Dark Greetings Tarentum,
Medals for Chronicles of the Mist are out! Read and marvel at the wonderous works of our fellow Clansmen and women.
Dark Jedi Knight Torres was awarded a Steel Cross.
Dark Jedi Telona Murrage was awarded a Steel Cross.
Dark Jedi Knight Ziguarath was awarded a Steel Cross.
Krath Priest Sith Bloodfyre was awarded a Dark Cross and a Bronze Scroll.
Protector Justinian Leviticus Maximus was awarded a Dark Cross.
Guardian Kenath Zoron was awarded a Dark Cross.
And..consequently, I've decided to choose our three Steel Cross winners from each house as the first members to recieve the lovely elite guard-type positions of the month of Febuary as this is the last report until next month. So congratulations to Torres of Tridens, Telona of Gladius, and Ziguarath of Cestus, you're up first. ;)
I need a little help working the kinks out of this system though. The postiions are to allow active membrs of the house to be publicly recognized for their works. I had the idea of writing a segment in each clan report of that week dealing with them, but does anyone else have any other ideas? Each position has a special item they recieve with additions everytime they serve in the position again, but besides in fictional and roleplay aspects, how would we include these? Possible display on a special portion of the Clan website? By the way, anyone willing to make pictures for these items (contact me and I'll send you the description) I'd be willing to award a nice shiny medal. ;) Send me your ideas!
Now.. Krath War! Prelude to Andevia! Do it! I know several of us are working on the runon for the Krath, but don't forget the other events of the Krath War (deadline for Event II is TONIGHT!) or the events of Prelude to Andevia. Hmm, wonder if Gladius could handle two run-ons at once? >=P
On to House Reports. . .don't forget!
House Gladius of Clan Tarentum
Greetings Gladius for another, yes another, fabulous rendition of the Gladius Quaestor report, brought to you by the wonderful people of JediBurger. They use only 100% Grade A beef, and there's a secret surprise in every kids' meal. Look for the secret coupon for a free ride in the Star Destroyer Avenger! Limit only one prize, game ends tomorrow.
Recent additions to the House:
No recent additions to the House. Still waiting on our long-time friend Jaya Cypher's transfer into the House. Heard anythign on that Jaya?
Awards given:
For their placings in the Primary Events of the Chronicles of the Mists competition, the following individuals received:
KP Sith Bloodfyre -- Bronze Scroll, Dark Cross
KP Telona Murrage -- Steel Cross
PRT Justinian Leviticus Maximus -- Dark Cross
Recent Promotions:
No recent promotions. I'm willing to help everyone advance! Keep in touch with me.
Rogue notices:
None yet. Kodiak has now been placed in charge (as RM) and will be conducting Rogue Checks the last two weeks of every month, starting February. Make sure you all check in for those!
Phyle Reports:
--Mystics of the Black Arts:
Does everyone know what time it is? That's right! It's time for another weekly report brought to you by your ever lovable Tetrarch. Ok now on to news.
Couple competitions listed on the DB website
takes you right there. It's full of information and just plain good to visit. So
bookmark it or else!
The run-on is running so everyone needs to catch it, the fever that is. Run-on
fever, this one's big folks.
If you participate in any competition, I'd really like to have a copy of what you
send in. Just for my files and Mystic files and Gladius files.
If anyone has anything for me, questions, comments, concerns, ideas, feel free
to email me. In fact, I'd like to get more emails, gives me more to read.
That's it for now. Have a fun, productive, and dark week.
KP Telona Murrage (Krath)/TET/Gladius of Tarentum, DC-KC-O/(BNAg)/(DSS) {SA: CORE}
Dark Side pleasures at their best.
--Wizards of the Crypt:
(Hades, I'm still waiting to hear back from you on our choice for TET. I need you to get back in touch with me!)
Important DB News:
Competitions! Prelude to Andevia! The Great Krath War! Participate!
Clan News:
Chronicles of the Mist Message Board roleplays! Get into it!
House News:
House run-on for the GKW! We started out kinda slow, but let's keep it up, let's get it going! We rule!
