Brother Jedi Hunter Phalk Sturm reporting for this week's activity.
This email is sent in non-HTML format because of a dangerous virus alarm, Brother Gord Darkonian (our Proconsul for those living in a sealed jar), has comunicated throughout the house of deleting whatever message you get from this person madeleine@globetrotter, and certainly avoiding any handling with all its attachments whatsoever. So beware people, get yourself a good disinfection...
The Terran year is over, and all of us Sith are wandering around, lazy fighters after a COMPETITIONS
No flying comps are running until the Holiday comps are over. Our Quaestor is planning to build up a bi-weekly flying comp to keep us Sith people busy. So relax while you can.
As you may know we have a merit system in the house. Basically you get different amount points for different activities and when you get enough pts you can exchange them for a medal.
House/innerclan comps: *Base participation points (any participation at all): 8 points *Submission of a pilot file: 5 points per platform (5 for TIE, 5 for XvT, 5 for XWA) *Submission of graphics, fiction: 3 points per sub *Multiplayer matches: 2 base points (whether you flew 1 match or 100) + 2 points for each victory. Penalty for not taking part and not being excused: -15
Clan and DB lvl comps: *Base participation points (any participation at -all-: 14 points *Submission of a pilot file: 5 points per platform (5 for TIE, 5 for XvT, 5 for XWA) *Submission of graphics, fiction and the like: 3 points per sub *Multiplayer matches: 2 base points (whether you flew 1 match or 100) - 2 points for each victory.
extra points for quality (this only clan and DB wide comps): *If you get 1st or 2nd place overall: 3 additional points/ 5 for DB wide comp. *If you get 3rd or 4th place overall: 2 additional points/4 for DB wide comps. *If you get 5th or 6th place overall: 1 additional point/3 for DB wide comps. Penalty for not taking part and not being excused: -25
Other merit points awards *Completion of an DB battle +1/mission *Creation of a DB battle +35 *Creation of a DB mission +15 *Run-on story or submission (at least 2 paragraphs) +1 *Completing an Shadow Academy course +15 *Fun (e.g the come up with a line for this picture comp) comp submission +2
DC - 60 Merit pts WC - 150 Merit pts SC - 300 Merit pts
JH Phalk Sturm: Your lazy brother has done absolutely nothing this week. Comments: You make comments about your brother.
FM/GRD Josh Popelka: Back from Leave this week
FM/GRD Liara: See same as Phalk
FM/GRD Vessicant: He too as Phalk
FL/SW Zysfryar: Well, Zys is always doing nothing.
FM/ACO Holu Tatsu: Same as all of us
FM/GRD Vessicant: Nothing too.
FM/JH Indaro Gallia: Indaro is doing something nobody knows
FM/ACO Snake Recently incorporated to among us. He is blending pretty well, as he has done nothing imitating the rest of his battleteam
Anyone wanting to get a better looking ATR are free to mail me every week with a list of everything they done (DB related of course). I am sending reports on Mondays, so last day for submitting any material is Sunday evening. If somehow I forgot to add anything you did during this week, let me know immediately and those changes will be expressed on next week's report.
Fraternally submitted by: (who is fed up with doing nothing and killing no one)
JH Phalk Sturm/CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto (BN) [SA:CORE] "Do or do not, there is no try"
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