<title>Dragon Guard Report #2 "Cymbre Edition"</title>
Dragon Guard Report #2 "Cymbre Edition", Jan. 17th 2002
This Report is the "Cymbre Edition" report... Why make a Cymbre edition you ask? Well, Cymbre was a DG Tetrarch for a long time and she is well known on IRC, or because I am still feeling guilty from eating her pet cow, or possibly because she is also graduating the "Hair styling/cutting" school... (I suggest you all get haircuts before she graduates:P) I needed a subject for this weeks report, so here it is!
Also, I just want to again say "Participate in the Great Krath War Run-On on the HAD Message boards! I really would like to see atleast one submission(I want three so that atleast SOMEBODY will get a medal) for the DG Banner Competition!:P
As I have said before, I won't cover to much news, because it is the QUA/AEDs job in their report, and I want to make this as non-repeatative as possible.
Great Krath War has started! Competition section for more details.
PRT Alucard went Rogue. Bye Alucard:(
DG XO, Protector Sunrider(El Sol), has resigned his position due to RL matters. If anyone would like the position of XO(Excecutive Officer), please email me and let me know!
Dragon Guard Tyro and my Master, KAP Saitou, is on leave!
Everyone, Please do something soon. There is a Participation AWOL check going on. What does that mean? It means do something or else you will get kicked out:(
If anyone has any graphics that I could use on the DG site, email me, please!
There is a Krath Basics Exam that everyone should take! Available at Shadow Academy.
I want to see more people on IRC(www.mirc.com) in the Channels #CSP and #HAD .
New Members
Three new members this week!
Great Krath War has started! First round is up, to participate in the Run-On, go to the HAD Message Boards.
Banner Competition, Information Here.
Krath Monthly Topic. The Topic for this month is "Resurrection". More info at the House Competition page.
Prelude to Andevia has started! More info at both competition sites.
House and up Competitions are listed here, and Phyle Competitions are here.
Have a Dragon Guard Competition Idea? Let me know:)
Tyro of the Week
Tyro for this week is GRD Loor!!!
<font size="7"> -> Cymbre's Random IRC Quotes <-
here some of them are... some were not appropriate for the report either:P
LC_Dengar> I need to go to sleep...
Cym> :~(
Cym> ok
LC_Dengar> Would you rather I swear never to leave your side?:P
Cym> Hm......then we could start the Cult of Cym....
Cym> Hmmmmm
Cym> stop giving me ideas
how about this one:P
Cymbre> sorry my keyvoard is crap
BR>* Cymbre is Queen of all Monkey type people
BR>* Serovich nods some more
Cymbre nods and nods
LC_Dengar nods at Cymbre
Cymbre nods abck
Cymbre nods at her typos
Ok, enough of those:P
<font size="7"> -> DG XO Report <-
Sunrider has resigned!
<font size="7"> -> Dengar's IRC Art <-
Hey, anyone have art that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it here:)
This week is a Seahorse, which Cymbre asked me to make.(Can't figure out how to do this in HTML so it will be absent from the report in the database.)
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Not bad! Stay tuned for my Sabe Edition Report!
Well, that's all in my new and Improved Report:P Remember to check out the DG site at http://www.geocities.com/dengarmarch/
Dengar March <font size="5">
PRT Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae {SA: CORE-CORE}
[Student of Saitou]
WC/LC Dengar March/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
BS/PCx2/ISM/IS-1SR/LoC-ISx12/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-ICQ-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-TT}
[Modified TIE Interceptor "Legacy"]
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