Consul Report


Consul Report

  1. SBM Reaper has been chosen for as the new QUA of Oriens Obscrurum, congrats!

  2. The Prelude to Andevia competition is ending less than 1 week from now. All Arconians keep posting on the run-on at! There is much to do for each of the 3 Orders. I and PCON Khobai are both highly active is this competition and we expect you to do the same. Rewards and glory for all who participate! Do not ask what your Clan can do for, aks yourself what you can do for your Clan. :P Check out

  3. The Clan mini-competition is over! Congrats to PRT Breadian^X for winning a Dark Cross.

  4. Acrona Academy. PCON Khobai and I have decided to change the point for JH and DJK slighly. Here is the new table.

Arcona Academy Promotion Table


PRT (15 points)


GRD (40 points)


JH (75 points)


DJK (125 points + Order Assignment) (Order assigments are to be stated by the House Summits with the support of the Order leaders)

Krath, dont forget to CC Khobai on anything you do. Sith and Obelisk, please CC me so I can keep track on your activity.

  1. PCON Khobai has started up the Elite Battle Team Legue. Contact him for a place or more info.

  2. Competitions are on the way. :)

  3. Recruit! New members this week are: ACO Gijs, ACO Sontrax Longsword, ACO Vicious' wok and SW Halcyon. Give them all a Acronian Welcome!

House Reports

House Qel-Droma

Clan Arcona

Quaestor's Report

submitted by: KAP Kahn

  1. We have two new members. Welcome ACO ^Gijs^ and ACO Vicious'Wok.

  2. ^Cyberguy^ was awarded a Dark Cross. Congratulations to him.

  3. I know of only 4 or 5 event 4 submissions of Krath War, event 4. This isn't going to cut it!!! I know we all have lives outside the DB, but, come on, I expect some participation. Thanks to those who did participate.

  4. Starting now, I am going to start gathering random Star Wars stories (as well as write my own). If you have any Star Wars story that you'd like to submit, go ahead and send it to me. You will receive credit for your work and, once we get a House website, there will be a "Story of the Month" type of thing.

  5. Prepare for the phyle competition, coming up soon (no date has been specifically set).

  6. Any reports for the House newsletter are due by Tuesday from now on. (This to Tetrarch's and the Aedile)...

KAP Kahn(Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: CC2] BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNB) {SA: CORE}

Aedile's Report

   Today, I announce the new Aedile. First, let me say this: This was one extremely hard, difficult desicion to make. I must have changed my mind at least 10 times. Both the applicants are well suited for the job, but I have to choose one. So, without further ado, I present the new Aedile of House Qel-Droma *cue drum roll*......................................DJK Paladorion.  

   I have faith in his abilites, but be warned, I have my expectations also.  

Dark Orb Report

submitted by: DJK Timeros

Here is the last dark orb report [from me]. I hope that one of you will prove himself/herself and get Tetrarch. I've learned that devotion is not the same as activity. I'll get back to HGK and hope you get a more worthy Tetrarch. I personally recommend anyone that has participated in the GKW. For the last time,

DJK Timeros Caesus Entar(Krath)/TET/M:KHP/Qel-Droma of Arcona/

**Now, to introduce the new Tetrarch of the Dark Orb phyle: KAP D'hak. Thank you to those who did apply, but do not be discouraged. Your time will come.

   Since D'hak is now TET of the Dark Orb phyle, the position of Rollmaster is open. If you wish to apply for that job, please e-mail me by Saturday.  

Hells Gatekeepers phyle

Motto: The way to hell might look clear, but at the gate we'll see your fear

Tetrarch: DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar

Members: 7

  • Enahropes resigned, congrats to Kahn as new Quaestor! Aedile is open for application at the moment.

  • Our Rollmaster, D'hak, has made a phyle mailling list and sent you all an email, reply and join the list. Thanks D'hak

  • Selket has left the phyle (and the house) by joining the Sith order

  • I hope most of you did send in something but forgot to Cc it because only four submissions is not enough.

  • Cyber got a Dark Cross for his hard and consisten work, well done CG!

May you walk in Darkness,

DJK Paladorion Teranioklon Entar (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona [KSOE: KC1] BZ/DC/(BN)/(LSSS)/LoAx2

Clan Arcona's Knight Class Envoy

<prophet of qel-droma>

pin #120

JRNY/Paladorion Teranioklon Entar/Skylla/BHG -H (SCB)

ID 1602

**Now, since Paladorion is Aedile, the position of Tetrarch of the Hell's Gatekeeper's phyle is open. Please send all applications by Saturday and tell me why you think you would make a good Tetrarch.

Prophet report:

This will be my last report as prophet for now. I wrote these reports to help Kahn a bit when Enahropes was inactive but when Kahn has chosen his Aedile it wont be necessary anymore:

  • All the points of House Khobai (don't ask me what that's supposed to be. :P) were added to Qel-Dromas. This means that if some of our submissions get a high ranking and our runons do well we'll be able to get 3rd place.

  • Only 4 (Breadian's didn't count ofcourse) submissions for event 4... that disappoints me but that's life.* Tarkin has made an array of new message boards for our clan, go look and post at

  • The Arcona website, Arcona Academy and Arcona Arena are being made at the moment, expect more news soon.

  • There are various competitions for us Krathies to participate in, go and look at [This is] my last report as Prophet....

DJK Paladorion

House Oriens Obscurum


House Galeres

None received. Boooooo! :P Get one out ASAP Jacen.

Respectfully submitted,

FM-PROF/LC E. Tarkin/Scorpion 1-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF

GS/SS/BSx2/PCx9/ISMx18/MoT-2rh-2gh/IS-1BW-1GW/LoC-PSx291/DFC-SWx15/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GLDR] [Top-ACE-2nd] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-M/1/2-SM/2-XAM-XTM-XTT}

XvT Tactics Professor/WC's Own January 2002

SBM E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, SC/WR/DC-KC-O/(SNB)/(BNG)(BNAu)/CoL {SA: CORE}

Consul of Arcona


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