Welcome pilots to the general Freak show that is HLK and it's three squadrons.
Since I don't have access to the Diamond Egroup I'll have to use this one (Sorry Vor :P )
Avery quite week form the Diamond Office and I'm also very disappointed in over half the squadron. Ia sked you to report in and I gave you a week to do so but only three of you have done so. Is it that hard to send an Email saying "Hey yeah I'm here." I'm not going to name names this time.
(Mini Rant Ends)
On to Announcements
1:Congratulations to Nakata on winning the Dec flying comp.
2:I'd also like to pay tribute to Dujhod for the creation of a very good TIE mission for the OoP. If Kale doesn't award him a medal for it I'll bitch until he does.
3:Yacko is still looking for a Magistrate. If you feel you are up to the job and meet his requirements apply for the job because as we all know DC aides get promoted faster than anyone else.First Magistrate to the Sith High Warrior's Duties
Submit opinions on ideas, be a sounding board.
Help in the planning of, and judging of events
Encourage discussion between Houses via email/message board
First Magistrate to the Sith High Warrior's Requirements
GRD or Higher
Must have been at least a CMDR+ in DB or TC
Preferably a COM/WC/QUA/AED in past or present
.5 to 2 hours a night available for odd jobs and email
Good communication skills
HTML/ASP Skills a Plus
Not annoying
No reccommendations or medals listed in application
Currently running:
Crimsons Flying comp
Kings of Tomorrow.
CC me anything you send for these comps Especially for KoT, Goat says he's gotten submissions but I haven't seen one yet.
Squadron Placement Comp: Won't do a thing about this until everyone has reported in.
KoT Diamond Tiein Comp: Working on it.
OK that's about it any ideas, complaints, questions feel free to ask. Preferably before either the Summit or the DC get their hands on me and place my head on a force pike.
DJK Janos Silverwulf(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow
Acting Executive Officer Diamond Squadron
Executive Officer Sapphire Squadron
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