Clan News
Consul Sterling resigned early this week. He asked for a transfer to Rogue. He will be greatly missed.
Well, as they say: The Consul is gone, Hail the new Consul. SBM Tarkin was appointed CON.
Provisional Website up, point your browser at Permanent website should be complete next week.
Clan numbers are up by 3, please welcome: OBM Khobai, DJK Marlic and OW Jacen Aylen. Welcome to Arcona!
I have appointed DJK Kyle Katarn as Oriens Obscurum QUA! Congrats KK! He is a long standing active member and im sure he will do great things with House OO!
The position of PCON is now open. Please, dont apply. I have already contacted candidates for the position. My decision will be out tomorrow.
Medals this week: DC for KP Lan, WC for OW Jacen Aylen and a DC for SBM Halcyon! Congrats and my thx for all the hard work.
Promo's this week: ACO Sarin to PRT, ACO Nikana to PRT. Congrats!
All Arconian's post on the run-on: Ths is for ALL members of Arcona, to also for Obelisk and Sith. I saw a few good postings of Sith and Obelisk members as well excellent postings of our Krath. Keep it up guys!
Oriens Obscurum
DB News:
==> Artifact Creation Competition
Greetings, Have you always wanted the chance to create a force-powerful artifact? Well here's your shot. I'm looking for good artifacts for possible use in future Brotherhood activities. You could even be the winner of this artifact at some later date. Guidelines: I'd like one paragraph on each: Creation of the artifact History of the Artifact Effects/powers granted, and how they are activiated. Detrimental Effects Level of user required. Order Specific, or not? Artifacts with a poor balance of atributes will be rejected. Obviously a Amulet with powers atributed to powerful Dark Jedi, IE: (Force Lightning, Instant-death) would nut be usable by an Apprentice, or even a Dark Jedi Knight. You need to take this into consideration. All entries have a possibility of being used at a later date. If your's is being kept on file, I'll notify you. You might recieve an award/additional reward when/if it is used. Whoever creats the "best" artifacts (most realistic) will receive a Bronze Scroll/War Cross, and the second place will receive a Dark Cross. You are free to submit as many different artifacts as you wish, but may only win one award at this time. Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject "Artifact Creation" no later than February 23rd at midnight. Do not plagarize from D&D or any other source. Imitation is fine.....but I have a panel of RPG experts to consult with :P Good luck, KPN Trevarus Caerick Knight Commander of the Brotherhood.
==> Yet another "Top Ten" competition Greetings, Yes, that's right. I'm sponsoring a competition. I'd like to know the following:" "Top Ten Signs that Microsoft has taken over the EH" All entries are due one week from today, send to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject "Top Ten Competition". The winner will recieve a Dark Cross. Good luck, and have fun. KPN Trevarus Caerick Knight Commander of the Brotherhood
==> SA BASICS Exam Operational! Thanks to M:HM Crusader for his work in sorting the coding. No more copy/pasted mails from anyone...OK?!?! PS - Take a look at this cracking image Lord Chi-Long has done for me: It'll be on the SA site at some point soon...
==> GMRG Applications Well this has been on the backburner for long enough. I just deleted everyone but Shadow and myself from the GMRG roster. I'll now be taking applications if you'd like to join. Requirements for entry will be for you to JK at least twice a week, willing to train or help train, and participate in competitions. Therefore, just drop me an email with what you would bring the guard and other crap I'd like to hear. Include your ID #. You'll get more info on the GMRG and what I'm going to do with it when you join.
