SW Halcyon has been appointed as AED of Oriens Obscurum. Congrats!
OW Ryell Zoith has been appointed as AED of Galeres. Congrats!
Welcome ACO Leara of Qel-Droma. Give her an Acronian Welcome!
The DB wide Vendetta has been pushed back to the summer. Time enough for some House and Clan comps! Stay tuned for more info.
The Prelude to Andevia competition has been extended a week. All participate! All Arconians keep posting on the run-on at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/mb.php?action=view&forum_id=15&topic_id=36&page=1&sort=ASC! There is much to do for each of the 3 Orders. I and PCON Khobai are both highly active is this competition and we expect you to do the same. Rewards and glory for all who participate! Do not ask what your Clan can do for, aks yourself what you can do for your Clan. :P Check out http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/.
New Clan Website up at http://arcona.port5.com/. Check it out. Special thanks to Cyberguy and Jam3z for making a great website. :)
Not much this week. I was told the Vendetta event planned for late March is being moved to the summer. This means we have a good block of time for the Elite Battleteams League. Also, Tarkin and I have discussed starting up a clan competition; although, at the moment, it's still in the planning stages. Stay tuned for more details.
A lot of Krath have been asking how many points they have, so here's the chart. Sith and Obelisk can find out how many points they have from Tarkin.
Rank Name Points
JH Korbane Ashoka 76
JH Talon Jade 78
PRT ^CyberGuy^ 26
PRT Breadian^X 19
PRT JaM3z "X-Ray" Lucius Entar 17
PRT Karan Dus 16
PRT Keldi Saa'kaan 17
PRT Leara 17
PRT Vicious'wok 15
PRT Viru 15
ACO ^Gijs^ 0
ACO Amity Aphenix 1
ACO Strategos 5
15: Promotion to PRT
40: Promotion to GRD
75: Promotion to JH
125: Promotion to DJK
Any Krath ranked JH or below, remember to send all submissions to me so you get your promotion points. So far I'm please with how the point system is working out, but people need to send me more submissions :P
That's about it. Keep an eye out for the clan report later this week.
PCON Khobai
KAP Khobai (Krath)/PCON/Arcona
Oriens Obscurum
House Oriens Obscurum of Arcona Weekly Report
First off I would like to thank you all for your congratulations on my appointment to QUA. Here is the first report from my nice new comfy office/quarters. We even get running hot water up here :P Just a quick report to let you know what is going on. For the moment I will be keeping the format from SBM Lusankya's report as I kinda like it :)
DB News:
==> Prelude to Andevia Extended by One Week
Prelude to Andevia's closing date has been extended by one week, to 14th March 2002. The competition really needs entries in the fiction, design and other category sections. Most of the fiction events have been updated so you can now work in teams on them if you so wish. Also, some rules have been updated, so be sure to check the competition's site for details on this. Tip on fiction stuff - one of your main goals with your fiction is to give some sort of explanation for what's happened on Andevia. So, for example, when doing an alien species entry, it'd be a good idea to include some sort of characteristic that would result in the events so far.
The competition website is http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude
==> Dark Voice 25 Released
Dark Voice 25 is now up at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.rg/krath/darkvoice25/Enjoy
! :)
==> Monthly Poem
As promised, here's the topic and details for this month's poem.
The topic is "Love of the Dark" - what kind of emotions do the Dark Side arouse in you?
The genre is Lyric Poetry. If you're unsure of any of the details or rules on submission, then please visit http://www.darkjedibrotherhood/krath/focus
Submissions are due in to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by 11.59pm EST on 31st March.
==> Clan Activity Weekly #1 - A report from the Emissary
Greetings everyone,
I'd like to welcome you to the first edition of my weekly announcements. I know you are all more than excited to read things from me each week, and I'm more than excited to write them.
