Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings all,

Firstly I would like to start by welcoming GRD Blackhero into House Cestus, he is a great JK player and also is a proven flyer (He currently leads the Andevia XvT ladder with a great score).

I would like GRD Blackhero to become our instructor and advisor for flying events so that when another competition like Andevia comes around again we can participate in the flying events.

He will also become a valuable member of the House battleteam, GRD Blackhero I will sign you up for the "Feel the Force" competition, all you need to do is play and score us some points.

The URL is : http://www.hephaestusdesigns.com/obelisk/spforce.php

On to the weeks events.


The roster currently stands at 7

OBM Samael

OW Gryffon

DJK Darkov

DJK Ziguarath

GRD Blackhero

PRT Gelton Torr

ACO Phil Ice Wallbridge

We still need to get out there and recruit new members.


Prelude to Andevia - JK Ladder

PRT Gelton Torr - 2nd

GRD Blackhero - 8th

DJK Ziguarath - 11th

DJK Darkov - 12th

XvT Ladder

GRD Blackhero - 1st

PRT Gelton Torr - 13th

DJK Ziguarath - 68th

Feel The Force Individual:

DJK Darkov - 1st

PRT Gelton Torr - 6th

DJK Ziguarath - 9th

OW Gryffon - 32nd

Feel The Force House:

1st place with 1264 points

Its encouraging to see this much participation in competitions all I can say is keep up the excellent work.

Dinaari and Kirleta are now hot on our tails and the competition has only 11 days left to run.

There is also a clan competition about to start soon the work for that competition is underway, I would like to see the same level of activity in this competition as you guys have done in FTF an Andevia.

On a personal note I have submitted a multiplayer level today and will submit another one hopefully by the end of the weekend, I will attempt to get a singleplayer level done before the end of the competition as well.

I will also endeavour to play more JK but due to my connection speeds at the moment its difficult.

I am also impressed with attendance on the IRC channels the majority of Cestus are online most evenings, again keep up the good work.

I ask you all to ensure all your competition entries, i.e. level designs, written entries are saved so that we can send them to the KCB for his archives.

A quick note on the website I havent been able to change my ISP as of yet so I dont have the webspace yet.

But still keep working on graphics etc. and send them to myself and DJK Darkov, also Graphics count for FTF so send them there as well.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how they would like to see the house run or what you would like to see happen email my self and DJK Darkov and we will endeavour to implement your changes.

Okay thats it for this week

DJK Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum SC/DC/(BN) {SA:CORE}

"Gwell Angau Na Chwylidd"

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