Dark Greetings Tarentum,
This has been a rather busy week and I'm glad to see that activity in all the houses of Tarentum is rising.
House Gladius is pounding away at the run-on for the GKW which is coming along very nicely. Tridens has agreed to work on the Prelude to Andevia run on and has that started on our spiffy new message boards. Remember, any order can participate, so even though Tridens is mainly getting it going, don't hesitate to add to it. And we're especially proud of our Obelisk house doing wonders in the Feel the Force competition. Cestus currently holds a strong lead of first place, with.. last time I checked, 1148 points. Keep up the good work! =)
Proconsul Proton has recently brought to me the idea of having the graphic artists of the Clan get together to work on "Run-on Covers". His idea was to commission these artists to create a book cover for the story. This could enhance the real feel of the whole run-on process and could also be extended to include illustrations for "inside" the work. I especially like this idea and would like to know is there are any members who would be interested in creating one of these for an old run-on, or perhaps one of the stories running now, at their competition? Get with me as soon as possible. :)
On to reports. . !
Greetings Gladius for another, yes another, fabulous rendition of the Gladius Quaestor report, brought to you by the wonderful people of Moff Jerrod's Reconditioned Ships. They may be used, but when you're low on credits, these ships are guaranteed to deal with any rebel problem, and their warranteed for up to 100,000 lightyears. Come on down today to Moff Jerrod's.
On a side note Gladius, my comp ate some of my records, and I'm still trying to sort through my back-up disks, but anyone who was previously rewarded merit points, would you please contact me one-on-one with what I awarded you? I kind of have an idea as to who got points, I just need verification, as well as what amount you received.
Recent additions to the House:
None yet. Gladius, if you know of any friends who have gone rogue, or friends who have yet to join a House, we'd love to have them.
Awards given:
Our own KP Telona Murrage was recently awarded a Bronze Scroll for KHP Mairin Astoris for her consistant, quality fiction entries to the monthly topics. Way to go Telona! You're doing awesome!
Recent Promotions:
Acolyte Planesdrifter was recently elevated to Protector to correct an error that was made when he graduated the Shadow Academy. Planesdrifter now has the rank of Protector, as I said, a rank which his hard work and effort truly deserved. Good job Planesdrifter!
Rogue notices:
Phedra was recently transferred to rogues. I was hopeful that I could convince her to stay with us, but she emailed me, and said that she would not be able to return at any time, and so she was finally transferred to rogue status. We will miss her, but we must move on.
Phyle Reports:
--Mystics of the Black Arts:
Hey Mystics, it's overdue but, here's another report for your eyes. So what is there to report? The Stone of Light event part 3 is due tomorrow, get that in now! Starting this month I want a report from everyone on what they did in the DB. This includes competitions, message board posts, emials, anything that indicates some activity! Failure to do so will have its consequences, first time will get you a warning, second will get you a night in the Closet, and third will get you booted out of the phyle.
The reason why I've decided to do this. The Mystics are an elite phyle and idle members are not welcome. Gardeners always must pull the weeds from their flowers or the weeds will choke the flowers. I want these report at the end of the month so you have until then to make a small email telling me if you've been active or not. Anyone not like this? Let me know ok.
KP Telona Murrage (Krath)/TET/Gladius of Tarentum, SC/DC-KC-O/(BNAg)/(DSS) {SA: CORE}
Dark Side pleasures at their best.
--Wizards of the Crypt:
-(No report submited.)-
Important DB News:
Visit the DB news site! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp
The Great Krath War is still going on! Event 3 submissions are due February 9th at 11:59 pm EST. That's tomorrow guys! Get something in!
Prelude to Andevia is still going on! Let's show the entire EH and all it has to offer that the Krath of Gladius are some of the best there are, if not THE best.
Clan News:
Message Board battles still underway on the Chronicles of the Mist message board. If you have yet to participate, contact our Consul, Ciara Tearnan.
House News:
Our run-on for the Great Krath War is still going on! We have until the 16th to get it done. Let's keep with it. We're doing awesome guys!