I would like to start by clearing up some issues that have had a lot of rumours passed around about. First, the Assebly of Consuls has officially been disbanded. There are a lot of reasons for this, the main one being that the Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master felt it would be best if the Consuls focussed solely on their clans from now on. They will still be talking to eachother through the yahoogroup, but in no official manner.
Second, there have been some large changes to the position of Emissary. EMS will now be the Dark Council member whose sole responsibility is to oversee clan activity. Being the first Emissary, I will be working with the Consuls to squize every bit of activity out of the Clans that we can. I feel this position is long overdue, and hopefully will be a great asset to the Brotherhood.
Due to my move to Emissary I have had to step down as Consul of Taldryan. That was a very hard move for me, and I thank everyone for all of their kind words.
The Consuls and ProConsuls have begun to give me some information that I will need to properly do my job. We are working on getting my name added to all Clan and House mailing lists as well as getting me an active presence on Clan message boards and IRC channels. The CONs/PCONs have also supplied me with some accomplishments and some goals that I will help them with/oversee.
I can't finish these announcement without a strong word of recognition. Dark Adept Maverick has been serving as the Emissary of the Assembly of Consuls for a great deal of time now, and in my humble opinion has done a very good job. It is hard being the leader of a group but trying to maintain equality amonst yourself and the others. I think Maverick did a good job doing what EMS was originally intended for -- ann organizer and communicator and nothing more. I will be requsting a suitable award for maverick's time in this position! Thanks, Mav, for all your hard work.
That's all for today, more to come soon!
His Eminence, Lord Jac Ae-Sequera Cotelin
Grand Master Emeritus, Emissary
Fleet Admiral, Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet
==> GKW Marking and Other Stuff
As you all know, the GKW marking was delayed whilst I worked on my dissertation. As this is now for the most part finished, I'm hoping to have GKW marking done by Tuesday at the latest. If I don't get it done by then, then please be patient a little while longer. It will be done by next weekend at the very latest.
Results for the Monthly Poem and Monthly Topic for February will also be out shortly. A new Monthly Topic is now out, and a new Monthly Poem will follow shortly.
I would like to apologise for all the delays recently. I know it's frustrating for you, but it has been pretty well unavoidable on my part. Things are getting done slowly, but it's taking longer than usual, so I hope you can bear with me just a little while longer. :)
==> Krath Monthly Topic: March 2002
Yep, it's time for the new monthly topic! As usual, this is open to members of all Orders. A SC is available for 1st place, BZ for 2nd, and DC for 3rd, PROVIDING we receive more than 10 entries.
The topic for this month is "Redemption"
Please write at least a page of 12 point text, and send your submission in a .doc, .txt or .rtf file to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] & [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST 31st March.
Arion will be judging this competition, and I'll be overseeing, so please make sure you send your submissions to BOTH of us!
==> The Big Script Competition
Do you fancy your chances at being a movie script-writer? Well, now's your chance! This competition is to write a script of about 10 pages in length (minimum) to 30 pages in length (maximum).
The title is "Descent into Darkness", and your script should have a Dark Jedi theme.
You will have from now until the 1st April at 11.59pm EST to work on this; you can work in groups if you want to! Sith and Obelisk are welcome to join in as well as Krath - the more the merrier!
Send your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Please also zip the files so we don't get stuck downloading massive documents through 56k modems! Also, if you work in a team, please make sure you include the ID lines of all involved so we can award nice medals to the winners.
We're hoping that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed entries of the competition can be made into motion pictures/animations, but this is dependent on us acquiring enough "Graphical Geniuses" to do the job (see earlier news post!)
==> Graphical Geniuses Required
Hi all!
Just a quick note to ask people with Video experience, animation, 3-D animation, and Flash experience to contact both myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and KAP Kelvis Xavier ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) to help out on a neato Krath Project!
