to a movie with his wife and
actually saw what happened. I mean, "Lord of the Rings" only comes
around once...and I'll end the joke there.
-Kaiann is working on the house coat of arms and wants our opinion on
which picture of his, cat would work the best on the CoA.

-TT will be on leave from the 21st through the 1st. Heck with X-mas,
I'm watching LotR, f00'!


-Seriously, go see "Lord of the Rings."
-Seriously now, work on Kaiann's Yuletide Wishes comp. Lots of awards
will be handed out, ranging from DC's to...well, it all depends on how
much you do. Yes, LotR is 3 hours long, but that leaves plenty of time
for you to work on these projects. I would hope everyone does at half
of them, and I would be very happy if everyone earned a DC for
completing 8 projects.

Once done with 8 projects, go see "Lord of the Rings" again :D


KAP Troutrooper


KAP Troutrooper(Krath)/AED/Aleema of Satal Keto
SC-SoP/WR-PM/BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O-C-D/(GNB)/(BNG)/(BNB)/(DSS)/CoL</div> <div> </div>


</div> <div>House Kirleta Report.</div> <div>21/12/01</div> <div> </div> <div>by</div> <div> </div> <div>
OW Azazel Djo'Tarr.</div> <div> </div>


</div> <div> </div> <div><Bow>
Greetings all !</div> <div> </div> <div>
Well with Christmas right round the corner, i guess we're all busy full stop! This week there's alot of discussion on a new platform for us. Also alot of speculation that everyone (Obbies) are holding out for JK2 to come out. That's fine, but we need to keep active on the training front so our JK skill's will not lapse or wain! So when it does come out........House Kirleta will be ready!</div> <div> </div> <div>NEWS.</div> <div> </div> <div>For all the latest DB news , please goto the main Dark Brotherhood page.</div> <div> </div> <div>Kirleta News.</div> <div> </div> <div>Well another quiet week for us, and we have lost another Dark Jedi! NOV Toma did'nt finish his SA course intime, and was removed by the MAA on the request of the SA Headmaster! Just goes to show that you gotta do it within 2 months..........or it's curtains for you :P</div> <div> </div> <div>DJK Waza was awarded the Dark Cross.</div> <div> </div> <div><BOW></div> <div> </div> <div>This just in from the Order Leaders!!!</div> <div> </div> <div>>
> Heya Everybody,
> House Summits are CC'd. This is the release of the
> Holiday Order Leader Competition. I won't say much
> about it in here, just lay out some guidelines for
> submitting your stuff.
For each event, please send the email consisting of
> the corrosponding Title for the event.
> For example: for a submission to the Caption
> contest, the email title would be "CAPTION CONTEST"
> Etc etc etc. For the Sithy Claus (you'll understand
> when you read the following page) simply put "SITHY
> CLAUS" as your email subject.
> The Competition URL is the following:

> As for awards...
> - SC for first place
> - WR/BZ for second place
> - DC for third place
> - A Nice smile for anyone else.

> Enjoy! And FWD to your Houses ASAP, we don't have
> an abundance of time for submissions ;)


> Battlelord Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor,
> Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood
> Flight Member of the Grand Master's Escort Squadron, Tau
> </div> <div> </div> <div><BOW></div> <div> </div> <div>TT</div> <div> </div> <div>=====

KP Troutrooper(Krath)/AED/Aleema of Satal Keto
RSV/VA Troutrooper/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves

{IWATS-M/1/2-SM/2-TT-GFX-TM-RPG-CHAR-NS-CBX-RT-ICQ-XTT-XTM-AIM-XAM-ASP-VBS-IIC/1}</div> <div> </div> <div>This was a mail from AED Trout Trooper earlier this week.</div> <div> </div>


</div> <div> </div> <div>Reports.</div> <div> </div> <div>SGT's Report.</div> <div> </div> <div>bows></div> <div> </div> <div>
There a Competitions going on. Check your emails. Try to do atleast 1 of them this week. There for your enjoyment. You also get something out of it if you do it well.</div> <div> </div> <div>Most of you are on an AWOL check. This email will be an AWOL check. So please reply to it.</div> <div> </div> <div>I will be working on the Vashino site and making a Ladder. Email me if you want to join it. Soon my computer will be fixed and i will Train u to be the best.</div> <div> </div> <div>Lets make Vashino one of the best in the DB. Which means we need to communicate more. </div> <div> </div> <div>Welcome to Rizzy who is back with us. Now lets get out there and Fight like we know we can. </div> <div> </div> <div>JH Ric Gravin (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto, DC</div> <div> </div> <div>
AED'S Report.</div> <div> </div> <div>well sorry guys;
I don't have all the cool pics& neat colors AZ does.
but anyway</div> <div> </div> <div>
AED Report 12/19/01
1)another quite week in Kirleta. I've spent sometime
on the zone trying to recruit some people.
2)the discussion of an additional platform for the
Obelisk has taken several rounds of mail, and it has
not produced an end all agreement yet. Some seem to
think that most Obbies are only waiting till JK2 comes
out; a sure death blow to our order.
3) On that note I am suggesting a new competition to
start Jan 6th and end Jan 26 @midnight EST.
everyone needs to find someone in this house to be a
"team" with (2 man teams). you all have till Jan 5th
to mail me with who your team mate is. The ultimate
goal of this comp is to fight & win.
You can also fight any other "2 man team" you can
find; be it zone or any other format.
The level to be used in this match will be "area 21"
you can down load it @
The matches played can be nf/ff guns or sabs. Mail
me with a screen shot of the final score.
The team with the most wins will receive a WR
place will receive DC's and each SS will be submitted
for a COF for anyone in this house.</div> <div> </div> <div>
2nd ==
every SS submitted will receive a COF for each house
Kirleta member</div> <div> </div> <div>4) I have asked COFO to move Tre-Bosa to the rouge
list due to his lack of time.</div> <div> </div> <div>
5) A new item the comp has been DGM approved!!!!
although Sharad has asked that we postpone it because
of his comp in Jan.
A decision has not been made yet.</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>=====
DJK Waza Sunrider(Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto. {SA:}/DC/CoL/BN </div> <div> </div> <div>Roll Master's report.</div> <div> </div> <div>TBA.</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div>


</div> <div> </div> <div>
Well thats it from me, stay hungry dude's! AND ..........Merry Christmas one and all!!! ;)</div> <div> </div> <div>Respectfully submitted.</div> <div> </div> <div><-o-><-o->^-WC-^<-o-><-o-></div> <div>WC/COL Azazel/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf</div> <div>SSx2/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-XTT} ( Tie Phantom-'Sabertooth') </div> <div> </div> <div>OW Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,</div> <div>WR-PM/(BN) {SA Core}</div> <div>RG/MC Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg</div> <div>SL/PTE Uziel Djo'Tarr/Vindictive-Vehement/2/LCF Falcon's Eye =S= =SN1=</div> <div>"Every Wolf suffers flea's.......tis easy enough scratch!!"</div> <div>ISD Grey Wolf : ASF Flag Ship.</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div>

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