Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings Brothers of Autoritas,

I'm Khan and I've been just appointed as your new Quaestor. For those who already know lemme say HEY GUYS !, for those who don't.. lemme introduce myself a bit. I Joined the DB back in August 99 as a Sith pilot and assigne to House Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae. Graduated from the SA in november ( it tooks me a while to get trought it cause my english was far worsth then now ahahah ) and appointed as Aedile of House Caliburnus in dicember. Then after 2 months as AED and one as acting QUA, appointed as QUA of the House. I served in such position for about 6 months when I resigned for some RL reasons while reaching the rank of SBM. I've been appointed QUA again in september 2000 for about another 6-7 months when I moved to Alvaak. After a couple of weeks I've been appointed as PCON of the Clan till my resignation before been HCIed. Been later expelled and allowed to join back in House Ronin with the rank of PRT ( hence my anctual low rank ). I served in House Ronin for about 2 months till my appointment as QUA of this house.

What I've done in the TC doesn't really matter choughCA:FCchough =P

Now that I've done with the presentations, we can go on with the report..

DB News:

1) Go and check the DB page and the Message Board for the most updated info from the DB



2) The Prelude to Andevia has been exntended for some more days, go and partecipate if you don't want to piss the DGM and XO off =P http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/

3) A new trailer for JK2 has been released, go check it cause it's too cool heh http://files.ausgamers.com/?agn=details&id=1621

Clan News:

1) We are working on some stuff so stay tunned, you may know something interesting one of those days =P

2) There's a Run On we are running in 3, GO and POST something guys !!

House News:

1) I joined the House and I'm the new QUA " Bows before me my minions " =P

2) Mell also joined the House so welcome him.

3) I'm trying to arrange a ladder competition with House Driman Sol of Schola Palatinae to have a ladder house vs house and I need warriors willing to give their lives for the glory of Alvaak !

4) The new AED has been chose but I won't announce him here cause I'm waiting the final approval.


1) I'll say it now and I hope I don't have to repeat it in the future, Your lightsaber's color MUST be purple ! It has been a simbol for our Clan since the beginning of his history and it must continue on the path our ancestors chosed. I'd love too to use another color but Alvaak is Alvaak and a little sacrifice is acceptable to stay here.

2) Be active. I'll give you each month enough to do to keep you busy. Be active means be alive, that's a fun club and you chose to join the Order of the Obelisk to play JK, so I take you have fun playing it.. if you don't play it or you don't have fun anymore playing it you'd better change order.

3) RECRUIT !!! That's a must. We need good players so hangs around the zone, or whatever doesn't break our regulation, to bring here skilled players WILL be rewarded.

4) Each week there are plenty of training nights on irc hosted by some clans, if you want to get some shiny medals that's the best place to go.

Activity record:

I'll do it each week and after a couple of weeks I find you inactive, I think I'll try a nice feature I've noticed when I log on the DB site.. DEMOTION RECOMMENDATION.. beware..

Battle Master Maximus:

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Warrior Ace

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Warrior Jacob Van Nowak

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Heard by mail and IRC.

Warrior Mell

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Heard by mail and on IRC.

Protector Dirius

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Acolyte Bryan

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Meet on IRC a couple of time.


House Roster: Members

Rank Name Email

Battlemaster Maximus [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Ace [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Jacob Van Nowak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Warrior Mell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Protector Dirius [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Acolyte Bryan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


DJK Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]




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