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Quaestor's Weekly Report
Opening Address
Well here we are the second report for the house by yes you guessed it MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
I have to say before I start the report that WOW I have been really
impressed with quite a few of you and if the house carrys on like this I will
be a very happy Sith!
Things are still some what up in the air and this not the normal time that
I will release my report but I wanted to put one in place before now and Thursday
when I will normally send them out.
The house is slowly taking form before me and I am beginning to see what we
have to work with and there is a steady stream of new members as well :)
What is even better is the steady flow of activty which has passed my desk
this is great! please keep it up it will be rewarded.
Without futher ado lets get on with the report!
Ok small comperitition just for kicks, guess what this section is about! (please
note anyone who cannot work this out is fired, get out :P) Yep that's right
it's promotion time!
Please give congrats to the following three Sith who have served the house
with skill and courage. They have protected the house well but now it is time
for them to guard it. (yeah my humour is not great so sue me :P)
Protector Diablo
Protector Eriond Kath'Razzit
Protector Mosh
All three were reccomended by their battleteam Commander and have proved themselves
personal by contacting me and with ideas for the house.
Would you like a promotion?
Feel that you could do more?
See the Jedi Trials section for more details on rising in the ranks and
of course feel free to contact me personal at any time.
Two medals were awarded this week both to people who have been owed them for
a while from what I can see.
Step forward Commander Eclipsse!
For your skill in leading in Nightshade and courage under fire I award you
the Steel Cross wear it with pride, it is well earned.
Step forward Guardian Eriond Kath'Razzit!
From the day I set foot in Caliburnus you have been submitting ideas which
will in future help Caliburnus, it is people like you who work towards the glory
of the house rather then just themselves who make houses great. I hereby award
you the War Cross please keep the ideas coming in.
Do you feel anyone is owed a medal?
Why not reccomend them to me?
Remeber to include all possible information when reccomending someone.
We gained another two members this week.
Welcome to both :-
Dark Jedi Knight Khaland
Dark Jedi Knight Halcyon
Jedi Hunter Dae
Guardian Osan`gar
sadly however Halcyon is returning to help OO with the time of change they
are going through, I wish him the best of luck with this and I hope that one
day he will return to fight with us once more.
OK my competitions first week is still in force so you have still got time to stay in find the
details here : Knock out Comperitition or you can find them in my old report if you can't use the link.
The rules of
this comp are simple it's a knockout competition but rather then a straight
flying comp we are going to do something a bit different so it's going to purely
activity based.
If you are active you can win!
Point system
Without further
ado here is the point's for all activity (this list my be added to)
Graphics: images,
banners, animation, made "by scratch"= 25
Fiction: Stories,
plotlines for missions, etc by the page = 5
Web Page design:
"From Scratch" = 40
"Weekly Update"
= 10
IWATS Courses
all Courses= 15
Custom Made
battles/Mission = 30 per mission
Each win at
a DB Multi player comperition = 5
Pilot File
Submissions: These will be 2 points per mission for non-Dark Brotherhood battles
and 4 for DB battles.
Winning comps
with another squadron = 40
New member
recruited = 15
Any other Brotherhood
related activity will be at the QUA and AED discretion.
If you get enough points each week you go through to the next week if you don't
you get knocked out.
The final prize for the competition will be to be my personal bodyguard and
wingman and something very shiny but even if you don't win if you are active
believe me you will be rewarded!
Points needed for this week : 5 (easy start)
People left : EVERYONE!!!!!! :P
New Competitions!
I would love to take credit for these but sadly I can't because there are just so many new competition ideas!
The first one was designed by Guardian Diablo and it's a graphics competition find the details here
Name : House Tattoo Competition
Start Date : 26.2.2002
Finish Date : 6.3.2002
Type : Graphical
Reward : Dark Cross to the winner
Details : Design a graphic to be used as the house tattoo, all members will be allowed to wear it about completion of training and may be used it any House uniform.
Contact : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The next one is something which will be standard from now on and it's based on recruitment and was designed by Guardian Eriond Kath'Razzit with a couple of small changes by myself find all the details here.
Name : Get them in!
Start Date : 26.2.2002
Finish Date : Ongoing
Type : Recruitment
Reward : ranging from Dark Cross to the Steel Cross and possible FL or CMDR positions
Details : The idea of this competition is to reward people for bring in people to the house for every person you bring in to the house you will be awarded a Get them in! point you can then spend this point on medals
Dark Cross : 2 points
War Cross : 5 points
Steel Cross : 10 Points
You also can get a battleteam position if you get 3 points then you can claim a Flight Leader position in the next new battleteam. If you get at least 6 points you can claim a CMDR Position.
All positions are awarded only with QUA Approval to people he believes can do the job. If you cannot do the job or are not willing to take up the duties you will not recive the position but you will get the medal.
Contact: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The next one (yes we will be having alot of comperititions in Caliburnus from now on:) ) is a writing one we will be mailing some of the traniees offering HELP I cannot stress that word enough remeber the focus is on help. We need a form letter to mail them offering this help find the details here.
Name : Trainee Help Letter
Start Date : 26.2.2002
Finish Date : 6.3.2002
Type : Writing
Reward : Dark Cross to the winner
Details : To compete write a letter from either the house as a whole or from the QUA to a new Sith trainee the focus of the letter must be on helping them with their training the only reference to the house may be including either your own id-line or my id-line with you want to do the letter from me.
Contact : [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The final comp for this week is a flying one!
