Aedile Report


Aedile Report

AED Report 01/23/02

1) I believe Kirleta is starting to move!!!!!

I've seen on the Andevia ladder that Gravin has started in the JK matches !!yea!!!

2) ok look its again almost time for the come to an end and once again there have been no scren shot submissions if someone doesnt have any entries I'd like an explanation as to what it will take to get a comp working in this house. first you guys pass up a promo & now it seems everyone is willing to let medals pass by also. Im ready to throwin the towel I cant come up with more comps if no one will get involved.

3) if the house can get involved in whats left of this comp or andevia i mentioned to Az abouttaking the fight to another house & he said he'd look into it

4) congrats go to DJK Gravin for the promo.

so that about wraps it up for my soap box corner. go JK !!!!

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