Tarentum Proconsul Report 6
-- The new Tarentum and house message boards appear to be popular. There are some excellent run-ons occurring. Since the boards went up a few weks ago there have been more than 160 posts. However, many Tarentum members have not registered. Clan members, if you haven't visited the boards, please do asap! They're fast and easy to use:
-- Proconsul comp 1. The deadline is March 15, get flying! This comp is open to all houses! Krath and Obelisk, here's your chance to show the Sith how you can fly too! This is a TIE and XWA single-player comp, using a scoring method that equalizes the differing platforms. Fly TIE-FREE 191, The Untouchable, OR XWA-FREE 48, Raid on Xyrinth Shipyards. Send all files to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Six pilot files have been submitted so far and I would like to see a bunch more come in during the final week.
-- XWA-DB Battle 1. I flew it this week. This is a good XWA battle, with lots of action and many, many craft. There's a bug in the first mission (the fool driving the VSD you've protected from destruction must have passed out on the bridge because he never completes his mission, therfore making the mission impossible to finish), but no doubt this will be fixed soon. Download page:
News from around the Brotherhood:
-- Krath Scholar of the Month Feb 2002 3-5-2002
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 6:22:58 AM
The Scholar of the Month for February 2002 is KAP Bubbles of Ektrosis. See the Krath webpage (http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath/) for more details!
-- New Jedi Knight 2 trailer
Posted by DJP Astatine - 6:02:26 AM
A second trailer for Jedi Knight 2 has been released and this one is pretty good. Twice the length of the one on the Lucasarts site, it gives a very nice indication of the scale of the levels we can expect, the gameplay and what multiplayer will look like. The good thing is it doesn't seem to play like a Quake 3 mod. You can get it at http://files.ausgamers.com/?agn=details&id=1621. The trailer is 14.6megs and a zipped AVI file, using the Divx codec.
-- Monthly Topic Results
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 4:34:04 AM
Monthly Topic:
1: DJK Etras Aglen / Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
Default winner as no more entries were received. Etras has been awarded a BZ for the story as I felt it was pretty darned good. It'll be available on the archives sometime next week (whenever I get around to finally finishing them up for the most part).
Monthly Poem:
1: KAP Raistline Majere / Ektrosis of Taldryan
2: DJK Cymbre Kall / Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
3: KAP Troutrooper / Aleema of Satal Keto
4: KAP Saitou / Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
Well done to the four who submitted - hope to see more entries in future. ;) A BZ has been recommended for KAP Raistline Majere for a really superlative piece of work, and a DC has been recc'ed for DJK Cymbre Kall.
Don't forget the new topics are already out! :)
-- Prelude to Andevia extended by one week 3-4-2002
Posted by DJP Astatine - 8:35:54 AM
Prelude to Andevia's closing date has been extended by one week, to 14th March 2002. The competition really needs entries in the fiction, design and other category sections. Most of the fiction events have been updated so you can now work in teams on them if you so wish. Also, some rules have been updated, so be sure to check the competition's site for details on this. Tip on fiction stuff - one of your main goals with your fiction is to give some sort of explanation for what's happened on Andevia. So, for example, when doing an alien species entry, it'd be a good idea to include some sort of characteristic that would result in the events so far.
The competition website is http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/.
-- Dark Voice 25 Released 3-2-2002
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 11:43:42 AM
Dark Voice 25 is now up at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/darkvoice25/. Enjoy! :)
-- Monthly Poem!
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 2:46:38 AM
As promised, here's the topic and details for this month's poem.
The topic is "Love of the Dark" - what kind of emotions do the Dark Side arouse in you?
The genre is Lyric Poetry. If you're unsure of any of the details or rules on submission, then please visit http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/focus/.
Submissions are due in to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST on 31st March.
-- Clan Activity Weekly, #1 -- A report from the Emissary 3-1-2002
Posted by GM Jac Cotelin - 3:07:37 PM
Greetings everyone,
I'd like to welcome you to the first edition of my weekly announcements. I know you are all more than excited to read things from me each week, and I'm more than excited to write them.
I would like to start by clearing up some issues that have had a lot of rumours passed around about. First, the Assebly of Consuls has officially been disbanded. There are a lot of reasons for this, the main one being that the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master felt it would be best if the Consuls focussed solely on their clans from now on. They will still be talking to eachother through the yahoogroup, but in no official manner.