==> Announcements - Seneschal Well, I've spent about 4 hours now looking through the code for the Headmasters administration options, and it's made me think quite a bit. What I've discovered is a better way to handle both the security in the database, and the Shadow Academy. What this means however, is a bit of work on the Database, some re-structuring so to speak. As a result, I'm going to be recoding quite a few things over the next week. The headmaster will see the most changes, while general people will only see a few. Some of the main things this is going to achieve are: -News posting for Cons/PCons -Increased admin options for the Headmaster -COMPLETE Id-Lines (medals/gmrg/ksoe) all up to date -Addition of some new medals from the EH to the Database -A switch from Member based security to Position based security, meaning it doesn't matter what you're id is, it matters what your position is. (this was originally the way things were done before my first coding, and I've discovered it's the easiest to manage... so back we go) :) Changes will all occur at once since almost all the pages will have to be edited to a small degree for the security change over. Otherwise, it should be a seamless thing to most. I'm hoping this will also make the site a little more 'Netscape' friendly for those of you that are hard core Netscape fans :P
==> Announcements - Master At Arms 1. The roster currently stands at 919 members. That is up from last week's count of 904. 2. The following appointments were made this past week: SBM William "MiSFiT" Flechette (Sith)/AED/Archanis of Taldryan KE Synjin 'Hades' Erebor (Krath)/M:SHW OBM Crusader (Obelisk)/M:HM/QUA/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae 3. The following worthy evaluations were made this past week: OW Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto DJK Brian (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
==> Announcements - Sith High Warrior G'day G'day G'day, Well, it's obviously that time of the week again, and it means I get to babble out a whole bunch of announcements, that nobody really reads anyways... so here I go. 1) Still waiting on word from Judge concerning the use of all I really need is to be able to gain access to the databases which I'll be uploading, and I'll be fine. Until then, the SHW site will remain at except it won't be updated, downloading databases from brinkster is not worth the effort. 2) Announcement of my First Magistrate was done yesterday, so once again, congratulations to KE Synjin Hades Erebor, his advice is already helping out in my office, with a new competition idea already submitted. With him, and a few of my other trusted advisors, we'll be making sure the Sith Order is doing some very fun activities in the near future. 3) Remember the "Appease the Almighty SHW Image Competition" and get those submissions in, I only have about 5, it's not that hard to make an image... even if you just slap it together, it means I know you exist, and I'm a good friend to have :P ( 4) Participate in DGM Astatine's Prelude to Andevia Competition, ( it's pretty fun, and I got yelled at to include this in my report... oh wait, I didn't, forget I said that. Also, if you feel like challenging a really rusty SHW to XvT, just find me on IRC, if I'm ever actually there. 5) On the note of people actually challenging me to see how rusty I am, I'm giving notice that I'll be on leave from Saturday until Wednesday evening next week. I have three final examinations coming up on Monday -> Wednesday, and I have some major studying to do this weekend. I'll probably keep coming on irc, even though my better judgement says I shouldn't, but my lack of work ethic will use you people as an excuse :P 6) I've sent a couple communiques to the QUAs and AEDs of all the Sith Houses, and unfortunately, they weren't that pleasant. Hopefully I got my point across, and things will start changing. I wouldn't want to have to get really pissed off. 7) Still working with TAC Striker on getting better co-operation between our Offices, but promising steps are being taken. As such, SCL Grail has started work on adding and integrating the Medal of Tactics into the Dark Brotherhood Database. As soon as that is completed, all future Dark Brotherhood Battles will be awarded accordingly, on your Dark Brotherhood dossier. That's a good step to be sure, but we hope to continue going forward, and possibly developing our own Beta Testing Team, under the TAC Offices supervision. I'll keep you posted as developements come in. 8) I have an idea concerning the proposal of getting CoFs awarded for such activities as participating in the Weeks of War hosted on the zone. I have yet to contact COO Brucmack concerning this matter, but I hope to start work on it soon. 9) Finally, I may be opening the 2nd Magistrate Position in the near future. It will be a primarily flying post, and it will require you to have all 3 Game Platforms, and copious amounts of time... just the sort of job for say... a college student :P 10) Okay, I'm done. Enjoy your weekend everybody. Oh, and try to keep all the booze down :)
==> Announcements - Grand Master 1) Just over 48 hours ago, I sent a message asking all the Consuls and Proconsuls to send me some basic information about themselves and what they wanted to do with their Clans. I did this in part to get to know them better and in part because there have been some complaints that some Clan Leaders take a long time to reply to mail (when they reply at all). So far, only the following people have replied. In the order I received the mails: KE Alex Consul of Naga Sadow SBM E. Tarkin Proconsul of Arcona DA Maverick Consul of Scholae Palatinae GM Jac Cotelin Consul of Taldryan OWL Tron Sadow Proconsul of Alvaak KAP Ciara Tearnan Consul of Tarentum SBM Proton Proconsul of Tarentum OBM Sithspawn Proconsul of Taldryan SBM Gord Darkonian Proconsul of Satal Keto SBL Drako Consul of Satal Keto I believe that 48 hours is more than enough time to answer mail. Unless you're on leave or there is a RL emergency, any Clan Leader should be able to at least take a few minutes to send a meaningful reply. 2) I also sent a mail to the Dark Council. This one was mostly to make sure that everything was fine and to know if anyone needed help or anything. Things are looking good there. As a side note, I've been informed that the main reason there hasn't been any Dark Voice in ages is because people don't seem to be motivated enough to send something in. The Dark Voice is mostly a product of the members' efforts. Without your stories, poems, riddles, jokes, graphics, JK levels, TIE (or XvT or XWA) missions it ceases to exist. We have the people to get it going again, we just need plenty of submissions! You need information on this? You want to submit something for the Dark Voice? Then you can contact me, KHP Mairin or HRLD Kaine. 3) Now that Astatine's Prelude to Andevia is in full swing, we're about to begin work on the next Great Jedi War. I'm tentatively setting it for the end of March. We should be able to do what needs to be done by then, but just in case something happens, I prefer to not set an exact date (and disappoint people if we happen to miss our deadline). 4) Jedi Knight II is supposed to be released in March (probably at the end of the month). This game should greatly help revitalize the Obelisk Order and attract new members to the Dark Brotherhood. I have some ideas about this but I would need a few people to help. I'm looking for people with experience with web design, graphic design, playing on the Internet Gaming Zone, etc. Just contact me and OHC Sharad and we'll be in business. You have about a week to apply. After this time, we'll proceed with the help we already have.
