Greetings all,
Another quiet week and not a great deal to report, a few good things have come to my attention this week.
Firstly the competition Spectre of the past is postponed until April, the reason for this being there were some problems with the competition and it is postponed until this is resolved.
On the same point I would like to know what you guys would rather have for phase 1 of the competition either a single player or multiplayer missions.
The original Idea was for us to do battle with members of other houses for the competition as you are all aware in Cestus this was virtually impossible during the FTF and Andevia competitions as they always came up with some excuse not to play us.
What I personally suggest is that phase 1 be a Single Player mission and then we move onto a ladder situation within the clan but the matches with others will be pre determined.
In other words I or someone of higher authority will tell you who your opponent is and then you will arrange a time with your opponent.
Also for the ladder I was thinking about a team based event but there will be a ruling on this you must team up with a non Obelisk member who wants to participate in the JK events.
Anyway without input from you guys I cannot action this so let me know what you think.
My second point is activity, since the Feel the Force and Andevia ladders I am starting to hear less from you guys this is dissapointing as we are one of the most active Obelisk houses out there. So even if its a mail to say you are still alive let me know whats going on.
But on that note there is plenty for us to do and I will be tasking you all soon with some jobs to do for the house, you will be notified when I require you to complete your task.
I have also received some mails from my colleagues at House Tridens informing me of some excellent work on the posting on the runon for Andevia by GRD Blackhero, this sort of activity is what I would like to see more of the more our houses within the clan work together the stronger we will become. So congratulations to GRD Blackhero for helping to build bridges between our houses.
The house website is still on hold as my new ISP has still not come up with the software I need to sign up so I will have to put it onto Brinkster as a temporary measure this will probably be done this weekend, I will send another mail when this happens so you guys can go and evaluate the site and tell me what you think and what you would like added.
In one of my previous reports I sent a mail out stating that there were two positions in House Cestus that were vacant, the positions being Rollmaster and Battle Team Sergeant.
I have only received one application for each position and assume that no one else would like to fill the posts.
With this in mind I would like to congratulate GRD Gelton Torr for becoming the new Battle Team Sergeant of the Dark Hand.
The Battle Team is now yours GRD Gelton Torr you have the following options available to you:
Change the Battle Team name
Change there motto
Host the team website
What I expect from you are the following:
A detailed report each week every Thursday listing members activity etc.
mails should be sent to myself and DJK Darkov.
Competitions for team members
Training in team events
And as always the excellent activity you have already shown
The position of Rolemaster is still vacant so send your applications to myself and DJK Darkov stating why you think you should be considered for the post and what skills you have that could assist you as rollmaster.
OBM Samael
OW Gryffon
OW Ziguarath
DJK Darkov
GRD Blackhero
GRD Gelton Torr
ACO PhilIce
Noteworthy elevations this week
GRD Gelton Torr - new Battle Team Sergeant
Reccomendations for medals
GRD Blackhero was reccomended for a DC for his submissions for the Tridens run on for Prelude to Andevia.
Your QUA is also working on a new idea for lower ranked members to be able to work for there promotion once leaving the Shadow Academy I will be submitting this to the DB hierarchy this week hopefully this will go ahead as I can see this helping guys get promoted outside of the house thing.
okay thats it from me for this week on a personal note to Gel apologies for not being able to check the English on that doc but I have been quite busy this week and was unable to do it.
OW Ziguarath(Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum SC/DC/(BN) {SA:CORE}
"Gwell Angau Na Chwylidd"
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