Name : Flying Comperititon #1
Start Date : 26.2.2002
Finish Date : 6.3.2002
Type : Flying
Reward : Dark Cross per two wins
Details : This is going to be a weekly flying comperitition using all platforms, with the highest score taking the prize. To win the medal you must get at least two wins on any platforms, wins are kept so if you win two weeks in a row you get the medal.
They can be found in the TC battle center
Contact: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
If you have any ideas for a new compertition then please please please mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
HC Praxum
This is going to be the training center for the house, it will deal with what Single player and multi player and I have got the services of one of the top EH Mutli player pilots to run it Jedi Hunter Death, Death is a former member of Avenger squadron and is by far one of the best pilots (even if he is Krath) :P
Caliburnus Praxum
Purpose : To better train the pilots in the house.
URL : http://www26.brinkster.com/glendon1/
Team Leader : Predator
Other's Involved : Death, Janson
Details : The idea behind the Praxum is to train are Sith to higher levels currently the basic site is up and I will be adding the Single player training soon with the multi player training under the command of DJK Death.
The Training will be split into three sections for each part.
Basic : how do you compete in SP or MP and some very basic skills
Intermediate : Better scores how to start competing with others and winning.
Advanced : How to win and be one of the best.
There will be rewards at each level and each person must first complete the lower levels before moving on.
Skills Needed to help : Mission Designers, Play testers
Pre-House School
This is going to be a help and training center for members who have not yet finished training and it should give them some help with getting started on their carrers. It also might get us some new members and at the very least should help keep the APP's and NOV's happy for a while.
Pre-House School
Purpose : To Help new trainees get involved in the DB straight from the out set.
URL : None as yet
Team Leader : Predator
Other's Involved : Neko and Eriond Kath'Razzit
Details : The idea is to create a small training place which Trainees can join before they get to a house it will include the following :
General Information on the Dark Brotherhood in more real terms then the DSC ;- such as what a GJW is really about etc...
Help for them on such subjects as have I picked the right order? and how do I choose a house?
and finally some small scale comperititions to get them going before they join.
The school will be open to all but will be targeted at the Sith and joining HC is NOT a requirment at any time
Skills Needed to help : Mission Designers, Play testers, webdesigners, researchers.
Do you have any idea for a project?
Mail me and let me know!
House News
If house numbers and house activty carrys on growing we may be opening a second battleteam so please go out there and get us some new members!
See Get them in Comp.
It's my birthday on 1st of March (next friday :P) I am 20 and I want a large elephant.
Have any news you want posted in my reports?
It can be anything from serious news to jokes or even a pic of your goldfish!
Jedi Trials
This is the new promotion system for the house, I orginally designed this system for Archanis so if you think you have seen it before most likely you have :P
The Jedi trials is simple you simple take the trial which is the next rank up, complete all of the requirments and mail them all to the QUA,AED and CMDR.
Contact the QUA
Do one of the following:
Complete a history and submit it to the House summit.
Attain three points by: Competing in weekly TIE battles (one point per mission).
Win at a DB Multi player sessions (one point per match).
Complete one of the following:
Create a free mission based on the Clan/House.
Write a piece of fiction.
Recruit a new member, making sure to abide by all Brotherhood Vendetta rules.
Get six points by: Competing in weekly TIE battles (one point per mission).
Win at a DB Multi player sessions (one point per match).
Jedi Hunter
Receive a Grant of Arms from the Brotherhood Herald.
Receive a reccomendation from your Battleteam leader.
Complete three of the following:
Create a free mission based on the Clan/House.
Win two House competitions.
Design a House/Clan related website.
Organize and run a House-sanctioned competition.
Recruit a three new members, making sure to abide by all Brotherhood Vendetta rules.
Get twelve points by:
Competing in weekly TIE battles (one point per mission).
Win at a DB Multi player sessions (one point per match).
Dark Jedi Knight
Do either
Complete all of the following:
Organize and run a House-sanctioned competition.
Write a piece of fiction regarding the construction of your lightsaber.
Complete a special mission for the House summit.
Complete all of the following: Get 15 points by:
Competing in weekly TIE battles (one point per mission).
Win at a DB Multi player (one point per match). Win Sith Champion once.
Have the personal Recc. of the House leaders through above and beyond Activity.
Sith Warrior
Complete one of the following:
Do all of the following: Learn how to lead a House, either through experience or a Shadow Academy course.
Organize and run an officially sanctioned Inter-House competition.
Get sixty points by: Competing in weekly TIE battles (one point per mission).
Win at a DB Multi player sessions (one point per match).
Complete one of the following: Design a House/Clan website.
Design a TIE/XvT/XWA Battle and use it for a House competition.
Win five House competitions.
Any further advancements are awarded by the Clan leaders and will require an immense amount of dedication and activity.
Thoughts of the QUA
The house is growing stronger and we are moving forward and I am happy to say you are all moving forward with the house.
The pace of change is fast, maybe too fast so people are feeling over strechted let me know. I will try and keep to a pace that everyone can keep with.
Please read this report carefully, the template is new but based roughly on one by one of my old house mates John Doe (He just got DJK CONGRATS JOHN!) so if you are all thinking wow Pred's great at graphics then sorry no I'm not :P anything which you feel should be included please let me know.
Carry on walking the Dark Path brothers I am beside you the path is long but with friends a path never seems so long
Sith Warrior Predator/Quaestor of Caliburnus
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