==> Feel The Force Competition As he hefted his saber up and flicked on the blade, a sense of wonder overcame him. The saber is so elegant and gorgeous he thought to himself. How could a Jedi master the force in such a way to be able to use this small swordlike weapon to block blaster bolts faster than the eye can see? As the young apprentice walked down the corridors of the Academy he was glad to be given a chance to fulfill his dreams of becoming a Jedi. He knew that the journey would be tough, but he was confident that he would succeed and he was ready for the task. Well I've finally finished all the coding, so now it's time to start it. The comp consists of all types of multiplayer JK, editing, and graphics. Therefore, it's time you checked it out at All Orders may participate. Email either your house summit(s) (if you're Obelisk), my staff, or me with your id line to get added
Clan News:
==> Not too much to report here
House News:
==> GRD Selket has changed orders to the Krath and therefore had to leave House OO
==> Halc has rejoined the house!!!! Welcome back man, it is great to have you here again :-)
==> Doom_Falcon has changed his name to Brian
==> Congrats to Brian on being promoted to DJK and X on being promoted to Jedi Hunter!!!!!!!
==> Brian has participated in multiple multiplayer war and ladder events
==> NEW OO COMP RELEASED! You are to fly XvT Free 25 - Steal Rebel Warheads. The pilot with the LOWEST overall score for flying XvT Free 25 will be awarded a Dark Cross!!!! Details here:
==> Halc has sent in his submission for the Lowest Score Comp.
House Roster
Rank Name Email Battlemaster Lusankya [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Battlemaster Reaper [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Warrior Halcyon [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight Brian [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight Caltin Doros [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Jedi Hunter Cyric [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian Forceflow [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian Hotshot [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian X [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector Azrael [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector Kell [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector Nurel Sako Turr [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector Patrick Blastfire [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte Akhil Thantos [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte Kayjahal [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte Khameir Sarin [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte Kiriska [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte kronos omega [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte Nikana [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Acolyte tarkinan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Population: 21
Battle Teams:
==Pandragon Report==
CMDR X Reporting for Battle Team Pandragon. Sorry for the little late.
1) News: - SW Halcyon has come back to the House and asked to join Pandragon. He assumed the FL Position of Flight 3. - As you have heard, there's a House Comp running: the pilot to get the LOWEST score on XvT-Free #25 will win the Comp. - Since some members of the Squadron have asked for an XWA Comp, I'm trying to set up one. I'm discussing the final details with our future adversary: Nightshade Squadron. The comp should start in about 5-7 days.
2) Activity: - Kyle Katarn submitted a picture for "Prelude to Andevia" Comp. - Halcyon flew XvT Free #25 for House Comp.
3) Promotions/Medals: - X was elevated to JH! Congratulations to ... me and thanks to everibody ;-P
4) Recommendations: [Please cut this part for public report] I'm willing to promote Kell to GRD, but if you wish you can wait until next Comp. Since he doesn't get a promo during last 70 days and he's always showed a good activity in comps, I'm sure he will partecipate to at least one, so I'd recommend him a promotion also at this moment.