--Merit Points:
Remember Gladius, medals and promotions can be earned faster, by mere participation. Merit points are given as you participate, and more activity brings more points, which yields medals and promotions. Awards and promotions according to point requirements as follows:
-Dark Cross -- 50 points
-War Cross -- 150 points
-Steel Cross -- 300 points
-Grand Cross -- 450 points (because Activity is the heart of the Brotherhood philosophy)
up to GRD -- 150 points
JH to DJK -- 300 points
above DJK -- 450 points
I have not yet assigned a minimum/maximum point limit yet, but points will be awarded for quality, length, and extra points may be awarded for special considerations. Points can be earned for stories, poems, run-on participation, pic submissions for fun comps, anything.
--Dark Voice Submissions:
When you submit to the Dark Voice, you can earn merit points for those submissions as well. Make sure you CC those submissions to your AED/QUA so that we know to award you for your activity above and beyond what you may receive for submitting.
In Servitude,
KP Sith Bloodfyre (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum,
Greetings House Tridens,
As usual there is a lot of information to cover, so everyone kickback and
settle into those comfortable chairs. :P
Its been a great week in House Tridens. Not a lot of major activity to
report overall, but communication is really picking up, even from the old
fart that generally just sits in the corner of the cantina collecting dust.
:P (J/K Domi) hehe
I am quite pleased with the communication, but the overall involvement from
this House with the competitions needs major improvement. This next week I
want to see some improvement in this area.
For starters the AED has the monthly free mission comp running. People, it
takes roughly about 20 minutes to fly a free mission, and Im sure each of
you can find at least that much time each week to fly a mission for this
competition. The AED put a lot of effort into bringing this back to life, so
show your support to him and your House and get involved! The information
regarding this comp is located below in the competitions section.
If anyone is, or is considering joining in a Battle Team, and isnt at this
time, notify me at once. The recent upgrades to the DB database somehow
managed to remove several brethren from their teams. Ive put them back, but
want to be sure that everyone is where they think they should be.
In the case of the Rogue Check for the Battle Teams, I have heard reports
from the CMDRs that several people in each team have failed to report in
thus far. What amazes me is that the ones that are being reported as not
reporting in are the same people I have personally talked to by email in the
past week. People, be sure to contact your CMDRs and let them know that you
re around. They dont always know that youve been in contact with the QUA
or AED unless we happen to mention it. So far I can account for 100% of the
entire House just from emails in the past week, so I cant see a reason not
to have 100% accountability for the Rogue Check.
I wanted to remind everyone in House Tridens that if you feel a particular
member is worthy of a medal or promotion, be sure and notify the House
Summit so that we can look over the recommendation and see if it is
warranted. Id like to see more involvement from the membership with
rewarding your fellow brethren. Your recommendation will be included in a
request for the award when it is made, or you can choose to be anonymous.
Either way it would be great for your brethren to know that someone else
besides the House Summit is aware of their accomplishments. J
Activity is starting to show significant signs of increase. With all these
competitions running, one would think that activity would be out of control.
Time to get to it people and show that Tridens is a Sith House worthy of
No medals awarded.
ACO Dark Viper has been elevated to the rank of Protector! Congrats DV!!
DJK Torres has been elevated to the rank of Sith Warrior! Congrats Torres!!
House News:
Ø I found the bug that was keeping the original House Tridens site from
loading up, and the site is now back up and in operation! WOOHOO!!! The
Tridens home is now located at
http://www.cox-internet.com/wilstriker/tridens and is still in the process
of being fully updated since most of the stuff I had been working on was
towards a brand new site. Fortunately I decided to give the old site one
more chance last night and found the coding error that was causing the
entire problem. Any ideas or comments concerning the site can be directed to
me since I will be handling the updating of it from now on. J
Ø We are officially out of ACOs in House Tridens. Im not sure if this
is a good or a bad thing, but one thing is for certain, I think we need to
find some new apprentices to do our chores around here. Time to start
recruiting again!! :P
Ø Battle Team Rogue Checks concluding at 12 PM EST tonight! Better make
sure your CMDR has received your report or youll find yourself ousted from
your team tomorrow!
Ø The House Tridens Crest Competition is now officially underway! I
already have one submission for it, I hope Ill see more filling my inbox
very soon. J
Ø House Tridens may be producing a Run_on for the Prelude to Andevia
Competition! More information will be put out very soon regarding this
exciting project to represent our House and Clan! Our CON has even offered
to join in on the fun, so this could be a very exciting opportunity for
House Tridens to extend its influence outside the Dark Brotherhood! J
Ø Congratulations to our brethren that were elevated this week! It is
always a proud time when the House Summit is able to elevate so many members
in so short a time. The past month has seen a lot of elevations. Will
February see more?