--Merit Points:
Remember Gladius, medals and promotions can be earned faster, by mere participation. Merit points are given as you participate, and more activity brings more points, which yields medals and promotions. Awards and promotions according to point requirements as follows:
-Dark Cross -- 50 points
-War Cross -- 150 points
-Steel Cross -- 300 points
-Grand Cross -- 450 points (because Activity is the heart of the Brotherhood philosophy)
up to GRD -- 150 points
JH to DJK -- 300 points
above DJK -- 450 points
I have not yet assigned a minimum/maximum point limit yet, but points will be awarded for quality, length, and extra points may be awarded for special considerations. Points can be earned for stories, poems, run-on participation, pic submissions for fun comps, anything.
--Dark Voice Submissions:
When you submit to the Dark Voice, you can earn merit points for those submissions as well. Make sure you CC those submissions to your AED/QUA so that we know to award you for your activity above and beyond what you may receive for submitting.
That's it for now. Sorry, this one has caught me a bit unprepared, so it's a little rushed. Too much going on tonight to even get into. Keep up the activity guys! You're doing great!
In servitude,
KP Sith Bloodfyre(Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum, BZ-BQ/DC-KC/(BN)/ {SA: CORE-DfKS}
House Tridens of Clan Tarentum
Greetings House Tridens,
Im happy to say that things are coming along. The House Summit has been in
regular contact discussing new ideas and plans for House Tridens. More will
follow in next weeks report. J
A lot of news and information this week, so everyone take your time reading
through the report!
Im happy to say that at least a couple more brethren have picked up their
pace lately to be more active. We keep this up and who knows, by Summer we
may have everyone active! :P
GRD Dave Darklighter was awarded the Dark Cross! (A well deserved medal,
keep up the excellent activity GRD!!)
DJK Torres was awarded the Steel Cross! (Great job during the comp Torres!!)
GRD Kenath Zoron was awarded the Dark Cross! (Congratulations Zoron, keep up
the great work!!)
PRT Kenath Zoron has been elevated to the rank of Guardian! (Well done
No transfers this week.
House News:
Ø House AWOL/Rogue Check in effect. All members must report in by
2/1/02. CMDRs submit AWOL/Rogue reports by 2/2/02.
Ø House Summit is collecting information from House members regarding
the Sith Order. All information must be submitted no later than 2/1/02.
Ø Battle Team CMDRs are putting together competitions. More information
will be available after they are organized and approved by the DGM.
Ø From now on the House Report will also be delivered to the SHWs
Office each week. I give this warning in order to curtail any ridiculous
responses to the weekly reports. I dont wish to be on the receiving end of
the SHWs wrath if he should have his inbox filled with a lot of useless
garbage. :P
Clan News:
Ø The CotM Sith results were released and DJK Torres took 1st place in
every category! PRT Kenath Zoron placed 2nd in the XWA event!
Sith High Warrior News:
Appease the Almighty SHW, Image Competition
Once again, the time is drawing nigh, where the Dark Brotherhood shall
come together once again, to offer up great tribute to the Almighty Sith
High Warrior, to attempt to gain favour, and honour throughout the systems.
The artisans shall be given great renown, and their works shall be
reconizable for eons to come. Indeed, they shall be given immortality for
their great works of vision and beauty.
But first, they must answer the call to create these works. And now the
noble esquire of Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor shall announce the requirements for
the artisans of the Brotherhood.
a.. An Image of width 400 pixels by 400 Pixels
b.. Compiled in JPG or GIF formats
c.. Contains the Text "Office of the Sith High Warrior"
d.. Contains a colour scheme of predominantly Red
e.. Winner Recieves a WR or BZ depending on Order
f.. Competition Open to All Orders
Due Date: February 2nd, 2002
Submit To: SHW Keirdagh Cantor, [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Example: http://www.imperialacademy.org/shw/
Dark Brotherhood News:
Ø Sith High Warrior News release:
1.) The Order Leader Holiday Competition has finally finished. Thanks to
all who participated, I'll be publishing the winners and the results on the
website soon.
2.) P:SCL Aylius Khan has offered the use of the www.sithorder.org domain
which he owns. I have accepted his offer, and therefore, when everything is
underway, I will be moving the SHW site there.
