News from the Office of the Consul of Clan Naga Sadow #5
(News from the Office of the Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow #4)
Battlelord Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
20th February 2002
Well after numerous unwanted delays I'm finally able to write this, which I'm doing for Alex is on leave in case anybody is unaware, he should be back sometime around Sunday or Monday. As for the lateness I appologise, but a deranged psycopath threatened my families life Monday evening so needless to say my emperor's hammer commitments were hardly my top priority.
JH Darkmage was appointed to CMDR of Emerald Squadron, my congratulations to him and I hope he gets the squadron active again.
Consul Alex is on leave, he should be back sometime around the weekend.
Proconsul Goatham on potential leave, see above for why, simply put - I may not be online as much as I want, it depends on what happens...
Black Guard declared open.
Black Guard Comp and Clan Palace Comp started.
#hmr started the registration process, if you're on IRC help out HMR by idling in #hmr
Master/Student Program recomissioned, to be declared active after discussion.
Addtional Announcement
I just wanna throw this in at the top so you all read it, I'm a little upset with the time that reports have been coming in. Even with the delays I still wouldn't have had this out until Monday as the reports were not in for me to do the news. So i'm going to lay down some rough rules, I'm not enforcing these or going to expect things in on these days but to make life easier if you could try to fit to this schedule it would help;
Clan Report - Sunday
House Report - Saturday
Battleteam Report - Friday
Something like that would be helpful, I'm not too bothered WHEN they are sent so long as I get them all on the same day, its not that easy when I get one House report Friday, one Saturday and one Monday, if we can try to arrange a set date it'd be helpful. Battleteam reports I'm not too bothered about, they can come whenever, I'll leave that more up to the Quaestors but this is just a suggestion for people to take on board so that we can get a bit more systematic with our reports. Thanks.
The Black Guard
After polling the idea i've recieved relatively few complaints/feedback so I'm presuming that nobody has any major distress with the basic layout. If you do still feel stronly please say so, but for now it is opening as is...unit details will be decided as already explained in the Black Guard Comp.
Black Guard Cohort
Sith Phalanx
Krath Phalanx
Obelisk Phalanx
As for now I (as in SBL Goatham) will be acting as the Prelate of the Black Guard. I will be appointing the Proselytes sometime in the next week providing nothing goes wrong and that there are qualified people who actually do want the job. Following that they will be allowed to recommend to myself memebrs for the positions of Inceptor in their respective orders.
As for the work of the Black Guard, to start with its solely honourary, however the intention is that they serve somewhat as mentors and/or teachers to the younger members, and more purposely those of other orders so that, for example, the Sith Phalanx can help any Krath or Obelisk members who wish to better their flying skills. Though the roles are primarily honourary this duty will be expected, though it will be rewarded to those who truely show skill as leaders. It also will serve as excellent training for those wishing to one day take on higher forms of leadership such as Aedile or Quaestor.
Master - Student Program
For those of you who remember this, or who have come from other clans using it, it has proved to be a very successful way of training new members into the more advanced members, increasing activity and giving the veteran members something to occupy themselves with. Without further waffle though, the facts;
The senior members of the Clan (those of DJK and above) who are willing to pass on their experience and wisdom can take on the role of being a Master. These Masters can then take on students and guide them until they reach teh rank of DJK and can take on a student of their own.
There isn't a great deal for the Master to do, its not like a full-time leadership position, unless the Master is prepared for that type of one-to-one communication. They just have to try and keep the person as active as possible, the more they do this the better the reward in both an achievment of raising a member to DJK and possible elevations themselves for the good work, how hard they try is up to them. This can of course work the other way, if a Master is lazy they can get a really active student to make them wake up and realise they need to stop being so rusty.
The level at which the Master is required to help out depends greatly on the Student. Obviously a less active and aware Student will require more tutoring than a dedicated and experienced member of the EH.
The system is a way of reproducing, at least looking at it from a CNS viewpoint, the type of environment which has been built in the HLK squadrons of a friendly one-to-one type of leadership. However this takes it a step further than that,, it is literally a one on one tutoring and gives the person somebody they can really become friends with and enjoy being in the house with.
The one problem noted around the Brotherhood is an absence of enough Masters, this is not a problem. Though I say DJK or higher, it would be really dependant on the house, HPG for example i'd make exceptions, or I may lower or raise the boundaries so that it is more personal to the proportion of ranks in a particular house.
Though in the end it is the Quaestor's job that ALL members in a House are active, knowing people are all in very close groups will make the House Summits job easily and ensure that when competitions and such come along they can get the Masters to ensure their Students take after themselves and are active and participate.
So, in summary the basic layout:
DJK and above may take the title of Master.
JH and below take the title of Student.
Masters may take on a Student and train them up to DJK, this is a lifelong commitment unless there are major problems and results in the Master forming a one to one bond tutoring the Student in the workings of the DB so that they can earn their saber and the rank of Knight.
Again, like with the Black Guard, this idea is open to debate from the Clan, please email me any questions or queries, any complaints or problems or any improvement ideas so that it can be worked to fit the Clan.
The Summit have said nothing to me yet, which has concerned me, but it is something that will affect you, the Houses. So get back to me, and we'll work on it together. In the end i'm likely to have three slightly different systems for each house, so feel free to suggest Order specific stuff.
Activity Points Scheme
Something thats greatly helped HLK get active is the Activity Points Scheme, after consideration and some people bugging me I'm going to try and get this working in all three houses again, but the Master Student program is my main priority right now after the Black Guard, once the Guard members are appointed and the Master Student program worked on and finalised for each House I will begin working on Points Schemes for each house again, so that this time they arn't abandoned when a Quaestor resigns.
Proconsul Office/Clan Wargame
Well for obvious reasons, again see my opening statement, i've not had time to work on these, but they're low priority compared to the main Clan work right now, so expect the above three projects to be worked on before I waste my time on less important issues.
Thats all for this week, expect Alex to be back by the time of the next report though it may be me again Sunday.
= Admiral Zorrixor, Command Attache to the Logistics Officer =
CA:LO/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign
MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC
SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/PCON/Naga Sadow
[Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]
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