Greetings to all,
Another week has passed and apologies for my weekly report being late, but alas my course finished late this week and was unable to get to my computer in time.
First item of business is the league competition "Prelude to Andevia" the URL is
The league is up and running get yourself registered and start playing. There is also level design and skin design portion of the competition so for all those budding .mat and .gob creators get busy.
Please feel free to e-mail and throw down the gauntlet for the league.
Secondly a while ago QUA Zsinj let us all know about a competition for a new banner, motto etc. also lay out for a House website, as far as I am aware no one has actually submitted any work for this so lets get it rolling again now that Christmas is over lets clear the cobwebs.
Submissions will be rewarded. All submissions to myself and QUA Zsinj.
Third item of business is the new Obelisk website is up have a look, a lot of the features are not yet up but I am sure they will be ready soon. It can be found at the following.
Next item, the battle team is now headed ny JH Darkov his website is up, and would urge you to contact him so that he can add you to the battle team roll. You can contact him at the following address [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
My last item is reference the Quaestor`s offer of training again I dont think anyone has utilised his services and now "Prelude to Andevia" is upon us how many of you will be ready?
Okay thats it for another week, keep busy stay active but most of all have fun.
DJK Ziguarath(Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum
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