Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>

Not much to report. But I'm forced to send one of these out anyway. :P

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • CrimsonAngel Retires

  • Diamond vs. Sapphire

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>N..E..W..S</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - CrimsonAngel Retires

As you all know our great Aedile has retired. He will be greatly missed, not only as a leader but as a friend.

As for the next Aedile, your guess is as good as mine. Who knows, it might be you. :P

#002 - Diamond vs. Sapphire

Our main objective. Our only objective. We have a week left, half way through, and so far I haven't seen any participation from Diamond. Now I realize you might be like me and have some missions finished and are trying to get better scores, at least I hope so.

If not, Get Flying!

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>STANDING ORDERS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Diamond vs. Sapphire

#002 - Bob's Monthly Melee

#003 - CrimsonAngel's Monthly Flying Contest

#004 - Prelude to Anderia

#005 - Information and other various tasks can be found on the squadron website.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#CD0000"> <tr> <td>CURRENT ROSTER</td> </tr> </table>


Drank some beers.

FM/JH Lelio/Diamond 1-2

No Activity.

FM/SW Den Darkhill/Diamond 1-3

IRC Activity.

FM/GRD DujHoD/Diamond 1-4

IRC Activity.

Named as Sith Inceptor to CNS's Black Guard.

FL/JH Sancho/Diamond 2-1

IRC Activity.

FM/Open Position/Diamond 2-2

FM/SW Malik/Diamond 2-3

IRC Activity.

Email Activity.

FM/Open Position/Diamond 2-4

FL/JH Nakata/Diamond 3-1

No Activity.

FM/GRD Myrrkal Mysticsith/Diamond 3-2

No Activity.

FM/Open Position/Diamond 3-3

FM/PRT Marcus Caine/Diamond 3-4

IRC Activity.

_NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P

Also, if you don't tell me about it I can't report it._

That is all!

SW Bob(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow


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