Ø AED Nightflyer has reinstituted the monthly Free Mission Competition.
See below for the full details regarding this comp.
Ø Information for two new House Competitions has been sent out already
through the House egroup. I want some good constructive feedback from
everyone; so dont hesitate to offer up any ideas or questions. J
Clan News:
Ø The Summits are pounding out the final details for an Interactive
Competition that will involve each House equally in a great battle! The
competition will have different phases, and will incorporate unique and
original stories from the Krath, and will allow the Obelisk and Sith to
fight in custom levels/missions that follow the storyline. Im looking
forward to seeing this in action, as it could possibly be the most unique
Clan competition Ive seen yet! J
Ø Big congrats to DJK Darkov of House Cestus for winning the Appease
the SHW Competition! He had a great entry! (Although I personally think
mine inspired more fear. Ill just have to use it on the new QUA page.
Hehehe). Seriously though, congrats Darkov, and well done!! J
EH and DB Competitions Currently Running
House Tridens Crest Competition:
Yes, that's right, we're having a competition to find House Tridens an
official Crest! Attached is the core of the image to use, found courtesy of
DJK Torres, and colorized courtesy of your QUA, because unfortunately the
original image was in B&W. The DGM has approved the competition and we are
ready to get it underway. This is advanced warning of the competition, which
will begin at the end of this week. Here are the details for the competition
and design of the Crest:
Crest must be in a pixel size of 400x400.
Must be on a black background to blend in with the background of the new
Tridens site being built.
Crest must include the core image attached.
Crest must be of original design, taking into mind the nature of where
House Tridens exists, on a lake surrounded by mist.
Crest for House Tridens.
Winning entry will receive a War Cross!
Competition begins 2/8/02 and ends on 2/22/02!
All entries must be sent to the QUA and AED.
Have fun and be creative!! :)
Try to imagine what some of the English Family and Clan Crests were like in
the old days to envision what we are wanting for our new House Crest. I
would like to have something that is 3D in design if possible, but also
ancient in appearance. I know many of you have stated that you aren't good
with graphics, but there is no excuse for not at least giving it a try. ;)
Remember, this is for the glory of House Tridens! So lets see some major
participation on this!!
House Tridens Monthly Free Mission Competition:
Unlike most of the competitions we've had, this one is run by the House,
specifically me, your wonderful AED. :P I'm resurrecting the Monthly Free
Mission Competitions that Proton ran when he was still QUA. So, here's the
-Fly one or more of FREE-TIE (Delta-1), FREE-XvT 11 (The Test of Skill) or
FREE-XWA 44 (A Moment of Rest). All are attached to this message.
The competition opens THIS FRIDAY (Feb. 1). I would appreciate any
submissions being held off until that time. The competition will run for
the whole month, until Feb. 28. The results will probably go out the first
weekend in March. Also, this competition will use laserless scoring.
Finally, I will only accept ONE submission from each pilot for this
competition; that said, you'd better make sure your pilot file is your best
work before submitting.
Oh, yeah, the best pilot in each category wins a Dark Cross. It's also
possible to win in more than one category, like Torres did in Chronicles of
the Mist. :P This also counts towards your monthly activity count; remember,
whoever's flown the most missions and/or MP matches at the end of the month
gets a WR.
Prelude to Andevia Competition:
The Prelude to Andevia EH-wide competition is still going on at
http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/, so I hope everyone will make
an effort to participate as much as possible. Also, to ensure you receive
credit for any related activities make sure and CC: youre CMDR/AED/QUA with
the submissions as well. All entries to the competition need to include the
full ID Line for whichever subgroup you are representing with the entry.
Site Layout Competition: - DA Grail SoulChaser
Well, it's now February, and I've still only received one submission for the
web site layout competition. I don't understand why though, I fail to see
the dificulty in making up an entry.
Sooo... as a result of this, I'm extending the competition to the end of
February, and I'm going to explain things once more :)
For your entry to count, you don't need to know any asp, nor do you need to
design a database or do ANY coding. All you need to do, is pick a page from
the site, like the news page, or the roll, and make a template one that
would show how you'd like to see the site laid out. Graphics are a plus, but
don't need to exist for your entry to count. So, as you can see, all you
need to enter this competition is some knowledge of HTML. Design your
template, and send it in! NOW DANGIT!
