Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


Greetings HamerHead Squadron

 Alright guys, this is my last report as the Commander of HammerHead Squadron. I just want to say I've had a great time as your commander, and I hope to return to Tridens in the future. One thing I did notice over my time here was that the DB is WAY more active than the TIE Corps. We also seem to make more use of our mailing groups too. :-)   

anyway here's the stats.



Medals Awarded:





Proconsul Competition 1: Fly either TIE-FREE 191, OR XWA-FREE 48 by March 15th, send all the files to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

"Create a History and/or Bio" Contest

Prelude to Andevia Run-on

House of Tridens free mission Comp: XWA-FREE #48

Activity reports:

I didn't get any weekly reports from anyone, so I can only judge your activity by the e-mail that are sent out. MD is really the only one who seems to have done some activity.

Jondaar Domi:

Couldn't find any activity from the e-mails over the week.

No Activity Report.

0 points

Kal Shadowbane:

Couldn't find any activity from the e-mails over the week

No Activity Report

0 points

Kenath Zoron:

Couldn't find any activity from the e-mails over the week

No Activity Report

0 points


Couldn't find any activity from the e-mails over the week

No Activity Report

0 points

Murkrow Defender:

Frequent E-mail contact, flew XWA-DB #1, XWA-FREE #38, XWA-FREE #48

No Activity Report

8 points


Kal Shadowbane: You can quallify for a promotion to GRD if you fly 5 DB Battles

Okay thats it. I'm being transfered to the Rogue Jedi on Sunday. I hope to return!!!

 From the Shadows...  


([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - "DD"

CMDR/CM Dave Darklighter/Mu 3-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus


GRD Dave Darklighter (Sith)/CMDR/Tridens of Tarentum, DC-KC {SA: CORE}

Battle Team Roster: 6 Members

Name Email Rank

Sith Commander Dave Darklighter [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Sith Flight Member TBA

Sith Flight Member Jondaar Domi [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Battlemaster

Sith Flight Member Kal Shadowbane [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Protector

Sith Flight Leader Murkrow Defender [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Sith Flight Member TBA

Sith Flight Member TBA

Sith Flight Member TBA

Sith Flight Leader TBA

Sith Flight Member Kenath Zoron [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Guardian

Sith Flight Member Harconan [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Dark Side Adept

Sith Flight Member TBA


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