5) Roster: Flight 1: 1 PRT X [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1266 2 ACO Kayjahal [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1301 3 DJK Kyle Katarn [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #41 4 ACO Tarkinan [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1318
Flight 2: 1 SBM Reaper [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #36 2 PRT Kell [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1044 3 ACO Akhil Thantos [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1047 4
Flight 3: 1 SW Halcyon [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #43 2 GRD Forceflow [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #578 3 GRD Wes Combat [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #42 4
6) Final considerations: - We are currently standing at 10 members, that's only 2 members away from full combat potential: It would be very nice if each Flight Leader would manage to recruit a pilot to completely fill our ranks!
End of Report.
Respecfully submitted,
Commander "X" of Pandragon Squadron Ace of Oriens Obscurum Rollmaster of Clan Arcona PRT X (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona, SC DB PIN #1266
In Darkness.......
WC/MAJ Lusankya/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator PC/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-2gh/IS-1PR/LoC/MoC-6BoC-1GoC-1PoC/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [HUSS] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-ICQ-IIC/1-M/1/2-SM/2-XTM}
SBM Lusankya (Sith)/QUA/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona, SC/WR/DC
House News
-I'm your new Aedile. Pretty importants new, eh?
-AWOL Check. At the request of the clan summit I am beginning a house AWOL check to get some real numbers as to what we've got to work with here. You have two weeks to contact me or you will be moved to the rogues. Fact is, if you can't respond to an email within two weeks you don't need to be in a house.
-Brigade Sergeant. We need one. Apply now.
-New house website! Go there!
Clan News
-For reasons better left undetailed as far as I'm concerned, Sterling has stepped down as Consul. We are awaiting Firefox's decision on the new Consul.
-Well, as I was writing the report Tarkin was named Consul. Congrats, cheeba!
Brotherhood News
-Competitions! Do em!
-I have spoken with SHW Yacko and OHC Sharad and have begun a sanctioned weekly training night in #arcona on mondays from 8-10 PM Est. I do expect you to show up and compete. JK, XvT, and XWA will be the platforms. If you can't show up every now and again to play JK, you shouldn't be an Obelisk. It's DB-wide. Wanna show people what you got? Then, come put the beat down on em!
-Feel the Force. You need to email me or Morth and signup. It is expected of you. If you can't do something in a month's time to help the house then you don't need to be in the house.
-Prelude to Andevia. You can sign yourself up for this one, you're big boys and girls now. :P Same thing applies, do it.
Arrivals -OW Jacen Aylen/AED -OW Ryell Zoith -DJK Marlic
-OW Jacen Aylen/AED
-Okay. So far I'm digging it here in Arcona a whole lot. Other than the fact that most of the clan seems to be really lothargic. Hopefully with the release of Jedi Knight 2 the Obelisk order will get some life back in it, but the fact is, if you don't wanna play Jedi Knight 1 then you don't need to be an Obelisk right now. I've heard that for a while and it's pretty irritating, so there's my opinion on it. I genuinely think that if we pull together as a house we will be able to take 3rd house. Do some stupid graphics, play some Jedi Knight, COME ON IRC! That's all I have to say. :P
OW Jacen Aylen (Obelisk)/AED/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: INI] WR/DC-KC-O-C-D/(BNAg)
Quaestor's Report submitted by: KAP Enahropes Entar <bow> The run-on phase of the Krath War ends on the 15th! The two threads for the phyle's for the message board are now closed. Kahn, Kelvis and I will now review them and then I will have it sent to Mairin. Thanks to all who participated! :) Consul Sterling resigned from the position of Consul for Clan Arcona and has gone Rogue! He will be missed :(... A new Consul will be named soon. Everyone write soemthing for event's three and four of the Krath War. Hopefulyl we can puill in some points and take first-third place. It seems futile to even attempt to achieve first place, but hey, we're Qel-Dromians! We can do it. >:D Nothing else this week... join the TIE Corps, Wing XIX! >:P
WC/MAJ Enahropes Teriad Entar/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger BSx2/PCx2/ISMx12/MoI/IS-2SW-1SR-2GR-1PR/LoC-PSx37/DFCx2/CoB/LoAx2/OV [GALL] {IWATS-AIM-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-RT-SM/2-XTM} KAP Enahropes Teriad Entar (Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona [GMRG:GLD] GC/BZ/DC-KC-O/(BNB)/(LSAu)/CF-B/CoL
Aedile's Report submitted by: KAP Kahn
1. The run is wrapping up, so any last minute, sensible posts should be posted by tomorrow.
2. I was glad to see more participation in Event 3 from the House. I knew you guys were still alive! So, let's try to get a lot of participation for event 4. And, I've said it before, even if you're not the best writer, still submit something (for example: neither of my submissions made it to the Top 10).
