Aedile Report


Aedile Report


Story Time!

Heres an account of my weekend. I was a groomsmen for my cousins wedding.

9:00am Saturday - Cracked open Champaign, started drinking

11:00am - Still drinking Champaign

1 - 3pm - Wedding, photo's, no drinking

3:30pm - More Champaign

5:00pm - Cracked open vodka, cocktails, more champaign

7 - 12am - Wedding Recpetion, more vodka, champaign, and sambuca shots.

1:30am Sunday - Nightclub, more vodka

3am - Passed out on couch

4am - Wake up, with a friend poking me, in a vain effort to wake me up

HLK Compeition - CrimsonAngel's Guardian Competition Results!

Here are the long awaited results:

Name Tie XvT XWA

Bob-Fett 22837 21273 982

Abel 24170 1211

Dolza 1335

Sancho 2472

Carl Lost 67709

MarcusCaine 37057

DarkWolf 18686

Exal Kun 61971

DujHoD 47977

Malik 41

*Scores that are highlighted are the winnign scores

Winners of Dark Cross, and CrimsonAngels Guardian Position

Tie Winner - Carl Lost

XvT Winner - Marcus Caine

XWA Winner - Sancho

Winner of Promotion Points (20 for second in each platform, 10 for third in each platform)

Exal Kun - 20 Promotion Points (Second in Tie)

DuijHoD - 10 Promotion Points (Third in Tie)

Abel Malik - 30 Promotion Points (Second in XvT, Third in XWA)

Bob-Fett - 10 Promotion Ponits (Third in XvT)

Dolza - 20 Promotion Points (Second in XWA)

Overall Squadron Participation

Sapphire - 156,396 Points

Diamond - 130,167Points

Emerald - 18,686 Points

Winner of Ruby Command - Janos Silverwulf

Congratulations to all the winners, I am very happy with participation in this compeition, and very happy that it was a close finish in overall points between Sapphire and Diamond

Emperors Hammer Compeition - Prelude to Andevia

This compeition by our DGM looks really interesting. Lets all try and give it a go, there are alot of catogries, which there for means alot of medals to be handed out in the end. If you have particiapted in this compeition, or aer currently participating in the ladder, make sure you let Scithe and myself know so we can keep track on who is active.

Also, we still have the promotion points system, and you participating in this compeition will get you the one step closer to your next promotion.

Remember, when every you are active in some way, make sure that at least Scithe and myself are made aware of this.

HLK Compeition - CrimsonAngels Monthly Flying Compeition

This Compeition is still going, and going strong it is!

Basically, when every you fly a mission or battle, email it to myself and Scithe, and I will keep track of how many missions a pilot has flown. At the end of the month, the pilot with the most missions flown will recieve a DC!! <-- Thats Just to easy

Clan Compeition - Palace Comp

The intention of this comp is to describe in whatever way you wish the new look for the Clan Naga Sadow Palace on Sif. You can submit fictional descriptions, blueprints, graphics or whatever you feel is appropriate, clearly the more you submit and the more interesting the submission the more likely it is that you'll win, however the winning entry will be based on the style and design of the palace not the quality of the pieces themselves (so grammar, graphics quality and such won't be a factor - though clearly the better it is the better you'll be putting across the design of the palace).

The winning entry will recieve a Bronze Scroll.

Clan Compeition - Black Guard Comp

The aim is to create nicknames, mottos or any other appropriate details (such as the fighters the Sith would fly or even a banner if you feel ambitious) for the 'Phalanxes' of the elite Black Guard. The winning entrant for each Phalanx will recieve a Dark Cross.

Theres no restriction to how much or how little you can submit, if you're an Obelisk you can submit for just the Krath or if you're a Sith you can submit for all three Orders. Theres no order restrictions or restrictions to how many of the three catagories you submit to.

The entries will be based on quality and complexity (as in how many different things you describe for the individual Phalanxes).

HLK Compeition - Bob's Monthly Melee

Starting the 1st of March, HLK will have its own Monthly Melee Compeitions.

Bob will be controlling the Monthly Melee, so more details to come within the next few days (Before March the First Anyway)

HLK Job Vancinies

There are two Job Vancinies avaiable in Sapphire Squadron

Here are the details:

1: Sapphire Squadron XO

This individual will basically cover my ass if I dissappear and come up with decent excuses to give to the House Summit.

On a more serious note they are in essence my second in command. Please note that the position of XO is not necessarily held by a FL.

2: Flight 2 Flight Leader

This one speaks for itself. With Darkmage now CMDR of Emerald, congrats by the way, we now need someone to take his place as FL of flight 2.

Name Changes

Everyone is changing there names at the moment

SW Bob-Fett --> SW Bob

SBM Radiak Bond --> SBM Fel Bond

PRT Iron Mark --> PRT Dolza

Just though you would all like to know

Squadron Updates

Sapphire Squadron - Still going strong, Janos currently is looking for a XO and FL. No inner squadron activities at the moment, more so concertrating on HLK / CNS wide activities. Even though Sapphire only won 1/3

Diamond Squadron - Bob as always is keeping pilot on there toes with his antics. Diamond Squadron also had two promotions, and cleaned up 2/3 platforms in the CrimsonAngel's Guardian Compeition.

Emerald Squadron - Darkmage is slowly getting feedback from his pilots. Emerald Squadron memebrs should try and help him out to get Emerald Squadron back on track. I would also suggest getting a new egroup up and running, or is someone out there in CNS land has moderator access to the Current Emerald Egroup, please add darkmage and give him moderator access, or I will set you on fire

Plans for the Future

AED Webpage - Yes, I better start creating one, basically containing squadron information (Sapphire / Diamond / Emerald / Ruby), Compeitions etc.

Bob's Monthly MP Thingy - Ball is already rolling

HLK MP Training - Still in development

In Closing

Congratulations to all the winners and all participants in the CrimsonAngel's Guardian Compeition, also expect a Sith War to start soon

In Darkness


SW CrimsonAngel (Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

WC/LC CrimsonAngel/Wing II/MC90 Fear/IW/EH

"Fear My Hot Pants!!'

[Tie Defender - CrimsonWing]

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