First off I'd like to apologize for not getting a report out last week, I was unexpectedly called away to the hospital for my girlfriend who was injured in a car accident.
Now on to some more enlightening news.
Clan Alvaak News
By OWL Tron Sadow
We are still in the midst of several DC member competitions, Order Leader competitions, and our own Clan Run-on with the added bonus of the former Training Officer's competition which is still running (Prelude to Andevia: http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/). We all have plenty to keep us busy in the following weeks to come and hopefully will see many results from our Clan.
QUA and AED Needed for Auctoritas of Alvaak
Posted by SBL Keiran Idanian - 1:50:09 PM
Alvaak's Obelisk house, Auctoritas, is in need of a new QUA and AED - as well as a RM. If you would be interested in holding one of these positions, please send your applications to Consul Keiran Idanian and Proconsul Tron.
In your applications please include the following:
-Your EH/DB History
-Your ideas to help Auctoritas grow
-What you'd do if you got QUA or AED
-Any recommendations you may have - try to keep them to a minimum.
Thanks and good luck!
Sith Battlelord Keiran Idanian
SBL Keiran Idanian(Sith)/CON/Alvaak
Reconnassiance Officer, Emperor's Hammer
AWOL Results
Greetings all,
Here's the results. If you name is on the list you have two days to reply to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) stating the reason for not replying to the first AWOL check.
Due: Friday, February 22, 2002...
The following people have been AWOLed:
Battlemaster Maximus
Warrior Ace
Warrior Jacob Van Nowak
Protector Arkady Rhinogorvich
Protector Ison Belsavis
Protector Kamahl
Protector Logan Kale
Protector Unforseen
Acolyte MaikoSpince
Nine people! Not the best number, I hopet hat most of you were having e-mail troubles...
-Keiran Idanian
Consul of Alvaak Clan
Membership count: 28
Sith: 14 (counting Keiran)
Krath: 7
Obelisk: 7 (counting me)
The following Medal requests have been approved:
Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)
Requested for: KP Enerum Shka (Krath)
The request was made by: KAP Aseret Thunderhawk (Krath)
The following Promotion requests have been approved:
The following Transfer requests have been approved:
OW Mell (Obelisk), your transfer request has been approved. To: House Auctoritas
The following Change requests have been approved:
Clan Comps:
Clan-wide Run-on link: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/mb.php?action=view&forum_id=14&topic_id=23&page=1&sort=ASC
Open Command positions:
AED House Auctoritas of Alvaak
DarkJediBrotherhood.org Announcements
Please see: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp daily or at the very least once a week for up-to-date information.
House Reports
House Auctoritas
Although I have stayed as QUA of Auctoritas for a while know I do not fee lI am fulling my duties to the best of my potencial. I am sorry for this. I would lie kto resign my Position as QUA but still stay in Auctoritas. Thank you all again. Maybe sometime in the future I may return as QUA. For now though my main focuses are TC, and DIR. Thank you again its been fun.
-OW Jacob Van Nowak (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak
House Ronin
No Report(s)
House Dominatus (Report 16 was made, but I left it out since it would have been for last week good work Aseret!)
favorite item comp ended on Wed but I have another one ready,so I'll forward
you the details on the next mail
House Dominatus: Report #17
Recruit, we need more people!
Take part in as many competitions as you can (see below)
Please see the following links for the latest news on the Order and the
Brotherhood in general:
House News:
*another dead week
*Prelude to Andevia,EH Wide
*Krath Wars have began:http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/sol/
*Krath Monthly Topic:
Write 1 page minimum of 12 point font on the topic of "Surrender"
Remember to include your ID line and dossier number with your submission!
You may submit in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format. You may zip your submissions
if you wish.
Entries are due in by 11.59pm EST on 28th February
*Krath Monthly Focus Poem:
You can submit in either .txt, .doc, or .rtf format, or you can even paste
your entry into the email body if you prefer.
All entries are due in by 11.59pm EST on February 28th.
For the topic and more information pertaining to it, please see:
Deadline:Feb 3rd
Judges:Aseret and Cirith
KAP Cirith,Aedile:
*performing usual Aedile tasks(= incentivating members)
KP George aka Jaksic-Lukic:
KP Enerum Shka:
GRD Li Mu Bai,Tetrarch:
PRT Arkady:
*no activity this week
NOV Gwaihir:
Without any further business,
"Mess with the best, die like the rest."
"May the Darkness purge you and Krath defend you."
KAP Aseret (Krath)/QUA/Dominatus of Alvaak,SC-SoA,(BNG)(BNB),CoL
OWL Tron Sadow (Obelisk)/PCON/Alvaak, GCx2/SC-SoP/WR/BZ/DC-KC/(BN) {SA: CORE}
RSV/AD Tron/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves, GOE/MoC-10BoC-1SoC-1GoC/CoL/LoA/OV-4E [LANC] {IWATS-SM/2}</bow></bow></bow>
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