Second, there have been some large changes to the position of Emissary. EMS will now be the Dark Council member whose sole responsibility is to oversee clan activity. Being the first Emissary, I will be working with the Consuls to squize every bit of activity out of the Clans that we can. I feel this position is long overdue, and hopefully will be a great asset to the Brotherhood.
Due to my move to Emissary I have had to step down as Consul of Taldryan. That was a very hard move for me, and I thank everyone for all of their kind words.
The Consuls and ProConsuls have begun to give me some information that I will need to properly do my job. We are working on getting my name added to all Clan and House mailing lists as well as getting me an active presence on Clan message boards and IRC channels. The CONs/PCONs have also supplied me with some accomplishments and some goals that I will help them with/oversee.
I can't finish these announcement without a strong word of recognition. Dark Adept Maverick has been serving as the Emissary of the Assembly of Consuls for a great deal of time now, and in my humble opinion has done a very good job. It is hard being the leader of a group but trying to maintain equality amonst yourself and the others. I think Maverick did a good job doing what EMS was originally intended for -- ann organizer and communicator and nothing more. I will be requsting a suitable award for maverick's time in this position! Thanks, Mav, for all your hard work.
That's all for today, more to come soon!
His Eminence, Lord Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin
Grand Master Emeritus, Emissary
Fleet Admiral, Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
-- GKW Marking and Other Schtuff
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 1:04:08 PM
As you all know, the GKW marking was delayed whilst I worked on my dissertation. As this is now for the most part finished, I'm hoping to have GKW marking done by Tuesday at the latest. If I don't get it done by then, then please be patient a little while longer. It will be done by next weekend at the very latest.
Results for the Monthly Poem and Monthly Topic for February will also be out shortly. A new Monthly Topic is now out, and a new Monthly Poem will follow shortly.
I would like to apologise for all the delays recently. I know it's frustrating for you, but it has been pretty well unavoidable on my part. Things are getting done slowly, but it's taking longer than usual, so I hope you can bear with me just a little while longer. :)
-- Krath Monthly Topic: March 2002
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 12:59:40 PM
Yep, it's time for the new monthly topic! As usual, this is open to members of all Orders. A SC is available for 1st place, BZ for 2nd, and DC for 3rd, PROVIDING we receive more than 10 entries.
The topic for this month is "Redemption"
Please write at least a page of 12 point text, and send your submission in a .doc, .txt or .rtf file to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] & [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST 31st March.
Arion will be judging this competition, and I'll be overseeing, so please make sure you send your submissions to BOTH of us!
-- The Big Script Competition
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 12:52:41 PM
Do you fancy your chances at being a movie script-writer? Well, now's your chance! This competition is to write a script of about 10 pages in length (minimum) to 30 pages in length (maximum).
The title is "Descent into Darkness", and your script should have a Dark Jedi theme.
You will have from now until the 1st April at 11.59pm EST to work on this; you can work in groups if you want to! Sith and Obelisk are welcome to join in as well as Krath - the more the merrier!
Send your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Please also zip the files so we don't get stuck downloading massive documents through 56k modems! Also, if you work in a team, please make sure you include the ID lines of all involved so we can award nice medals to the winners.
We're hoping that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed entries of the competition can be made into motion pictures/animations, but this is dependent on us acquiring enough "Graphical Geniuses" to do the job (see earlier news post!)
-- Graphical Geniuses Required
Posted by DA Mairin Astoris - 12:49:43 PM
Just a quick note to ask people with Video experience, animation, 3-D animation, and Flash experience to contact both myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and KAP Kelvis Xavier ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) to help out on a neato Krath Project!
-- Feel The Force Results
Posted by OWL Sharad Hett - 6:58:10 AM
Well the comp is finally over and I was pleased with the activity it brought about, so don't let the ending of this comp stop the activity. Results are as follows:
1st SC - OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)/Kirleta of Satal Keto with 919 points
2nd WR - DJK Darkov (Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum with 865 points
3rd DC - OW Shadow (Obelisk)/M:OHC-QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan with 777 points
1st Obelisk House of the Brotherhood - Dinaari of Taldryan
2nd Obelisk House of the Brotherhood - Kirleta of Satal Keto
3rd Obelisk House of the Brotherhood - Cestus of Tarentum
Congrats to these individuals and houses and thanks to all who participated.
