Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


Many Years into the Future

A man sat in a chair in his refuelling station, reflecting on the past.

"Was it worth the trouble, running away to escape the seal. Even though I didnt get him pregent, the seal was still after me, I know it. Even though many years ago he chose someone else over me, the person who brought the seal to HLK, I saw the lust in his eyes."

The man took a sip from his Golden Bottle

"So Basically I escaped it all, and returned to my domain, to protect the Golden Bottle, from the evil creator, and adopted the title, Lord of the Bottle. Now I sit back here, wondering, who could of gotten that seal pregent."

The present

Janos was having a quite word to Scithe

"Bob-Fett has dissapeared. You think he got Fred Pregent, and he got scared and ran off?" Janos asked

"No, I dont think so, ever since Bob got back from his first disapearence, we found out that during that experience, his genitals were removed from his body because of something he did while he was drunk on some planet to some kings daughter. I dont think it could be Bob-Fett," Scithe replied

To be Continued

News in Breif

House Compeition - Kings of Tomorrow

House Compeition - Monthly Flying Compeition

Dude, Wheres Bob-Fett?

New Member

Awards and Promotions

Web Page

Scithe News Letter

December Monthly Flying Compeition Winners

House Compeition - Kings of Tomorrow

Lets get to it with the Kings of Tomorrow Compeition

Thats the address

Basically, if you do something that is covered on the web page, like fly a missions / battle, do graphics, write fiction, fly Melees, create a battle / mission, you sended it onto AED Scithe:

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And you will be awarded points for if. At the end of the compeition, the person will the most points in each event, and the person with the most over all points will recieve medals, as outlined on the web site.

House Compeition - Monthly Flying Compeition

When every you fly a mission or battle off the Battle Board, sent the pilot files into me and goatham, and you will recieve your points. At the end of the month, who every has the most points, wins a Dark Cross

Dude, Wheres Bob-Fett?

<crimster> !seen Bob-Fett

<deathfyre> Bob-Fett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) was last seen quitting from #db 42 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes ago stating ((A)bort, (R)etry, (G)et a beer?).

Quite Interesting isnt it, it looks like it happens twice a year

New Member

I would like to Welcome Iron Mark to Sapphire Squadron if I have already not done so (Sorry, cant rmember what I did before I went on Leave)

Awards and Promotions

NOV Iron Mark promoted to ACO!!!

Dark Cross x 2 to Abel Malik

Dark Cross to Janos

Dark Cross to Carl Lost

Web Page

Hopefull it will be updated later on tonight, if not, within the next few days

Scithe's Newsletter's

Do not hesitate to send Scithe anythnig you do like fiction or graphics for his weekly Newsletter

Scithe Email Address -> [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

December Monthly Flying Competition Winners

Here are the December Winners

  1. Nakata - 122 Points

  2. Carl Lost - 54 Points

  3. Abel Malik - 35 Points

Congratulations all

Other Participants were

Doom Falcon - 32 Points

Darkmage - 19 points

Janos - 1 point

Myrrkal - 1 point


Dark Cross - Nakata

30 Promo Points - Carl Lost

20 Promo Points - Abel Malik

Quote of the Week

<djk_janos> I was originally coming home yesterday but stayed away for another day to continue doing some quality drinking :P

Nows that a typical Sapphire Pilot

In Closing

Well, Im back from leave, Sapphire is near full again, there are compeitions comming up, and there are plenty of compeitions on as well at the moment. I hope to see the activity levels rise up again to sapphire standards (...we have standards?).

Good work to all who were promoted and were awards medals, keep up the good work

SW CrimsonAngel (Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

Commander of Sapphire Squadron

FM/LCM CrimsonAngel/Raptor 2-2/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator

CMDR/MAJ CrimsonAngel/Razor/Wing II/MC-90 Fear/IW/EH

DOC/LCM CrimsonAngel/Wing II/FMC-IW/M-TFC LastHope

'Fear My Hot Pants!!'

[Tie Defender - CrimsonWing]

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