February Monthly Competitions: - DA Mairin Astoris
Yes, that's competitions in the plural, for there are two! These are both
open to members of all Orders.
Monthly Topic:
a.. Topic: Surrender
b.. Write 1 page minimum of 12point font, in .doc, .rtf or .txt format.
Other formats MAY be acceptable, but please check with the KHP first!
c.. Submit to the KHP by 28th February at 11.59pm EST
d.. Don't forget to include your ID Line and Dossier Number with your
e.. As usual, medals will only be awarded if I receive 10 submissions or
Monthly Poem Focus:
a.. An all new competition as thought up by me for all you poetry lovers
out there!
b.. Rules and stuff on this are mildly complex, so for more info please
see http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/focus/default.asp
Feel the Force Competition: - OBM Sharad Hett
As he hefted his saber up and flicked on the blade, a sense of wonder
overcame him. The saber is so elegant and gorgeous he thought to himself.
How could a Jedi master the force in such a way to be able to use this small
swordlike weapon to block blaster bolts faster than the eye can see? As the
young apprentice walked down the corridors of the Academy he was glad to be
given a chance to fulfill his dreams of becoming a Jedi. He knew that the
journey would be tough, but he was confident that he would succeed and he
was ready for the task.
Well I've finally finished all the coding, so now it's time to start it. The
comp consists of all types of multiplayer JK, editing, and graphics.
Therefore, it's time you checked it out at
All Orders may participate. Email either your house summit(s) (if you're
Obelisk), my staff, or me with your id line to get added.
Just a note about the competition I just started. You MUST read the rules
page before you play any games. It's not a typical comp in reguards to the
JK playing. Therefore, go read there and have fun.
Dark Brotherhood News:
Ø DB On the Zone - Greetings Everybody,
Well, myself and OHC Sharad have been working with the EH Combat
Operations Officer, concerning some of the issues brought up by
you, the membership. As such, we've come to an agreement about DB
Participation on the Zone.
As it was, if you wished to participate in the Week of War events for
the EH, you'd have to either forfeit medals to do so, or get them in the
form of TIE Corps Legions of Combat. This has now changed.
With Help from COO Brucmack, Dark Brotherhood members who express an
interest in doing so, will now be awarded the Cluster of
Flame in place of the TC Legion of Combat. However, to do this, Sharad
and I will first need you to email us with your Zone Name, and
your DB Pin#, and express an interest in flying for DB Medals in all
events that take place on the zone, or through battlestats, such as
battles against clubs like UPA or LSF.
Please email us the information mentioned above at
([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ø Site Updates Heres whats new (in no particular order)
· Remember ID checkbox on login form
· New mailouts for Medals,Promos,Demotions,SA
Courses,Transfers,name changes,order changes,email changes, etc.
· Transfer requests send an email to everyone necessary the minute a member
submits one.
· Review pending medal requests, pending promo requests page
· Review pending personal requests page
· ID-Lines are completely updated, including society membership and all
· Clan Summits can post news
· Clan/House Summits have complete control over their battle teams.
· Clan/House Summits have complete control over house and battle team
· SA admin system restructured to match new guidelines.
· New security system
· New medal recc. System
Ø Appease the SHW Competition - Just a quick little note here to
announce the winner of my competition, and the soon to be owner of a shiny
new War Cross.
Congrats go to DJK Darkov of House Cestus in Clan Tarentum. Thanks a lot
To everyone else who entered, my thanks for your entries, and I'm pleased
the 10 or so of you took the time to try to prevent my wrath
from falling down upon the DB... but you failed, and now you will all be
forced to wear pink underpants, in public.
Ø SHW Yacko has decided to create an actual Sith Order CORE Course for
the Shadow Academy! This is great news, and on behalf of House Tridens your
QUA has agreed to help the SHW with the creation of the course and exam! J
House Quotes of the Week: Notable quotes were in short supply this week.
