<head><title>Dragon Guard Report #7</title></head>
Dragon Guard Report #7, March 8th 2002
Well, GKW is over, but Event 1 submissions have yet to be graded. Those will be done Saturday, so hopefully that will make us still the lead Krath House.
Great Krath War Event 4 points have been added. veiw them at www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/sol/.
A PRELUDE TO ANDEVIA RUN-ON IS GOING ON! http://pub9.ezboard.com/fprelude7612frm1 is the link, there will be rewards, post ASAP!
Death is hosting a second Master-Student Competition! If you have a master/student and you want to join, let Death know or sign up on the messageboard.
We have a banner! Which you all know... feel free to edit it, and maybe even come up with some Motto for our Phyle too.
If anyone would like the position of XO(Excecutive Officer), please email me and let me know!
If anyone has any graphics that I could use on the DG site, email me, please!
I want to see more people on IRC(www.mirc.com) in the Channels #CSP and #HAD .
New Members
No new people this week:(
<font size="7"> -> Competitions <-
Prelude To Andevia Run-On is going on now, post ASAP! http://pub9.ezboard.com/fprelude7612frm1.
Krath Monthly Topic. The Topic for this month is "Redemption". More info at the House Competition page.
A Monthly Poem Focus is open too, details at www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/focus/default.asp
Prelude to Andevia has started! More info at both competition sites.
House and up Competitions are listed here, and Phyle Competitions are here.
Have a Dragon Guard Competition Idea? Let me know:)
Tyro of the Week
Tyro for this week is GRD Loor!!!
<font size="7"> -> Dengar's IRC Art <-
Hey, anyone have art that they want to show can email it to me and I will put it in here:) (Note: I can't figure out how to make this work in HTML, so it will be absent from the report on the database.)
\ \/
A lovely cocktail... Anyone thirsty?(my original) "The thirst is taking over..." - Skillet .
Remember to check out the DG site at http://www.geocities.com/dengarmarch/ (Though it hasn't been updated in forever... sorry about that.)
<font size="7" color="red" face="chiller"> Dengar March <font size="5">
GRD Dengar March (Krath)/TET/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae {SA: CORE-CORE}
[Student of Saitou]
WC/LC Dengar March/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
BS/PCx2/ISM/IS-1SR/LoC-ISx12/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx2/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-ICQ-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-TT}
[Modified TIE Interceptor "Legacy"]
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