Tarentum Proconsul Report 7
-- Proconsul Competition No. 1 results
Not nearly as much participation as I had hoped or desired, but it was a good exercise for those who participated, and it allowed me to conduct a live test of the XWA/TIE scoring system (averaging scores to the current high score of the respective missions). Congratulations to our medal winners, and thanks to all who flew. For the next procon comp, I hope to dream up something to attract Krath and Obelisk involvement as well as the Sith.
Percent of high score:
1) GRD Dave Darklighter - War Cross
2) GRD Blackhero - Dark Cross
3) GRD Vortoq - Dark Cross
hs 17,501
GRD Vortoq - 11,439 (65.36%)
JH John Clark - 5,279 (30.16%)
SW Wil Striker - 767 (4.38%)
SW Torres - 691 (3.94%)
hs 66,026
GRD Dave Darklighter - 64,405 (97.54%)
GRD Blackhero - 62,557 (94.74%)
SBM Proton - 49,281 (74.63%)
GRD Rekio Corsiar - 2,970 (4.49%)
:: Kumba glances at the still alive Monkey named Mojo, and taps a spot in the air to bring up a terminal prompt::
% ps x
1 ? S 0:06 init [3]
2 ? S 0:00 universe [1]
3 ? S 0:00 space-time
485 ? S 0:00 syslogd -m 0
15739 tty4 SW 3:45 /home/mikepilot1/mojo --annoy
% kill -9 15739
% ps x
1 ? S 0:06 init [3]
2 ? S 0:00 universe [1]
3 ? S 0:00 space-time
485 ? S 0:00 syslogd -m 0
15739 tty4 SW 3:45 /home/mikepilot1/mojo --annoy
% rm -f /home/mikepilot1/mojo
% rm -Rf /home/mikepilot1/mojo_src
% exit
:: Kumba watches the monkey named Mojo suddenly disappear into thin air, as if it never existed at all, never to return again ::
All Gone! :P
--DJP Kumba
-- From Archpriest Kodiak Tonaloc: Listen up, Wizards. Here is the news that you have been waiting for. The Mystics/Wizards comp is on now. It's a writing competition. The title of it will be, 'The Annoying Tyro'. The story should be about how TET Telona Murrage deals with a tryo. The story needs to be at least a page long, and .txt or .doc format. This event will be judged by Telona, so when mailing your entries, it goes to her, but CC me a copy as well. The story can be serious, or it can be funny. Your choice. The due date for this is......March 25.
On the reversal, the Mystics will be writing a story of me dealing with the same topic.
And, to make sure you are corrcet when you write about Telona, you can find her history bio at the following web address:
Some additions to her persona are: quiet, quick to anger, prefer to be alone, sometimes a bit eccentric, thoughtful, and an appreciation for nature. She is loyal to a fault and she harbors a lust for blood.
-- Sith course studies, Tridens continuing to lead the way in participating in planning for these.
-- Jedi Trials. Great discussion under way in the clan on how to implement this excellent idea.
-- Announcements, Knight Commander of the Brotherhood 3-17-2002
Posted by KPN Trevarus Caerick
I've got a competition planned to start in two weeks, based on historical fiction. Yes, its going to be writing, but all Orders may participate. Just gotta get the DGM's approval at this point.
The Dark Hall redesign that I was asked to undertake is also completed. This is the second in a series of DSC updates and revisions that are planned out.
After speaking with Mairin, and the Grand Master about the Great Krath War, I have prepared a series of critques about the Run-On phase, as it seems to have been the most controversial among a few members. This states clearly my reasons for the score given. If you have complaints on these, please speak with me directly. They are posted in the order that they were read, my final score appears in parentheses. Place was selected after all stories were read twice.
In case you haven't guessed, I score on these 5 criteria
Plot 50%
Mechanics 25%
Member Issues 25%
Aleema (5th)- I wasn't at all pleased with the plot of this story. It seemed very jumbled, or cut and pasted together. Like 6 different stories written by 6 different people, then hammered together. I did like the fact that some of the sections, particularly those by Elya and Arion, fit with earlier submissions. Considering some of the members that are in this House, I was extremely suprised by this submission, for it really failed to grab my attention. I didn't get the sense that the members were engaged in the creation of this event.
Ektrosis (4th) - The overall plot flow, from beginning to end seemed to work rather well. It was, however, hard to become engaged in the story with the frequent character jumps. I'd recommend that the individual members become more confident in posting for each other. It would really make the chronology easier to follow. I found the chapter headings refreshingly amusing. It was however, rather annoying, to see the amount of personal characterization that took place. You ought to focus more on teamwork, rather than boosting the power of your individual characters. A run-on isn't built on the guy who can make his own character the dominant force in the writing.
Gladius (2nd)- I was interested in the story from the beginning. Plot dynamics were a bit choppy, but it did not detract from the overall flow. Each member seemed extremely concerned about advancing the story, and not just in the glorification of their personas. You weren't afraid to play others parts. I was particularly pleased with the posts of Protector Plainsdrifter. You should be pleased House Gladius.