==> Feel the Force Results
Well the comp is finally over and I was pleased with the activity it brought about, so don't let the ending of this comp stop the activity. Results are as follows:
1st SC - OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)/Kirleta of Satal Keto with 919 points
2nd WR - DJK Darkov (Obelisk)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum with 865 points
3rd DC - OW Shadow (Obelisk)/M:OHC-QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan with 777 points
1st Obelisk House of the Brotherhood - Dinaari of Taldryan
2nd Obelisk House of the Brotherhood - Kirleta of Satal Keto
3rd Obelisk House of the Brotherhood - Cestus of Tarentum
Congrats to these individuals and houses and thanks to all who participated.
OWL Sharad Hett/OHC-CoG (mucho other garbage)
"If everyone was intelligent who would we
make fun of?"
==> New DB XWA Battle
Greetings Everyone,
Just a quick announcement to all, I'd like to congratulate JH Gidda of Galthain/CSK on being the first member of the DB to award a Medal of Tactics IN the DB. He hasn't gotten it yet, because the big bad database doesn't want to let me AWARD the medal.
Anyways, Gidda is awarded this for creating DB-XWA #1 which can be downloaded here: http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/battle.asp?record=725
Good work Gidda!
SHW Keirdagh Cantor,
Flight Member of Tau Squadron
Clan News:
==> SBM Reaper has been chosen for as the new QUA of Oriens Obscrurum, congrats!
==> The Prelude to Andevia competition is ending less than 1 week from now. All Arconians keep posting on the run-on at http://www.ehnet.org/mb/mb.php?action=view&forum_id=15&topic_id=36&page=1&sort=ASC! There is much to do for each of the 3 Orders. I and PCON Khobai are both highly active is this competition and we expect you to do the same. Rewards and glory for all who participate! Do not ask what your Clan can do for, aks yourself what you can do for your Clan. :P Check out http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/.
==> The Clan mini-competition is over! Congrats to PRT Breadian^X for winning a Dark Cross.
==> Acrona Academy. PCON Khobai and I have decided to change the point for JH and DJK slighly. Here is the new table.
Arcona Academy Promotion Table
PRT (15 points)
GRD (40 points)
JH (75 points)
DJK (125 points + Order Assignment) (Order assigments are to be stated by the House Summits with the support of the Order leaders)
Krath, dont forget to CC Khobai on anything you do. Sith and Obelisk, please CC me so I can keep track on your activity.
==> PCON Khobai has started up the Elite Battle Team Legue. Contact him for a place or more info.
==> Competitions are on the way. :)
==> Recruit! New members this week are: ACO Gijs, ACO Sontrax Longsword, ACO Vicious' wok and SW Halcyon. Give them all a Acronian Welcome!
House News:
==> GRD Selket has changed orders to the Krath and therefore had to leave House OO
==> Halc has rejoined the house again!!!! Welcome back man, it is great to have you here again :-)
==> Congrats to Halc for being appointed to the position of OO AED :)))
==> We also have a new OO website, here is the communication to the House from AED Halcyon
I have just finished off the new Oriens Obscurum page: http://house_oo.tripod.com/oo.htm If ANYBODY has any comments, suggestions or see's any errors, please e-mail me. I only have very limited knowledge of HTML, so if you have any code snippets which you think may help the page out, please feel free to send them over.
Also, I need graphics. OO banners would be great. Also, some simple background graphics for the various colours (red, black and light grey).
I'm looking for something very simple for backgrounds, but enough that it stands out. If you have ny graphics or can make some which you believe can help the page out, please send them over. I'll try to get you some sort of shiny :) Thanks.
SW Halcyon(Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona
Ummmm thats bout it for the moment, that I am aware of. Hopefully will be able to bring you all the up to the minute news next week :)
House Roster
Rank Name Email
Battlemaster Enahropes Teriad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Battlemaster Reaper [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Warrior Halcyon [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Ayudanter Clars III [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Caltin Doros [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Dark Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Jedi Hunter Cyric [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Jedi Hunter X [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Forceflow [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Hotshot [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Kell [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Selket Isis Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Guardian Wes Combat [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Azrael [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Karrad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Kayjahal [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Khameir Sarin [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Kronos Omega [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Nikana [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Patrick Blastfire [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Protector Tarkinan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Akhil Thantos [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Acolyte Kiriska [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Population: 23
Battle Teams:
==Pandragon Report==
JH X Reporting for Battle Team Pandragon:
This has been a week of big Roster Changes!
