Quaestor's Announcements
(Archpriest Enahropes Teriad Entar)
I apologise for the lateness of this report! I got caught up with some real life shit, it being Christmas and all. I totally forgot about the house report, for some reason I thought I had already sent it in :P. Anyway, here it is!
I have had Rollmaster D'hak contact an AWOL check for the house. I looked over it and thought "we have a lot of members that I haven't heard from". So I thought we should have this check to determine who actually is here and who isn't. Over half have replied for far, which is good to see.
The small house competition, "write your Dark Jedi history", is still around. Submit a two page plus story to receive a Letter of Merit. The best submission will win a Dark Cross. I'm also discussing a house competition with the house and clan summit, don't expect it too soon, its still being planned. :)
The Arcona wide competition for designing its base it over soon. I'm afraid I am going to have to hang myself as my team has no submission... it was all over the for the first few weeks trying to get team members and then I figured out we could start without a full team... oh well, no excuses. I shot myself in the foot and now I'm dead. :P
If anyone in the house has ASP or PHP skills contact me... if we can get some on the house site there's a DC involved. ;)
KAP Enahropes Teriad Entar (Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona,
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