Just goes to show that the more communication in House Tridens the more I
have to draw from. :P
a.. #!/bin/bash
echo "Yah!, I made it into House Quote of the Week! :P\n\n"
echo "--DJP/DP Kumba\n" (Excited that he can now tell his mother he
accomplished something! :P)
a.. Sorry, Domi doesn't do graphics. I am so anti-graphic, I don't even
have Paint installed. :P SBM Jondaar Domi
AED Report:
No report received this week. How about some input AED? :P
Sub-Zero Battle Team Report:
View the SZ Reports at
HammerHead Battle Team Report:
View the HH Reports at
(**Note: While GRD Darklighter is on leave PRT Defender is filling in a
A-CMDR. Unfortunately this weeks report may not have been added to the
database, but it will be when Darklighter returns from leave.)
Until next week, keep the Force flowing in your veins and your hands steady
on the controls! ;)
In Darkness ..
SW Wil Striker (Sith)/QUA/Tridens of Tarentum
"Death is only the beginning!"
QUA Report:
Dark Greetings All,
Quite an active week to report on, this week we bid a sad farewell to our former QUA OBM Zsinj, and welcome back to OW Gryffon. We have also had two promotions this week, to two much deserved members.
Now onto this weeks events
Congratulations to the following people:
DJK Darkov
PRT Gelton Torr
The following elevations were made this week
DJK Ziguarath - QUA
DJK Darkov - AED
As you are aware we are doing exceptionally well in the following competitions - "Prelude To Andevia" and "Feel The Force"
Here are the current Standings
Prelude to Andevia:
2nd place - PRT Gelton Torr
10th place - DJK Ziguarath
18th place - DJK Darkov
38th place - OW Gryffon (No Matches played)
Feel the Force:
1st place - DJK Darkov
5th place - DJK Ziguarath
8th place - PRT Gelton Torr
22nd place - OW Gryffon
Cestus = 1st place with 747 points
As you are all aware we have performed exceptionally well within the competitions and we now need to continue the motion and make these competitions ours, with this reaps great rewards for one, prestige within the clan and throughout the other Obelisk houses.
So I urge you to keep up the excellent work gentlemen.
The current roster stands at six Dark Jedi
OBM Samael
OW Gryffon
DJK Darkov
DJK Ziguarath
PRT Gelton Torr
ACO Phil Ice
I know we are short of members but I feel this will come good with the launch of JK 2, in the meantime try to entice members to join us.
We are also proving our activity within IRC so good work by us all, lets not let our standards slip.
A reminder to you all the House competition which was the following submissions:
A new website layout
A new House Banner
A new Battle Team name
A new House Skin
A new Motto
Any Graphics for inclusion on our website
And a House Training level
(DJK Darkov`s levels have been accepted as an entry)
Submit and reap the rewards.
A note on the House website I should have a new ISP next week and that comes with webspace so I will get our house site up as soon as is physically possible.
So watch this space and I will inform you of any updates, also we need your content so we can make this site a piece of everyones work.
I will speak to your new Aedile later this week and run over a few new ideas that he and myself have and will get these ironed out and the information passed to you when we get things sorted.
Okay thats it for this week Cestus lets keep up the good work on the comps and if you dont know OW Gryffon introduce yourself too him and make him feel welcome.
Mail me with any requests etc. all calls answered
DJK Ziguarath (Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum SC/DC/(BN) {SA: CORE}
"Gwell Angau Na Chwylidd"
AED Report:
09 February 2002
House Cestus of Tarentum
Aedile Report
And interesting week, we have achieved new heights of activity which I am proud to be a part of.
Current FTF standings:
Single Player:
1st / 611
6th / 131
9th / 111
23rd / 22
House Primus Goluud of Clan Naga Sadow53
House Kirleta of Clan Satal Keto 317
House Dorimad Sol of Clan Scholae Palatinae245
House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan599
House Cestus of Clan Tarentum875
As you can see we are holding up well.
Prelude Ladder standings:
On another note, congrats to Gelton for being awarded the Dark Cross.
Lastly, could ACO Phil 'Ice' Wallbridge and OBM Samaelplease report in, you can email at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and Zigs at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], I have not heard anything from you in several weeks.
Keep up the good work people.
DJK Darkov (Obelisk)/AED/House Cestus of Tarentum
Darkness guide,
··· ···
C.i.a.r.a M.a.y.a T.e.a.r.n.a.n R.o.t.h.w.e.l.l
KAP Ciara Tearnan (Krath)/M:KHP/CON/Tarentum,
..."Under the tongue root a fight most dread, and another raging, behind, in the head"..</bow>
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