1) News:
We have a new member! Let's give a nice welcome to Karrad Entar, Enharopes' brother! He will take place in 1-4, near to him. Consequently Tarkinan has been assigned to 2-4.
X was re-appointed CMDR of Pandragon.
Kyle Katarn initially accepted to come back in Pandragon, but changed his mind and chose a FL position in Sentinel.
Halcyon come back in Pandragon, and re-took his place as FL of Flight 3.
Reaper has been appointed as new QUA of our House! Congratulations to him =)!
2) Activity:
3) Promotions/Medals:
4) Recommendations:
None for now.
I'll not issue new Comps for a while, until Prelude to Andevia is running: those of you who want show activity can partecipate to this Comp, write a fiction, doing graphics and such the like.
5) Roster:
Flight 1:
1 JH X [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1266
2 ACO Kayjahal [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1301
3 SBM Enahropes Tariad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #23
4 PRT Karrad Entar [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1263
Flight 2:
1 SBM Reaper [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #36 (Currently removed, we're are working on that ;))
2 PRT Kell [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1044
3 ACO Akhil Thantos [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1047
4 PRT Tarkinan [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #1318
Flight 3:
1 SW Halcyon [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #43
2 GRD Forceflow [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #578
3 GRD Wes Combat [Log in to view e-mail addresses] #42
6) Final considerations:
End of Report.
Respecfully submitted,
Commander "X" of Pandragon Squadron
Ace of Oriens Obscurum
Rollmaster of Clan Arcona
PRT X (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona, SC
DB PIN #1266
In Darkness.......
WC/COL Reaper/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
SS/BSx6/PCx6/ISMx6/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/IS-4BW-3SW/LoCx3/MoC-2BoC-1GoC/CoS/CoB/CoLx2/OV-2E [GLDR],
A-9-"The Grim Reaper"
SBM Reaper (Sith)/QUA/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona,
Flight Leader, FL 2, Pandragon Squadron
VPT/RA Reaper/PLT Revenge/CD
ICQ#: 17504067
House Qel-Droma
Clan Arcona
Quaestor's Report
KAP Kahn
Just a quick reminder to Tetrarch's and the Aedile, don't forget to send reports by Wednesday (as you did, just don't forget)
I'm happy to announce that the House competition is entering it's final planning stages and will soon be shipped off to the DGM for approval.
Congratulations to Breadian^X for receiving a Dark Cross.
Along with the House competition, I am almost done with the House website. It isn't going to be anything really grand, but it will serve its purpose. As mentioned, there will be a "Story of the Month" section. Right now, I'm probably going to put up one of the Krath War pieces I received. I've got enough of those to last a couple of months and by then the House competition will be over. However, any other stories are welcome (or poems).
Don't forget to use the House message board.
Endure Fort
KAP Kahn(Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: CC2] BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNB) {SA: CORE}
Aedile's Report
KP Paladorion
This is my first report, sorry if its a bit long, please mail me (as well if I forgot anything). From now on I will be posting all the competitions you can participate in, so read it and write some good stuff!
Emperors Hammer wide:
-The prelude to Andevia, made by our own DGM Astatine! Participate and make him happy. Its a big competition so I wont be posting all the links, what you have to do is read the rules and story lines and browse on the website to see what parts you like.
Project Hawkeye:
Several months ago the Internet Office announced plans for the first ever Internet Office Competition, entitled Project Hawkeye. Not much info was released, and with good reason. Today, we finally present to you the public site for Project Hawkeye. Linked to it is the URL for the Qualification Test for entering the second phase of the competition. What is the second (and main) stage? It's a series of missions designed to be completed on the Internet, run by the Hawkeye Admin Team. We well accept 20-25 people from those that take the Qualification Test to participate. If you're not accepted, you'll be prepared for the next episode of this competition, coming this summer, Project Hawkeye II! Don't forget to read the FAQs on the Hawkeye site!
