News from the Office of the Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow #7
Battlelord Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
20th February 2002
Another week another report from the Proconsul. This was an exceptionally hard week for me in real life, my exams loom ever closer and my coursework (project work/essays which count towards to exam grade) have to be in sometime this coming it was all hell trying to get them all finished this week for a final draft to be done. Anyhow, now my free-time should be getting better, i've got tomorrow completely free so things should get done a little quicker, fortunately my Easter holiday is also longer than usually due to various political reasons so i get an extra week of free-time.
On a slightly unrelated note I will be getting a LOT more school time to work on EH work soon as I'm ordering a new laptop tomorrow which will rival my current desk-top in performance, hell its possible i'll use it more than this. Due to this i'm likely actually to end up on IRC during lunchtimes, when i've got a free period or just whenever I get the chance to do so. So i should be able to do more EH work at school on my comp than just in my head! Yay :P
Black Guard - Complete
For all intensive purposes the Black Guard is now complete, other than the day to day running which will be done by the Primus, myself, it is now open for business. Due to this theres now a new section further down my report devoted for the Black Guard.
Master/Student Program
Sadly this hasn't been enacted upon quite as early as I had hoped, whereas last week it was the Quaestor's delay in emailing me this time its my own real life which has caused problems. With some hope I will finalise some details tomorrow sometime and send out the main proposal to the Clan tomorrow afternoon, it'll then be activated...though it'll be given something like a month's trial so that any bugs can be ironed out.
Activity Points Scheme/Academy
The points have moved up from my tertiary aim to my secondary aim now that the Black Guard is completed, so this should be getting some more attention from myself. I've had some feedback from the Quaestors and should begin work sometime this week.
Office of the Primus
As Primus of the Black Guard welcome to my first report. I'm currently working with Khobai, and to an extent Arania, with organising some EBL (Elite Battleteam) competitions for the Black Guard. These should start sometime between the Sith War and the Great Jedi War so look forward to these, remember if you want to get a chance to participate and to earn the great rewards which come with EBL membership you need to get into the Black Guard, so start challenging!
Below are the finalised ranks, as a side note, Primus is an administrative job, kinda like how the CoG in the DB isn't always the best warrior but rather the guy that runs it, the same applies here, so worry, I don't consider myself the best, I'm merely the guy that does the promos, roster work and such....
Primus: The One. There may only be one Primus, even the mighty Precentors cower in the wake of him. The Primus is the champion of the Clan, a fierce and furious warrior who stops at nothing to achieve his goals, only the most dedicated and successful member of the Clan can ever hope to achieve the prestigious honour of holding this rank. This rank is held only by the Commander of the Black Guard or ex-Commanders, most commonly held by a patrician (PCON or AED). The Primus commands the entire Black Guard Cohort and is responsible for promoting members, appointing new members and replacing inactive ones.
Precentor: This rank is only given to the most experienced members of the Clan. Rarely given to anybody under the rank of Warrior or Priest, Precentors are the elite of the elite, they are able to defeat any and all opposition, only the best Demi-Precentors manage to attain the honour of this prestigious rank.
Demi-Precentor: Demi-Precentor is a title only earned by the most noble of Clansmen. It is awarded only to the most active, dedicated and skilled members of a Clan.
Adeptus: A Precentor is an experienced Inceptor who has performed consistently well in competitions and who has himself when representing the Clan in competition with another Clan.
Inceptor: All new members receive the rank of Inceptor, although each one performs different duties based on his or her order.
The following is a list of how the Black Guard will operate...
Appointment: To become a member of the Black Guard one must prove him/herself in the eyes of the Primus. This is done in a variety of ways, betterment than a Black Guard member in any approved House, Clan or Brotherhood competition is immediate reasoning for consideration into replacing the existing Black Guard members. One may also win in an official sponsored Black Guard appointment competition, however these will be rare and only when the Black Guard is seen as being in a poor state. One may also challenge an existing member of their Order whom they feel they are better than by emailing the Primus. In rare circumstances people may be appointed upon recommendation from their Battleteam Commander or their House Summit. Appointment is based solely on skill.
Removal: The Primus reserves the right to remove any and all members whom he/she views as not meeting the standards of Black Guard membership. If one doesn't compete in competitions regularly or win competitions then they will be immediately be reconsidered for their membership in the Black Guard. Failure to participate in Elite Battleteam v Elite Battleteam competitions without prior notification is grounds for immediate removal.
Promotions: All promotions within the Black Guard are approved by the Primus. Promotions within the Guard are considerably harder to attain that promotions within the Brotherhood. Promotions are based solely on skill and victory over House members in competitions or fellow Black Guard members will result in consideration for promotion.
Identification: Upon time of writing the Black Guard is regarded as a non-official entity so display of membership is prohibited in the main Brotherhood ID line. One may however display it underneath their main ID line similarly to how is shown at the bottom of this email, the exact method of display is up to the Guardsman.
Stature: Guardsmen are honorary members of the Clan. The hold no official leadership over the regular members of the Clan, and so it is not acceptable for them to consider themselves to hold power over non-Guardsmen. They may however consider themselves higher in skill and as of such friendly gamesmanship is permitted. Membership in the Guard in no way removes a member from his or her other positions in the Brotherhood.
Just to make this section make a bit more sense I'm demonstrating how this area will eventually grow out into more sections once I get the Master/Student and Dark Forge Academy sorted. The High Master will be the head of the Master/Student Program, again it'll end up being head by a patrician though I'll run it for now until the Houses are in a better shape and AEDs can concentrate on other areas than their House.
And this area will end up being for main Academy news...though the ultimate aim is that all three are wrapped into the Academy, so I may end up altering things at a later date.
Well that will be all for this week, once more I congratulate those who have joined the Black Guard. Look forward to seeing the Master/Student Program be activated in the very soon future.
= Admiral Zorrixor, Command Attache to the Logistics Officer =
CA:LO/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign
MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC
SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/PCON/Naga Sadow
Commander of the Black Guard, Primus of Naga Sadow
Consul's Eyes
[Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]
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