<head> <title>House Galeres Aedile Report</title> <style> <!--A:link {color:silver; text-decoration: none; font-weight:bold;}--> <!--A:visited {color:silver; text-decoration: none; font-weight:bold;}--> <!--A:active {color:silver; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold;}--> <!--A:hover {color:gray; font-weight:bold;}--> <!--BODY {background-repeat:no-repeat;}--> <!--BODY {margin:.00in, .00in, .00in, .00in; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: 9pt;}--> <!--BODY {scrollbar-arrow-color:black; scrollbar-track-color:black; scrollbar-shadow-color:black; scrollbar-face-color:#336699; scrollbar-highlight-color:black; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:black; scrollbar-3dlight-color:black;}--> <!--P {margin-left:.02in;}--> <!--div {font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: 9pt;}--> <!--td {font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: 9pt;}--> </style> </head>
<table bgcolor="#226699" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="500">
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House News
-I'm your new Aedile. Pretty importants new, eh?
-AWOL Check. At the request of the clan summit I am beginning a house AWOL check to get some real numbers as to what we've got to work with here. You have two weeks to contact me or you will be moved to the rogues. Fact is, if you can't respond to an email within two weeks you don't need to be in a house.
-Brigade Sergeant. We need one. Apply now.
-New house website! http://galeres.boanergesonline.net. Go there!
</tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td> Clan News
-For reasons better left undetailed as far as I'm concerned, Sterling has stepped down as Consul. We are awaiting Firefox's decision on the new Consul.
-Well, as I was writing the report Tarkin was named Consul. Congrats, cheeba!
</tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td> Brotherhood News
-Competitions! Do em!
-I have spoken with SHW Yacko and OHC Sharad and have begun a sanctioned weekly training night in #arcona on mondays from 8-10 PM Est. I do expect you to show up and compete. JK, XvT, and XWA will be the platforms. If you can't show up every now and again to play JK, you shouldn't be an Obelisk. It's DB-wide. Wanna show people what you got? Then, come put the beat down on em!
</tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td> Activities
-Feel the Force. You need to email me or Morth and signup. It is expected of you. If you can't do something in a month's time to help the house then you don't need to be in the house.
-Prelude to Andevia. You can sign yourself up for this one, you're big boys and girls now. :P Same thing applies, do it.
</tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td> Arrivals/Departures
-OW Jacen Aylen/AED
-OW Ryell Zoith
-DJK Marlic
</tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td> Promotions
-OW Jacen Aylen/AED
</tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td> Medals
-None </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td> Miscellaneous
-Okay. So far I'm digging it here in Arcona a whole lot. Other than the fact that most of the clan seems to be really lothargic. Hopefully with the release of Jedi Knight 2 the Obelisk order will get some life back in it, but the fact is, if you don't wanna play Jedi Knight 1 then you don't need to be an Obelisk right now. I've heard that for a while and it's pretty irritating, so there's my opinion on it. I genuinely think that if we pull together as a house we will be able to take 3rd house. Do some stupid graphics, play some Jedi Knight, COME ON IRC! That's all I have to say. :P
</tr> <tr bgcolor="black"> <td>
**OW Jacen Aylen (Obelisk)/AED/Galeres of Arcona
<font color="#FFCC66"><small>[GMRG: INI]</small> <font color="white"><small>WR/DC-KC-O-C-D/(BNAg)</small>
<small> {SA: CORE} {IWATS-AIM-GFX-M/1/2-SM/2}</small></font></font>**
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