Project Hawkeye main site URL: http://www.ehnet.org/~hawkeye/
Project Hawkeye Qualification Test URL: http://www.ehnet.org/~hawkeye/test/
Dark Brotherhood (DC sponsored) competitions:
-The Monthly Poem: The topic is "Love of the Dark" - what kind of emotions do the Dark Side arouse in you?
-The Monthly Topic: The topic is Redemption. A SC is available for 1st place, BZ for 2nd, and DC for 3rd, PROVIDING we receive more than 10 entries.
Please write at least a page of 12 point text, and send your submission in a .doc, .txt or .rtf file to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] & [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST 31st March.
-Arion will be judging this competition, and I'll be overseeing, so please make sure you send your submissions to BOTH of them!
-The Big Script competition: This competition is to write a script of about 10 pages in length (minimum) to 30 pages in length (maximum).
The title is "Descent into Darkness", and your script should have a Dark Jedi theme.
You will have from now until the 1st April at 11.59pm EST to work on this; you can work in groups if you want to! Send your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Please also zip the files so we don't get stuck downloading massive documents through 56k modems! Also, if you work in a team, please make sure you include the ID lines of all involved so we can award nice medals to the winners.
-We're hoping that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed entries of the competition can be made into motion pictures/animations, but this is dependent on us acquiring enough "Graphical Geniuses" to do the job.
KP Paladorion Teranioklon Entar(Krath)/AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona {KSOE: KCE 1], BZ/DC/(BN)/(LSSS)/LoAx2
Clan Arcona's Knight Class Envoy
<prophet of qel-droma>
pin #120
JRNY/Paladorion Teranioklon Entar/Skylla/BHG -H (SCB)
ID 1602
Dark Orb Report
KAP D'hak
Glad to be home. Plenty of news this week, and I'm feeling a bit jovial, so be prepared for a long report ;)
and I have many great memories of this Phyle. I've been in it for as
long as I've been a Tyro, which has been most of the past two years.
surprises there... so I thought I'd write up my first Phyle report for a
long time, and hope that I don't send it to Tuojas by accident ;)
a new Tetrarch. I'd like to thank Timeros for what he has done for this
Phyle; your willingness to succeed and devotion to duty is a good
example to this House. Being a big enough man to walk away when you feel
you must is yet another plus - I know how difficult it is to make those
decisions, and it is this willingness to sacrifice at the right time
that is a testament to the loyalties in this Clan.
long, in fact, and I have felt restless for a while. In a bizarre twist
of fate, the Krath High Priestess Mairin Astoris has released the new
monthly story topic: Redemption. A very fitting topic for the month of
my return, and I think I'll ask her how she thought of it when I send in
my submission. Submissions are to be one page in length, in a 12 point
font, and in .doc, .txt or .rtf file format, and they are to be
submitted to Mairin and her Praetor. The latter will be grading, and
Mairin will be overseeing his marking, so be sure to email them both. I
ask that you CC me on your submission as well, and I'll pass it along to
Khobai and Kahn for you :) So, the email addresses you need to worry
about are: [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and
[Log in to view e-mail addresses] and remember your ID lines.
"Descent into Darkness", and the winning entries will become motion
pictures. Maybe not box office level films, but Flash animations at the
least. Scripts should be from 10 to 40 pages, 12 point, .doc, .txt or
.rtf and zipped up, as documents of that size are quite bulky on the
modems. You can work with others on this, if you'd like; be sure to
include everyone's ID lines if you do.
the Dark Side of the Force arouse in you? Since this was written by a
woman - Mairin - and since I've had a few drinks, I'm getting some very
interesting ideas for the poem already. However, in the interest of
protecting my... assets from harm, I think I'll stick to the topic :P
Love of the Dark, a lyrical poem...
www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/focus is the site for the info on how
to write lyrical poetry. Be sure to send your submissions in 12 point,
.doc/.txt/.rtf to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and me
([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) so I can get a good read ;)
have it ready by the weekend. I hope to be using cjb.net as the host -
they've been great so far with my roleplaying site, and it keeps the URL
nice and simple :)
working with you all once again.