OWL Sharad Hett/OHC-CoG
-- House Tridens AED Torres reports: February Free Mission Results have been announced with GRD Dave Darklighter earning a Dark Cross for winning the XWA Free Mission and GRD Dark Viper earning 2 Dark Crosses for winning both the TIE and XvT Free Missions. Congrats to both and to everyone who earned a 2nd and 3rd placing!!!
The XvT mission for Spectre of the Past has been announced:
If anyone wishes me to repost the email announcing this comp, let me know. Oh unfortunately Arania fell ill which meant this comp was delayed. The deadlines will be extended.
-- Spectre of the Past Central!
-- The XvT mission for Spectre of the Past has been announced:
If anyone wishes me to repost the email announcing this comp, let me know. Oh unfortunately Arania fell ill which meant this comp was delayed. The deadlines will be extended.
-- The JK levels needed for phase 1 MP are:
http://www.massassi.net/levels/files/1512.shtml (Egypt)
http://www.massassi.net/levels/files/1512.shtml (Dry Heat from this
level pack)
You will not need both levels, but both are possible. If your comp is
not equipped with a good graphics card, stick with Dry Heat, otherwise
it'll look funny.
You can either play each other, assuming the other is your enemy, or
play against anyone else whoowns the samelevels. A special mail will
out to Dinaari and Kirleta as soon as I have less pains and can think
straight,asking them to provide the enemy for you.
-- Background:
Out of nowhere, Tarentum's ships get attacked while on a recon mission
far from their base. The attackers are supposedly a pirate group,
however, there was no Force signature the Sith could detect prior or
during the attack. Something powerful blocks out the Force imprints of
the attackers.
A few days later, the Tarentum Phyles, guarded by a group of Obelisk,
are attacked during an archaelogical expedition on a world not far from
the Gladius base. The attackers seemed to be after the transport they
came with. Not caring who they kill in the process. As with the
attackers on the ships, their Force signatures are supressed. Every
killed attacker carries a small golden amulet forming the head of a
dragon artefacts that supress the Force imprints.
Since the connection is obvious, a search is conducted...
The base of the attackers is the jungle world Krio'Sav was trapped on.
The aggressors are not simple pirates. All of them Force sensitive,
partly former DB members who have been missing for a while, they form a
small effective army for the Sith Lord, who uses their bodies (without
actually killing them, since he needs them) to have more influence.
It is suspected that Krio'Sav has taken to control several higher
ranking DB members and returned them to their positions within the DB.
Seemingly he wants to return to the Gladius base at all costs, needing
someone to get information from there to free himself from the temple he
is trapped in - what probably means he does not yet have anyone within
Gladius. Or has he...?
Phase 1
Pilots: Defend the Tarentum recon group from the attack. SP XWA/XvT
Saber fighters: Defend the Phyles on their mission. SP only if there are
more than 5 JK players, otherwise there is a MP level on massassi.net
that works for this. I'll find other Clans to provide the enemy for it.
Writers: Different tasks, distributed evenly. In short, it will be
either the attack on the fleet, one of the Phyles, or the discovery that
someone has accessed the deeper levels of Gladius, possibly to retrieve
information. Everyone eneds to report to me to get a detailed personal
topic description. Writers are encouraged to form teams to crosswrite,
aka, write the same situation from different perspectives.
Phase 2:
Pilots: Destroy the small fleet Krio'Sav has gathered to attack the
asteroid base. Opponents for this will most likely come from Archanis -
1v1 or real MP, depending on when people have time.
Saber fighters: Conquer the jungle world and hunt down the last of the
Jedi that were under Krio'Sav influence. MP level for this needs to be
found still.
Writers: Form teams (2-5 people) and do a run-on like cooperative
writing. Crosswritings between teams are allowed. Since this part works
much like an email RPG, when in doubt, ask me if something is possible.
Judging for this competition is based on character developement and
story quality for the writings, the game events are judged normally.
Everyone can do everything. If there is a strong desire for poems, I can
add a section about the writings found in the deeper levels of the base.
Starting date: 20th of February. 1st Phase is 2 weeks, 2nd Phase is 3-4
weeks, depending on the start of the GJW (not planning to conflict with
May the creeping mists of our castle envelop you,
SBM Proton (Sith)/PCON/Clan Tarentum
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