3. Everyone who has participated in the Krath War run-ons is rewarded with a Letter of Commendation. Rollmaster D'hak, please update the records accordingly (I will e-mail you a list latter to save you time).
4. We have a new Consul, our former Proconsul, SBM Tarkin. A new Proconsul will be named at a latter date.
5. There is still the Andevia run-on (on the House message board) and I urge everyone to participate.
6. The dealine for event 4 has been extended to Feb. 25th, so use that extra time!!!
AND DON'T FORGET TO CC YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO ME!!! 7. Finally, I just want to clear something up because I have received a few e-mails concerning this. Tetrarch's do have the right and responsibilty to recommend that you be removed from the phyle roster (if you're an inactive without good excuse). However, the do not have the power to do so. So, listen to your Tetrarchs, but please do not take anything as a threat (rather a warning).
KAP Kahn(Krath)/AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: CC2], BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNB) {SA: CORE}
Hells Gatekeepers phyle
Motto: The way to hell might look clear, but at the gate we'll see your fear Tetrarch: DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar Members: 8
May you walk in Darkness,
DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona BZ/DC/(BN)/(LSS)/LoA Oriens Obscurum's Companion Class Enovy <prophet of qel-droma> pin #120 JRNY/Paladorion Teranioklon Entar/Skylla/BHG -H (SCB) ID 1602
Dark Orb Report No report received.
Qel-Droma Prophet report #2 Dark Jedi Knight Paladorion Teranioklon Entar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) * Event 3 has closed sunday and I didn't receive a Cc at all! I hope this is just because all the ppl in my Phyle forgot it, I hope Kahn has received a lot. Kelvis Xavier and Vassan Rokir both gave me their stories later, and they were awesome, I'm sure they'll get in thet top. I also wrote a story, just got it finished before the deadline and sent it in. * Event 4 has been opened monday, check it out at You can choose to write an epic poem (at least 100 lines) or a story (at least 3 pages, like event 3) to write about the life story of Anarion Anastrien. Because Mairin opened it a bit later then expected, the deadline for this has been moved to 25th February 2002, 11.59pm EST. * Event 1 has to be sent in this week, on 16 february, 11.59 EST, so I think it'll be closed soner, so it can be compiled. I don't know if Enahropes or Kahn will do this or that I have to do it, but please post a lot and get this story finished. For phyle Hell's Gatekeepers, go here: action=view&forum_id=15&topic_id=38&page=1 if you're in Dark Orb, go here: . * Besides the Great Krath War, you can also post on the Prelude to Andevia runon: but please focus on the GKW, we have to win it and become the First Krath House of the Dark Brotherhood.... * I've mailed the (so far) inactive tyros of both Phyles this week to ask them to participate or send me the reason of their absence. I've gotten good responses, thank you! From the following people however, I still need an answer: JaM3z, Breadian^X, Elliad Gavron and Karad Entar. please mail me or participate! That's it for this week, please feel free to mail me, talk on IRC or AIM (Paladorion) with any questions or concerns...
May you walk in Darkness,
DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona BZ/DC/(BN)/(LSS)/LoA Oriens Obscurum's Companion Class Enovy <prophet of qel-droma> pin #120 JRNY/Paladorion Teranioklon Entar/Skylla/BHG -H (SCB) ID 1602
this report collected and submitted by KAP/AED Kahn, on Thursday, Feb. 14th, 2002.
Respectfully submitted,
FM-PROF/LC E. Tarkin/Scorpion 1-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF GS/SS/BSx2/PCx9/ISMx18/MoT-2rh-2gh/IS-1BW-1GW/LoC-PSx291/DFC-SWx15/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GLDR] [Top-ACE-2nd] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-M/1/2-SM/2-XAM-XTM-XTT} XvT Tactics Professor/WC's Own January 2002 SBM E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, SC/WR/DC-KC-O/(SNB)/(BNG)(BNAu)/CoL {SA: CORE} Consul of Clan Arcona
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