Acclivis Draco (1st)- Excellent work. If the tables had been removed, I would have had no way of know where the breaks in posts had been. Each member very smoothly picked up where the other left off. This made the story extremely easy to follow, especially with an excellent plot foundation. Characterizations were well integrated into the story, particularly between Saitou, Cymber and Dengar towards the beginning. You are obviously at ease with each other, and this makes for one hell of a run-on. Your rising action, the climax, and the ultimate resolution all flowed very smoothly, with just enough suspense to keep me interested. The last few lines, don't even need to be there :P
Marka Ragnos (3rd)- Nothing has changed has it? I swear I am gonna get the Grand Master to lock you all in eternal AA/NA meetings. I enjoyed the energy of this work. Character transitions and chronology was a bit choppy, but given the style, it didn't detract too much. You obviously had a great deal of enjoyment in writing this run-on. In the future, I would be extremely mindful of avoiding circles. You seemed to make constant turns in the same direction and certian points in the plot, such as in the scene with Figaro working his whirlwind talents. You really should have moved on sooner. There are other points in the story where this really impedes the overall feel of the piece, and again, makes it very hard to follow. Overall, I had fun reading it, particularly because you obviously felt at complete ease with each other, and that is what a good run-on is all about....teamwork.
Qel-Droma (6th)- I cannot say this enough. You need to build a plot. Planning is crucial in any story, and this felt very ad-libbed to me. It read like a history book, with no characterzations, and forced dialogue. I really was left wanting to know "So what"? Preparation is everything, and this just didn't cut it. You can't expect to build a workable plot in the amount of material that you presented. Please be more mindful of this in your future cooperative stories.
If you would like additional information about any phase of the GKW that I was involved in the judgement of, please contact me.
Overall, I was extremely pleased. Participation in this competition was very high, and the general quality was good.
I'm please to see that many members are taking advantage of the Dark Voice archives that I use. If you ask for a specific Dark Voice, I will send it to you if I have it.
Finally, if you wish to create DV trivia, and earn an LSS at a meeting, please mail me 10 questions for review, at least one day before the meeting you wish them to be used at. If I am at the meeting, which I usually am, that trivia will be used. Submission does not garuntee usage, especially if the questions are of insufficient quality. If they are not used one week, they will be used the next, in order of receipt.
That's all for this week.
In Darkness,
KPN Trevarus Caerick
Knight Commander of the Brotherhood
-- SHW Report: 3-15-2002 Posted by SWL Keirdagh Cantor
Greetings everybody,
It's that time of week again, and I'm here to send a report... I guess... I was away for the majority of the week, so I can't comment on too much except the activity I've been seeing from upper echelons of the Sith Order. Good work QUAs and AEDs.
1) The Sith War Centre Mailing list has finally started to take off with some discussion between the various House leaders in the DB. I'm hoping this communication will lead to a new level of competition between the Houses, as well as revitalizing the Sith Order, and getting a lot of new ideas flowing.
2) The Sith Order Custom Fighter Design page is soon going to be visible to everyone. I finished it last weekend, and got approval from Firefox to run with it, so now that I have time, I'll be putting it online for everyone to see.
3) Sith Wars Websites will soon be under construction. Remember the hot money is on 2v2 practice for these things ;)
4) The SSD Avenger is steady this week to 79, the ISD Subjugator is up 2 members to 38, while Tau Squadron gained 1 more to a full compliment of 12. This number the Brotherhood Fleet at 129 pilots.
Sith High Warrior Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor
Colonel and Flight Member of Tau Squadron, The Grand Master's Escort
-- Krath Announcements 15/3/02 Posted by DA Mairin Astoris
Again, there's quite a lot of stuff this week!
1: The Great Krath War has ended! I'd like to offer my congratulations to the top three Houses: Ektrosis, Aleema and Acclivis Draco. Just a quick note, I'm not planning on running any major competitions for the next few months, which should give all Houses time to run their own competitions. I look forwards to seeing what you guys come up with. ;)
2: As some of you may know by now, my Praetor and Quaestor of House Aleema, KPN Arion Sunrider, stepped down earlier this week due to issues in real life. He will be sorely missed within the Order, and we wish him every success in the future. In the meantime, my new Praetor is KE Cuchulain of Scholae Palatinae.
3: Monthly Topics continue! Obviously with Arion's resignation, please just send your entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. The Story Topic this month is Redemption. You need to write about a page minimum of 12 point font, and submit to me in .doc, .rtf or .txt format. The Poem Topic is "Love of the Dark", and your entry should be written as lyric poetry; submit in .doc, .rtf, .txt or even email body format - if you're unsure of how to write lyric poetry, then go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/krath/focus/. ;) Don't forget that these are due in by 11.59pm EST on 31st March.
4: The Big Script Competition continues. You just need to write a movie script of about 5 pages long and send it in to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 11.59pm EST on 1st April. We're hoping to get the winning scripts made into actual videos/motion pictures by the end of the year. You can work in teams on these, and remember, the movies will probably only be about 10-15 minutes long at the most! Also, just as a reminder, all graphics geniuses who want to get involved in making the movies should contact both myself and KAP Kelvis Xavier at the above email addresses.
5: Following some complaints about the way marking was conducted in the Krath War, I and the Krath Summits have been looking into the way that this marking is done. We look to have a fairly finalised proposal now done, which I will be sending on to GM Firefox and DGM Astatine for approval this weekend.
Tarentum Web site:
Tarentum and house message boards:
IRC channel: #tarentum
May the creeping mists of our castle envelop you,
SBM Proton (Sith)/PCON/Clan Tarentum
Proconsul's page:
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