Consul Report


Consul Report

Yet another week has passed. For those of you counting this makes (3) Three weeks that I have been the Consul. In that time, the only problem I've had so far stems from the HLK bathrooms, when I was there asking Goatham about PCON. Once and awhile even the Consul has to use the bathroom. Well I followed the directions levitating through the stall door just in time. As I sat there doing the crossword toilet paper I heard beeping coming from within the toilet. Thinking nothing of it I continued to try to find the word I was looking for. Here's the clue......Given by doctors for constipation. I continued to ponder what this could possably be. Suddenly it struck me and with great joy i penciled in. E N E M A Enima. HAHAHAHA!! I've got you beat you damn crossword! I shouted out loud. Just at that moment a small bomb planted inside the toilet bowl with a pressure switch exploded turning the water inside the toilet bowl into a projectile weapon. My face became a tortured mask of horror, yet after a wipe and a wash of the hands I walked out of the bathroom as if nothing had happened, abet a little stiffly. Upon my exit from the facility I happened upon Bob-Fett and Crimson Angel who were laughing like crazed loonies. "Malik's gonna feel that one." Bob howled in delight. Glancing at my face he became stone sober and a little twitch began just below his temple.

"That was so classic Bob...Uh-oh, Me and My hotpants think we might be in some problems" Crim backed into the wall absentmindedly looking as if he had been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Walking away with a smile and a shake of my head I left the two to their own devices.

Moral of this story, Don't mess with Squadron Commanders. For your sake as well as my own.

On with the report.

PCON Goat seems to be fitting into his office very well, he's already raised issues with the AoC and is holding his own against some stiff opposition. Anything you would like brought up. Ideas, comments, mail Goat or I and we shall be sure to address your concerns.

QUA of HPG has been Chosen. Congrats to OW Kratas, I'm positive good things will come of this appointment and I know you will do an excellent job.

QUA and AED of HLK have been sent to CoFo for updating on the roster. It should meet with no opposition so I will announce them now. QUA Scithe and AED CrimsonAngel, Congradulations you guys.

The AWOL results are in and have been taken care of. I'm happy to report that we are able to boast 59 active members! :)

The Clan website is being worked upon by DJK J'Rai, hopefully we will have a nicely put together spot that we can call home soon. Good work so far J'Rai, I agree with Goat that a good looking Website is importent to a clan and so far it looks very nice.

IRC...Get on it. I'm amazed to say that swearing in the Clan Channel of #Naga_Sadow found on the undernet has all but been eliminated. There are the few random incidences where foul language is used but they have gone to being the exception. Congradulations ladies and gentlemen. If I could give a medal to everyone for it I would.

That's about it for this week.

Your Happy Consul,


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