Your Eternal Servant once more,
KAP D'hak (Krath)/Qel-Droma of Arcona, SC/BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O-C\
Hell's Gatekeeper's Report
JH Korbane Ashoka
JH Korbane Ashoka reporting in for Hells Gatekeepers of Clan Arcona.
Before I begin I want to reiterrate to the Dark Breathen of the Phyle that
my door is always open, and to all members of the DB in general. If you
have any problems DB related or no your are welcome to come to me for
assistance. I also love to read your fiction so if you want help or
suggestions I am here. Enough of that on with the report
I know that I have completed every Krath Course at the Shadow Academy as
of now, HAVE YOU!
No awards or promotions that I know of this week
Movie Script, 10 pages in length (minimum) to 30 pages in length (maximum).
The title is "Descent into Darkness", and your script should have a Dark
Jedi theme. Until the 1st April at 11.59pm EST to work on this; you can
work in groups if you want to
Send your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
in .doc, .txt or .rtf format. Please also zip the files so we don't get
stuck downloading massive documents through 56k modems!
--Prelude to Andevia competition is up until March 7, I believe. Squad
members are encouraged to participate. If you submit an entry, be sure to
cc Kaan to receive an IC bonus, I bet you can get PL points as well.
Details of the comp can be found here:
--You can see that there is plenty of things to do and I am just itching to
recommend some medals and promotions.
**Upcoming Events*
Non at this time I really want to see all of you participate in the Prelude
to Andevia Compitetion
**Current Roster**
JH Korbane Ashoka
AP Kelvis Xavier
DJK Timeros Caesus Entar
PRT Cyberguy
PRT JaM3z X-Ray Lucius Entar
PRT Breadian^X
PRT Viciouswok
JH Korbane Ashoka (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona
Respectfully submitted,
KAP Kahn(Krath)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona, [KSOE: CC2] BZ-BQ/DC-KC-O/(SN)/(BNB) {SA: CORE}
-AWOL Check! Apparently, I have to give you guys a
month. But those of you that haven't responded so far
have irritated me, since 3 weeks is plenty long enough
in my book. So, come on...look alive you lazy bums.
-OW Ryell Zoith is the new Quaestor!
-Still looking for a Battle Team Sergeant. Apply now!
-Elite Battle Team League. There are 2 Obelisk spots
open, but no one has impressed me thus far to make me
want to put you on it. So, do something...
-New competition will be out most likely next week.
-Trev is officially supreme overlord of the Dark
Brotherhood! </sarcastic joke>
-PRELUDE TO ANDEVIA! There's still a bit of time left
on this one.
-Play JK! Do something...
-Multi-event house competition in the works.
Opportunities to win awards up to and including a
Steel Cross.
OW Jacen Aylen (Obelisk)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona,
Respectfully submitted,
FM-PROF/LC E. Tarkin/Scorpion 1-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard/ASF
GS/SS/BSx2/PCx9/ISMx19/MoT-2rh-2gh/IS-1BW-1GW/LoC-PSx292/DFC-SWx15/CoS/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV-2E [GLDR] [Top-ACE-2nd] [XA-TA] {IWATS-CBX-M/1/2-SM/2-XAM-XTM-XTT}
XvT Tactics Professor/WC's Own January 2002
SBM E. Tarkin (Sith)/CON/Clan Arcona, SC/WR/DC-KC-O/(SNB)/(BNG)(BNAu)/CoL {SA: CORE}
Consul of Arcona</prophet></bow>
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