Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

<title>Dragon Guard Report #1</title>

Dragon Guard Report #1, Jan. 10th 2001

Well, as my first full week as the Tetrarch, I can say that it was a busy one. We have three new members! Don't forget to greet them on IRC. Also, we have one new competition. You can see full details in the DG Comps section of the Dragon Guard Webpage(here).

Also, I thought I would add a little personality to the regular reports so that people will actually read them!(*Dengar looks at Alucard:P<font color="#656C4B">) So the besides news, comps, XO report, and Miscellanious, I have added Tyro of the week, IRC comment of the week/Dengar's Words of wisdom(depending on if I have any of either), and lastly, my IRC artwork for the week!:P</font>


I won't cover to much news, because it is the QUA/AEDs job in their report and...HEY! Why do extra work if I don't have to:P

  • COMPETITION! That's right, we have one competition this week. It starts today and ends the 24th! A banner of any size for the Dragon Guard Webpage! Those of you who are good at Graphics, get participating!(INFO Here)

  • Everyone, Please do something soon. There is a Participation AWOL check going on. What does that mean? It means do something or else you will get kicked out:(

  • If anyone has any graphics that I could use on the DG site, email me, please!

  • There is a Krath Basics Exam that everyone should take! Available at Shadow Academy.

  • I want to see more people on IRC( in the Channels #CSP and #HAD .

New Members

Three new members this week!

  • PRT Alucard has joined Dragon Guard!

  • KHP Saitou has joined Dragon Guard!

  • PRT Aieshaline Strathaven has joined HAD and Dragon Guard!


  • Banner Competition, Information Here.

  • Krath Monthly Topic. The Topic for this month is "Resurrection". More info at the House Competition page.

  • Prelude to Andevia has started! More info at both competition sites.

  • House and up Competitions are listed here, and Phyle Competitions are here.

  • Have a Dragon Guard Competition Idea? Let me know:)

Tyro of the Week

Tyro for this week is a tie between GRD Loor and PRT Sunrider!!!

<font size="7"> -> Dengar's Words of Wisdom <-

Well, this sections are little lessons, jokes, or even(GASP) real wise sayings...

This one came out of my mouth when I was on the phone with my best friend... don't know where it came from, but it is true:P

"Imperfection is always seen best by the eye of the artist." What does it mean, it means that if you creat a piece of art, you will see the problems with it more than anyone else.

DG XO Report

I didn't recieve one this week:(

<font size="7"> -> Dengar's IRC Art <-

Hey, anyone have art that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it here:)

This week will be my original creation, GRIMACE, from McDonalds:P(Can't figure out how to do this in HTML so it will be absent from the report in the database.)


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<font color="#656C4B">

Not to bad! I also have Empirial Grimace, Parachute Grimace, Fancy Grimace, Cookie Eating Grimace, Shotgun Grimace, and Dead Grimace(the last two are a little violent:P) available if you see me on IRC.

Well, that's all in my new and Improved Report:P Remember to check out the DG site at

<font size="7" color="red" face="chiller"> Dengar March <font size="5">

PRT Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae {SA: CORE-CORE}

   [Student of Saitou]

WC/LC Dengar March/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid

BS/PCx2/ISM/IS-1SR/LoC-ISx12/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-ICQ-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-TT}

[Modified TIE Interceptor "Legacy"]

</font></font></font> </font></font>

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