3.) I'll be choosing a Magistrate today, it's been an extremely hard choice
to make, so I'll put it forward soon.
4.) Sith High Warrior Wants Graphics Comp will be released tonight aswell.
Oh isn't it special?!
5.) Calling all mission designers and mission creators... get your design
skills ready and raring to go. Soon the Sith High Warrior's Office will be
putting forth a competition unlike any other in the Dark Brotherhood's past.
Keep your eyes peeled.
6.) I have worked out a good arrangement with Emperor's Hammer Tactical
Officer, Striker. Soon, Dark Brotherhood battles will have MoT's awarded to
them in the Dark Brotherhood, and not the TIE Corps.
7.) I'll be starting work on the webpage again soon, I have exams coming up
in a week, so my time will be limited, but rest assured, it'll get completed
in full soon.
8.) Now, everyone remember, participate in the Prelude to Andevia
competition run by the then Training Officer, now Executive Officer
Astatine. (http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/news.asp)
9.) Just a final note, thank you for your congratulations about becoming a
Warlord, you will soon die. Now stop congratulating me :P
Ø New Competition Released by the Sith High Warrior. View the details
at http://www.sithorder.org/comps/imagecomp.html
Ø KPN Trevarus Caerick ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), Knight Commander of
the Brotherhood, has announced an Artifact Competition. Here are the details
from KPN Caerick regarding the competition:
Have you always wanted the chance to create a force-powerful artifact? Well
here's your shot.
I'm looking for good artifacts for possible use in future Brotherhood
activities. You could even be the winner of this artifact at some later
I'd like one paragraph on each:
Creation of the artifact
History of the Artifact
Effects/powers granted, and how they are activiated.
Detrimental Effects
Level of user required.
Order Specific, or not?
Artifacts with a poor balance of atributes will be rejected. Obviously a
Amulet with powers atributed to powerful Dark Jedi, IE: (Force Lightning,
Instant-death) would nut be usable by an Apprentice, or even a Dark Jedi
Knight. You need to take this into consideration.
All entries have a possibility of being used at a later date. If your's is
being kept on file, I'll notify you. You might recieve an award/additional
reward when/if it is used.
Whoever creats the "best" artifacts (most realistic) will receive a Bronze
Scroll/War Cross, and the second place will receive a Dark Cross. You are
free to submit as many different artifacts as you wish, but may only win one
award at this time.
Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject "Artifact
Creation" no later than February 23rd at midnight.
Do not plagarize from D&D or any other source. Imitation is fine.....but I
have a panel of RPG experts to consult with :P
Ø The following Virus Awareness message is from DA Mairin Astoris:
Yes, I know I harp on this regularly, but it's worth doing. :P This is a
reminder to everyone to practice safe internetting where possible. We're
part of an online organisation, in which hundreds upon hundreds of files
change hands every day. It makes the club a lot more fun for everyone
involved if you take responsibility for keeping your system clean of
viruses. If you don't have a virus scanner, I highly recommend buying one -
they only cost £30 (approx $45US) for a year, and they can save you a lot of
trouble at the end of the day. If you have a virus scanner, make sure you
keep it regularly updated. If you're running Windows, make sure you download
critical updates regularly, disable file sharing (where possible), and
remember the golden rules of email attachments:
1: Don't open an attachment if you don't know who it's from
2: Don't open an attachment you weren't/aren't expecting
Stay safe!
Ø The SHW has announced the appointment of the M1:SHW! Here is his
recently released statement:
I'd like to congratulate Synjin Hades Erebor on becoming my First
Magistrate. He'll be assisting me with matters of running the order, as well
as being an integral link between the SHW Office, and the TAC Office of the
Emperor's Hammer.
Ø The SHW has recently notified the House and Clan Summits that a deal
has been reached with the EH TAC wherein DB members that create new DB
Battles that are approved and released to the EH Battle Center will be
awarded Medal of Tactics (MoT). Thats right folks, the SHW has secured the
right for DB members to receive the MoT, originally only awarded to TC
Ø DA Mairin Astoris had the following to say recently regarding the
January Montly Topic:
So far, I've only received 4 entries for the monthly topic. There won't be
any medals given out unless I get 10 entries by the end of 31st January.
