Hells Gatekeepers phyle
Motto: The way to hell might look clear, but at the gate we'll see your fear
Tetrarch: DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar
Members: 11
I'm really glad to announce the arrival of two new Dark Jedi in our battle team, help me welcome them in Hell's Gatekeepers: ACO Amity Aphenix and KAP Kelvis Xavier. One more member and we will be full. If the inactive ones are removed (AWOL check) we will be unstopable and will leave a path of destruction in our way, no one will be able to fend off our mighty attacks.... Also, there are two runons which I really want to start: one for the Krath vendetta (our phyle only) and one for the Andevia competition (anyone from Arcona). Give me response with mail, IRC our on the MB so that I know if there are enough people interested.
Congratulations to Teachdaire (Korbane Ashoka)! He won three medals in the last competitions (Steel Cross, Bronze Scroll and Dark Cross) and I asked Enah to promote him to Guardian for being very active.
I want you all to Cc me anything you write for a competition or just for archives (no runon posts ofcourse) like monthly topic submissions, poems for the Qel-Droma archive, Andevia submissions: everything. By doing that, I'll know what's going on, who are active and that will make me able to award you for it.
I would like you all to have a look at the Qel-Droma message board: http://mb.ehnet.org/mb.php?action=topics&forum_id=15&days=7 . I've posted details on a runon and a crazy plan of me there that I would like you all to read.
I'm really busy at the moment with all different kind of things in the DB and the BHG so the HG website is really out of date, sorry. I'm trying with JaM3z to get it on another place but that will take a lot of time.
That's it for this week.....
Dark Greetz,
DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona, BZ/DC/(BN)/
Oriens Obscurum's Companion Class Enovy
<prophet of qel-droma>
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