Hells Gatekeepers phyle
Motto: The way to hell might look clear, but at the gate we'll see your fear
Tetrarch: DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar
Members: 9
As you can see, we've lost two members to the AWOL check: Cyrax Lionheart and VectorX what puts our total number on 9. Now the inactive people have been sent out, I hope and expect participation from as much of you as possible. If you are away, planning a holiday or can't be active because of other circumstances, please do mail me so I know what's going on.
The activity thing brings me to another point: the Krath War. The Krath War is REALLY important because here, we can finally prove that we are the best Krath in the Dark Brotherhood and the others are no match for us. Please read the details, rules, events and storyline here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/sol/ The Hell's Gatekeepers runon is going really well! (http://mb.ehnet.org/mb.php? action=view&forum_id=15&topic_id=38&page=1&sort=ASC) and we still have till 16th February, 11.59pm EST to make it the best of all. However, as Kahn already pointed out, the participation in the other events is not going very well. Please all participate in event 3 (if Kahn doesn't reward you for participation, I'll do. :P) and Cc your submissions both to Kahn and to me.
Another big competition that's going on at the moment is the Prelude to Andevia. I'm not asking you to be highly active in here as well (that would be cool though), please concentrate on the Krath War first but please write something for the runon that I started (you don't have to be in Hell's Gatekeepers for this) so we can show our Runon skills. Go here:
For details on the other events in that competition, go here: http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/news.asp
I am very busy for now with the Bounty Hunters Guild, the Arcona Academy, the Arcona Arena, Envoy stuff and loads more and I wasn't able to write something for event 2 (Krath War) and I apologise for this. I'm going to the best I can so we can win this competition, and I hope you'll do that as well.
The site has still some bugs and because I don't see JaM3z fixing it in the future (he's doing loads of sites) so I asked Breadian to get a site where he can post the archives and he agreed.
I got a Legion of the Scholar for making ten trivia questions for Trev. You should try it as well, it's fun, not to hard and rewarding.
That's all, have fun and as always: any questions, comments, suggestions or problems: feel free to mail me or contact me on IRC
May you walk in Darkness,
DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona,
Oriens Obscurum's Companion Class Enovy
<prophet of qel-droma>
ASST/Paladorion Teranioklon Entar/Skylla/BHG -H (SCB)</prophet>
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