News from the Office of the Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow #7 - Addendum
Battlelord Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
Today I declare the Master-Student Program of Clan Naga Sadow Open.
I will begin recruiting Masters and assigning them Students as of now.
If you wish to become a Master then email myself at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] when you choose that you wish to help out the Clan and help the newever members become active. I strongly encourage ALL members who are ranked DJK and above to help contribute to your Clan.
I don't intend to appoint any Magisters just yet, though if you want to give it a shot apply anyway and i'll keep you in mind. It depends really on whos out there and wants to help out their House.
Clans don't get active without a team effort and choosing to help out one of the newer members of the Clan is a good show of respect and a sign of wanting to give back something to the Clan which has helped you get where you are today. I specifically request that HMR and HPG members help out for they are the Houses which need the most work and this program is designed to help their newever members.
On that note I will make exceptions for now if we need to make Masters Jedi Hunters, but if you feel like helping just apply regardless of your rank and I will assess whether or not I feel you'll be able to do the job.
The Master/Student Program
The Masters of the Clan are those more educated and refined Dark Jedi. The members who are skilled in their duties, willing to contribute to the Clan and wish to pass down their knowledge to the next generation, these are the academic elites of the Clan who are the tutors to the next era. The Students are the apprentice members, those who are not yet skilled in the Dark Arts and who wish to learn quickly in order to raise to the full status of Dark Knight, these are the new order of people who may one day be Masters of their own Students.
High Master Xanos Goatham Zorrixor
Sith Ludus
Magister TBA
Master TBA
Student TBA
Master TBA
Student TBA
Krath Ludus
Magister TBA
Master TBA
Student TBA
Master TBA
Student TBA
Obelisk Ludus
Magister TBA
Master TBA
Student TBA
Master TBA
Student TBA
(There will be more than 2 Masters/Students per House, this is just as an example of how the Roster is like)
Position Structure
High Master: The High Master is the head of the Master-Student program in the Clan. He oversees the workings of the program ensuring that all Masters are assigned a Student and that all Masters are doing their jobs. If any Students have problems with their Masters then the High Master is the person whom they should talk to, likewise if the Master has a problem. The High Master is most commonly a patrician (AED or PCON) and typically a Krath member of the Brotherhood. Though the job is not overly difficult it has great responsibility and the works of the Master-Student Program throughout the Clan rely on the High Master.
Magister: Magister is a position held by a Master of a House. Magisters are not required however are designed in order to lighten the work of the High Master, for the Master-Student Program is designed as a House program rather than a Clan so running a full Clan is not an easy task. Magisters are expected to continue their work as a Master and also to assign new Students to the Masters in their House. They work closely with the High Master to ensure their House's program continues to work effectively.
Master: The Masters are the skilled members of the Clan who have completed their training in the Dark Side and are ready to pass down their knowledge to the younger members of the Clan. The job of a Master is not normally given to anybody below the rank of Dark Jedi Knight except in extremely rare cases. Masters are expected to be highly dedicated to their House and to show a willingness to tutor the younger generation of members. Masters are not intended to be skillful in their area, for example they need not be the best pilot in a Sith house, however they are expected to be active and email their Student at least once a week. The Masters usually only take on one Student unless there is a shortage of Masters.
Student: Students are the new members of the Clan who are yet to have earned their lightsaber. Students are ranked Jedi Hunter and below and may be taken on by a Master to be trained up to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight. Students represent the new blood of the Brotherhood, those who will form the next generation of leaders for the Houses and Clans. These are the people who make up the backbone of the club and whom we cannot afford to lose, it is the Masters aim to ensure Students know what is happening, when to participate and to encourage them to contribute.
The aim of the Master-Student Program is to encourage the younger members of the Clan to contribute and to help them achieve the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, a primary aim for most new members. The Masters are expected to teach Students how to use IRC, where to find competition details, keep the Students up to date on competitions, encourage them to participate, encourage them to get on IRC, teach them how to sign up to the egroups etcetera. The job of a Master is not overly difficult however it is designed to teach the newer members the things they don't get taught anywhere else, though they may seem like common knowledge these are the things which the Students usually have trouble with. It is for this reason that the Master-Student Program was first created. The sole aim is to get newer members more active and not to loose as many to the void of the Rogues via AWOLs as is usually the case. It has been seen in active Battleteams that more direct tutorage than Quaestor to member is effective and builds small active pockets of communities, the Master-Student Program takes this one step further to a one-to-one tutorage.
Appointment: To become a Master one must email the High Master and apply for the job. There are no specific requirements other than that you must be active and typically be ranked higher than DJK or hold a Summit job (Battleteam Leader/Flight Leader or above). Masters will be monitored by the High Master but their job is solely up to them, unless they are causing too many people to go AWOL they will be expected to stay active understanding that if they do go inactive they will hurt their Student, and this moral responsibility is their problem.
In order to become a Student one must join the Clan. All members ranked below DJK are conveyed as Students, though they do have the right to deny being assigned to a Master if they choose to do so.
Removal: The High Master may remove any and all Masters whom he conveys as being a danger to new Students. It is also permitted for Quaestors to recommend removal or rapid assignment of Masters and/or Students if they notice anything important or any dangers..
Identification: Masters and Students are not permitted any formal identification of their duty in their ID line. Though they may have an unofficial line under their medals the aim of the Master-Student Program is not for personal benefit. The aim is to heighten the activity of the Clan, so Masters should consider their duty and the work they do to better the Clan reward enough.
Awards: Though there are no formal awards for being a Master the feeling of having done something to make a new member a happy and active Jedi of the Clan should be reward enough. However, highly successful Masters will of course be awarded medals or promotions if their job is done to a high degree, in the same way any other work would be awarded.
= Admiral Zorrixor, Command Attache to the Logistics Officer =
CA:LO/AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor/CA-11/SSSD Sovereign
MoI-BC/MoT-2rh-6gh/LoC-PSx33/DFC/MoC-1SoC 1GoC
SBL Xanos Goatham Zorrixor (Sith)/PCON/Naga Sadow
Commander of the Black Guard, Primus of Naga Sadow
Consul's Eyes
[Officer-4th] [XA-A] [AoT-001]
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