Don't let those wonderful 4 people, who've already submitted, have their
work go to waste because you didn't. :P
The topic is "Resurrection", you must write a minimum of 1 page in 12 point
Times New Roman font or equivalent, you may submit in .doc or .txt format.
Don't forget to include your ID lines!
NB: This Competition is open to ALL Orders! Sithies and Obbies, that means
you too!
Prelude to Andevia:
The Prelude to Andevia EH-wide competition is still going on at
http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/, so I hope everyone will make
an effort to participate as much as possible. Also, to ensure you receive
credit for any related activities make sure and CC: youre CMDR/AED/QUA with
the submissions as well. All entries to the competition need to include the
full ID Line for whichever subgroup you are representing with the entry.
AED Report:
No report this week while AED is on leave.
Sub-Zero Battle Team Report:
Sub-Zero Squadron Report #1
Sub-Zero Website: http://www.subzero.clickhere2.net/
Sub-Zero Messageboard: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=33&v=2&s=0
Sub Zero Motto: Resistance only delays your inevitable Destiny
Sub-Zero Squadron News
ACO Corsair is going rouge because of RL reasons. Wish him a
speedy return to Sub-Zero. Many of you didnt report in this week. Please do
or I will have to get Wil and tell him to torture you. :P Also participate
in Prelude to Andevia. Ive had only one person out of the few that reported
in saying that they participated in the Prelude comp.
Im trying to come up with an idea for a comp in our squadron,
if any of you have any ideas please feel free to e-mail them to me.
Sub-Zero Comp
Soon to be filled
Medals & Elevations
Merit Marks.
The new merit system is now in place the details are:
Points are awarded for all types of activity, such as flying, graphics,
mission design and fiction:
All pilot files submitted by a pilot will receive a point for each mission
completed in the battle. So if you complete a 6-mission battle, then you
will receive 6 merit points.
For competitions there will be a set amount of points given to each pilot
that participates, along with the points for the number of completed
missions, entries, etc. for that competition.
Medals aware awarded after a set number of points has been amassed:
Dark Cross (DC) - 60 Merit points
War Cross (WC) - 150 Merit points
Steel Cross (SC) - 300 Merit points
I have put the merit marks in your activity reports, please contact me if
you think they are wrong, theses merit marks are calculated from when i took
command of Sub-Zero.
Activity Reports
Merit Marks are based on DB battles submitted to me or Comp non-DB battles
since I became CMDR of SZ.
PRT Lorn Blahde
no response
0 merits
Sith Flight Leader Pel
Active on E-mail
0 merits
Sith Flight Member Hev Randrowan
no response
0 merits
Sith Flight Member Vortoq
no response
0 merits
Sith Flight Member Vonnegut
no response
0 merits
Sith Flight Member Torres
Flew Prelude comp missions for XvT and XWA
Active on E-mail
9 merits
Sith Flight Member Corsair
Going to be declared Rouge
0 merits
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip, set up their tent, and
fall asleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes his faithful friend.
"Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
Watson replies, "I see millions of stars."
"What does that tell you?"
Watson ponders for a minute. "Astronomically speaking, it tells me that
there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.
Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to
be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it's evident the Lord
is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it
seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?"
Holmes is silent for a moment, then speaks. "Watson, you idiot, someone has
stolen our tent."
FL/LCM John Clark/Asp 2-1/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
GRD John Clark (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of Tarentum {SA: CORE}
HammerHead Battle Team Report:
No report received from CMDR Darklighter. Not an impressive way to begin
your service as a CMDR in House Tridens GRD Darklighter. Send an email ASAP
to explain this issue!
Until next week, keep the Force flowing in your veins! ;)
In Darkness ..
SW Wil_Striker (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum
"Death is only the beginning!"
Competitions and activities going on in every order and house. Let's move Tarentum. =)
Darkness guide,
··· ···
C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l
KAP Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/M:KHP/CON/Tarentum,
..."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head"..
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