Chancellor Report


Chancellor Report

1) Well, medal name is picked...

KAP Khobai's Winning Medal:

Fire Blossom (FB)

Carnelian Shard (FB-CS)

Ametrine Shard (FB-AS)

Garnet Shard (FB-GS)

Awarded For: The Fire Blossum is awarded for superior and exemplary performance in any DB-wide, non-vendetta event. Fire Blossoms are awarded concurrently with Crystal Shards; different shards are affixed to the base of the Blossom depending on whether a Dark Jedi wins 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place.

  • However, the medal is not for official use yet...and the second stage of the medal competition will not open quite yet. I want COMMENTS! LOTS AND LOTS OF COMMENTS.

I want people to tell me EXACTLY what they think of the medal (No offense to Khobai or anything, this is not my intention). The more suggestions I get, the better the medal can be.

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