Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

W00t. It's time for the Happy Clan Taldryan Proconsul's Report.


  1. Announcements and Relevant Stuffs

  2. Proconsul's Section

  3. Joins

  4. Awards/Promos

  5. Assignments.


  1. Prelude to Andevia is well underway. I hope to see a huge Clan Taldryan participation in this event. I know I'm already signed up on the JK ladder, and working on fiction for it. Let's see some hellafired asswhoopin from us. Details can be found at

  2. As you all know, my personal "Design a Dark Jedi Holiday" competition has ended. Winners will be announced Monday.

  3. Great Krath War has begun!! I'm looking forward to seeing Ektrosis dominate this one. If any of you need any assistance or help, don't hesitate to ask Jac and I. Details can be found at

Pronconsul's Section.

  1. I only have one request this week. I don't see enough general Taldryan representation. Thus, I'm putting out a call. I want to see an increased IRC presence, yes, but I also want to see those on IRC playing more JK, XvT, XWA, whatever you can brawl at. In fact, anyone up for a JK or XvT match may challenge me, in which case you'll probably win and be able to say "Wow, I beat the PCON" :P


  1. Only one this week. I'd like to issue a big Taldryan welcome to PRT Face Loran, in from Tarentum.


  1. JH Freedon Nad - Bronze Scroll (w00t! Ownage!)

PRT Destavol Gin - Dark Cross (Go Dest!)

  1. GRD Coranel Both (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan (Promoted to GRD! Congrats Coranel!)

    GRD Darklighter (Promoted to SGT of Dinaari's DarkFire Brigade! W00t!)


  1. Kick Ass in Prelude

  2. Kick Ass in Krath War

  3. Be Ready for Sithspawn's Inter-Clan competition Next Week!

Proconsul Sithspawn

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